CH 117.2

Name:6 Cats Rush to Raise Me Author:
Time passed slowly, and the outside world returned to calm. After Kang Lai Yin fell asleep, no other evolutionary species experienced a sudden drop in vitality, and everyone’s worries gradually subsided.

Li Hongming, Bai Se, Mao Dan, Huang Qianqian, Jin Baojin, Yao Fan and others often came to visit the patient, and Kang Lai Yin lived up to Kang Xing Luo’s hope. Although he did not wake up, the situation had not deteriorated.

He held on strong.

Kang Xing Luo had hope in his heart, this hope infected everyone, infected all the cats, such that everyone’s attitude was no longer pessimistic, and the atmosphere gradually became better. Surrounding Kang Lai Yin’s bed, Kang Da Hei called him a “sleeping beauty cat.”

Prince Kang said with a smile: “What a beauty ghost, it’s almost like a ‘sleeping fierce cat’.”

Kang Miao said: “It’s really fierce.”

Kang Xing Luo said: “Xiao Shizi will be angry if he can hear you.”

Kang Xiao Hua said: “He doesn’t dare.”

He really didn’t dare, in front of Xiao Hua, no living thing would dare to get angry.

Kang Yingjun hugged Xiao Hua and laughed.

But the cats laughed for a while, then the atmosphere cooled down unconsciously.

Prince Kang, who had always been carefree, poked Kang Lai Yin’s face, and said sadly: “It’s almost enough, isn’t it enough after sleeping for so long?”

The other cats fell silent.

Kang Xue showed indifference and said: “Kang Lai Yin, wake up quickly, as long as you wake up, I can agree to you and Xing Luo being together.”

Everyone was there, but Kang Xue’s words did not surprise any cats. Even the ignorant Prince Kang saw Xing Luo’s devotion to Chang Maozi during this half-year wait. He once saw Xing Luo secretly kissing Chang Maozi slowly, if he didn’t understand till then, he still had to understand.

Kang Xing Luo didn’t hide it in front of the cats after Xiao Shizi fell ill, and now that he was exposed, he wasn’t surprised, just smiled and let them talk.

After Kang Yingjun listened, he also agreed: “Yes, as long as you wake up, I also agree. No one will fight with you. The time of Xing Luo at night belongs to you.”

Kang Xiao Hua added: “But during the day, the time has to be divided equally between the six cats, and the previously divided territory cannot be changed, and you can’t be special just because you became Xing Luo’s boyfriend.”

Kang Miao nodded continuously: “Yes, yes.”

These words had been settled in the hearts of the cats for a long time, and they had already made up their minds. They all knew that Xing Luo and Kang Lai Yin would announce their relationship sooner or later.

Unexpectedly, Kang Lai Yin suddenly fell into a deep sleep, and now that they said these words again, the cats were not at all happy, but they were heavily out of breath.

No matter how much they hated Kang Lai Yin, when a crisis struck, they still stood together.

Because they were a family.

“Wake up quickly.”

“I won’t brag about my Jiojio anymore.”

“Xing Luo will give you half an hour more.”

“I won’t snatch rice balls from you.”

“I promise, as long as you don’t make a big mistake, I won’t fight you again.”

The five cats made the greatest concessions one after another, and they all lowered their heads sadly as they spoke.

When they were in pain, a hoarse and deep voice suddenly sounded: “I can hear it.”

The air turned quiet, and the five cats opened their eyes wide in shock.    

They saw the long-haired cat who had been lying on the hospital bed for half a year with one eye open, as he said weakly, “Whoever backs out from their words, he is a dog.”

Out came Prince Kang’s cry.

“Ah!!!! Kang Lai Yin woke up!!!”

The whole hospital became agitated, the crowd surged in the corridor, and the sound of running could be heard everywhere. Some of the cats in the ward cheered, some were shocked, and some pounced on him.

Kang Xing Luo sat in front of the hospital bed in a trance, until Kang Lai Yin’s trembling arms touched his face, and then he grabbed Kang Lai Yin’s hand as if he had just woken up from a dream.

“Xiao Shizi……?”

There was endless expectation, endless joy, and endless uncertainty in that voice.

Kang Lai Yin only heard one sentence, and his heart ached. He endured it, and said hoarsely: “Well, I’m here.”

Kang Xing Luo didn’t speak, and tears fell like rain in an instant.

Before Kang Lai Yin had time to hug Kang Xing Luo into his arms, a large number of doctors and experts flooded into the ward and surrounded him.

Kang Lai Yin could only look at Kang Xing Luo from afar, and stare at the man who kept calling him in his sleep.

He was back.

For this person, he finally came back.

The doctors and experts exclaimed in shock: “It’s unbelievable, he really woke up.” “Half a year…” “Mr. Kang, how do you feel now?” “I suggest an examination right away.”

Kang Xing Luo felt like he was dreaming, until the doctor urged to push Xiao Shizi into the consultation room, and then he regained consciousness and held Kang Lai Yin’s hand.

Kang Lai Yin held him tightly and smiled slightly.

Kang Lai Yin said: “Don’t worry.”

Kang Xing Luo said anxiously: “Don’t let go.”

Kang Xing Luo refused to let go, and the doctors could only take them away together.

Therefore, Kang Xing Luo accompanied him throughout the subsequent examination, so that he could ask about Xiao Shizi’s physical condition as soon as possible.

Only halfway through the examination, the expressions of the doctors and experts began to change dramatically. Their eyes widened, and they had only one reaction to the value of the examination: stunned.

“This, how is this possible? This is the first time I have seen a measurement result of this level.”

“It is the first case in the world…”

Kang Xing Luo stared at Xiao Shizi without leaving for a second. After a big change, he immediately asked anxiously: “What’s the matter? Is Xiao Shizi seriously deteriorating? Will it be life-threatening?”

The doctor restrained his expression and shook his head vigorously. “You misunderstood, Mr. Kang did not decline, but improved, no, to be precise, he improved dramatically. This value has exceeded the limit that the second-order species should have. We suspect him…”

Kang Xing Luo said anxiously: “Please say it quickly.”

The doctor took a deep breath: “Mr. Kang should have evolved from the second-tier species.”