Chapter 877 Fucking Amy

Name:6 Times a Day Author:
"Speaking of bareback," Amy continued, surprisingly, "the word around town is that you did both Heather and Ms. Rhymer bareback in school today."

Alan froze, freaked out by her comment. "'The word around town'?! What do you mean by that?!"

She giggled. "Oh, I don't mean 'town' town; I just meant around your harem. Kat said you were talking about it at dinner."

Relieved, he resumed thrusting, but at a slower pace. "Well, yeah, we did. Don't scare me like that, though. No one can know about me and Glory. Nobody."

"Oh, I know that, you silly willy."

"Please be careful," he chided. "The only reason we talked about it at dinner was because Susan mentioned it, after I foolishly mentioned something sexual about Glory to her and your mom earlier."

Amy assured him, "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. It's true that I told Kat about you and Glory a while back, but that's 'cos I figured it was something she needed to know. I'm happy now that everyone here in our little harem-y gang knows about it, but I TOTALLY agree it shouldn't go beyond that."

He stopped his thrusting. "Now, hold on just a minute. First off, this is just a gang, not a 'harem-y' one. But more importantly, you told Sis about my relationship with Glory on purpose?! I thought you did that by accident!"

Amy stared off into space for a suspiciously long moment. But then she said, "Ummm... well, it wasn't like 'intentional' intentional, if you know what I mean. But I guess I was kind of lax 'cos I was only talking to Kat, ya know?! I figured she'd find out before long anyway, and I was right. The fact is, we're a pretty tight bunch, the five of us here, so it's pretty hard to keep a secret of any kind."

He sighed. "Ain't that the truth? Heck, it's hard to have five minutes of sexual privacy without someone of you four eavesdropping or peeking."

She grinned widely. "Then let's get on with it!" She made some humping motions with her hips to spur him into resuming his thrusting.

He was plenty horny, so he eagerly accepted the invitation and resumed his thrusting.

However, Amy wasn't quite done talking. "Hey, as long as we're speaking about Glory, I was just wondering: is it fun to pole your teacher bareback? How come she doesn't make you wear condoms?"

"Like you, she's got the double protection thing going on: diaphragm and birth control pills. And hell yeah, it's fun!" He was starting to thrust a little faster as the talk about Glory got him even more aroused than he already had been.

"That sounds totally cool. I dig Ms. Rhymer, and she's sexy too. I'm totally cool with you fucking her. Sometimes I think about you bending her over her desk and doing her right in her classroom and I get all hot and bothered."

He laughed. "Sounds like you've really drunk the Susan Kool-Aid."

She giggled. "I guess so. But do you think there's any way I could watch you and Glory get it on?"

"Sadly, no; I think she'd freak out at the very idea. And I don't want to fool her because that's not very nice. Besides, if she found out, she'd never forgive me."

"M'kay. Big-time bummer. Maybe later though, when she joins the harem." Amy seemed to get carried away with her erotic fantasies, no doubt due to the fact that she was in the middle of getting fucked. "Who knows what might happen then?! She might even be up for a threesome someday!"

He was having a harder and harder time keeping up his end of the conversation, especially since it was such a mind-blowing topic. He wanted to stop talking already and just fuck Amy's brains out, but felt obliged to say, "Hold your horses. Like I said before, I don't have a harem. And whatever this group is, Glory ain't gonna join it. She's not wired like that. Now, can we just fuck for a while?"

"M'kay! But you know, you're wrong about not having a harem. That's what it's called when a guy has a stable of women who fuck only him. I looked it up in a bunch of dictionaries and one of them included a definition that applies here: 'a group of women associated with one man'. How can you deny that's what this is?"

He said, "Whatever." Then they resumed fucking.

However, after a minute or so, Amy said, "Hey, lying on this washing machine is fun, but it's kinda ouchy. Can we move?"

So he helped her to the floor, then they did it on the floor of the laundry room with him on top. They had fun with that for a few minutes. Then she sat on him and they did it cowgirl style.

A few minutes later, he was back on top. They just kept going and going at an intense pace. Since he was considering this a "quickie" compared to his usual standards, he wasn't trying to slow his pace or take strategic breaks. He was going all out.

She continued to cry out and shriek in her high-pitched way so loudly that he was fairly surprised Susan or Katherine hadn't come running to join in, or at least to watch.

Alan was normally fairly restrained about making noise during sex, but this time he wasn't holding back at all. (In addition to just wanting to let it all out, he wanted to make sure Susan heard them, no matter where she was in the house.)

As they both reached their climaxes together, he joined Amy in vying to see who could make the loudest screams. It felt absolutely fantastic. Her pussy was so tight that fucking it actually hurt him a bit sometimes, but in a "hurts so good" kind of way.

Before long they were all done. He had a long, satisfying release while fully sheathed inside her. They were sticky, sweaty, and panting for breath.

Amy lay on the floor under him, completely wiped out but satiated and deeply satisfied. "I'm so glad we did that! Mmmm. I love it when you get all bareback-y on me. It's totally great when you're all deep, deep inside me and then you let loose and spray the walls of my tight little pussy. It just feels so good! I can't explain it."

He replied with a vague "Mmmm." He figured that was one feeling he'd never be able to relate to.

She continued, "It's like, even though you couldn't really make me pregnant, what with the pill and everything, you kinda could have. You know?"

"Sounds like you're drinking the Kat Kool-Aid, too."

"Kinda, but not really. I think she really wants to have your baby, like, last week already. I just find the idea hot in the moment. But I know I'm not ready to have kids yet. Like, waaaay not ready."

"Good! Don't let her change your mind about that. I'm not ready either. No way."

She went on more wistfully, "I was beginning to think you weren't ever going to fuck me again. It's been days and days! I know I'm not as good a lay as the others, but could you please fuck me more often?"

Alan felt bad. He thought to himself, If Amy were my girlfriend and she was all I had, we'd be fucking like bunnies every day. And it's so good. She's definitely right about having a "tight little pussy." She's just soooo fucking tight! There are just too many women I have to split myself between. How can I possibly keep up with the demand? I'm only one guy! I mean, it's been how many days since I last fucked her? Let's see...

He scanned his memory, and then said in protest, "Hey! We fucked on Tuesday afternoon. It's Thursday night. That's not so bad."

She pointed out in a very serious tone, "Yes, but that's more than 48 hours ago. If you count the first 24 hours as one day and the second as another, then it's been days and days!"

He thought she was dead serious, but then her face broke and she giggled loudly.

He laughed a little too. "Okay. It's been 'day and day.' Technically. Very technically, by a couple of hours. I'm trying my best. And you're lots of fun to have sex with, so don't put yourself down. By the way, I've noticed your boobs seem bigger lately. Is it just my imagination, or are you taller, too? Are you having a growth spurt?"

She broke into a pearly white smile. "Oh yeah! Totally! I'm so happy you noticed. I've grown half an inch taller and my bust size grew an inch bigger in just the last four weeks! Isn't that the most amazingest thing? My boobies are only two inches smaller than Mom's now. I do daily exercises to encourage them to grow. I think all the sex helps, since this spurt started around the same time that we started 'checking for bumps.' Wouldn't it be great if drinking your cum makes tits grow bigger?"

He laughed out loud, because he had a vision of his mother having to use two wheelbarrows to carry her tits around, based on the amount of his cum that she drank pretty much daily.

She bubbled along, "I'm going to overtake Aunt Susan and Mom with my next growth spurt, just you wait and see! If we keep fucking enough, who knows what I'll look like in a couple of months! Isn't that cool?" She thrust her chest forward proudly.

He knew the spurt must have been a coincidence with the onset of all her sexual activity, but still his mind boggled at the thought of Amy looking as stacked as Brenda, yet as tall as Suzanne.

He was happy about her growth spurt, but he also worried about the impact. Sis in particular is not going to be happy about this. Now Amy's even more stacked relative to Sis than before. Sis is really, really sensitive about the whole breast size thing, even though she's actually quite endowed. Why can't SHE have a growth spurt? It would make her so happy.

As they continued to rest, she asked, "By the way, since we were talking about Glory, I've got another question or two before I totally zip my lips shut about her."

"Go ahead. I might or might not answer, depending on the question. I'm trying damn hard not to kiss and tell."

"Oh, don't worry; I don't want that kind of details. I'm just curious that you seem so sure she wouldn't join your harem, or whatever non-harem-y word you want to use. Why are you so sure about that?"

"I can just tell. Obviously I've never talked to her about it since I don't have a real harem to get her to join in the first place" - he gave Amy a determined look about that - "but I don't have to. I've known her for more than two years now, and we've talked about everything under the sun. She'd never go for it in a million years. She knows I have some other lovers, including you, and believe me, she can baaaaarely tolerate that."

"Bummer!" There was a long pause from Amy. But then she put on her usual optimistic face. "Then again, you never know, right? I mean, with sex, weird things can happen and they often do. Look at your mom Susan. Heck, look at all of us now. Who would'a ever figured things would come to this? Even I-"

She suddenly stopped herself and frowned. But then she resumed, "Even I'm pretty surprised at how bisexual it's all gotten - for us ladies, I mean - and I'm pretty open about that kind of thing. Speaking of which, have you ever gotten a sense that Glory might be bisexual? Maybe even just a little bit?"

He replied, "No. Definitely not."

"Bummer!" Amy stared up at the ceiling in a thoughtful mode. "But, then again... why would you? It's not like she'd admit it to you, right? Heck, she might not even know it herself. Again, look at what happened to Aunt Susan and how she's getting into kissing and playing with all of us. I'll bet you didn't see THAT coming!" She grinned widely.

He rolled his eyes. "Amy! Where are you going with this? I've got the feeling that you've got the hots for Glory, and it's like you're trying to wish her into being bisexual and even wish her into the harem."

"A-ha! See? You just called it a harem!" She giggled.

"That's just 'cos you've been calling it that. You're infecting me."

"No, you're infecting me!"

The conversation about Glory came to an end, because Amy reached out and started tickling his sides.

He responded in kind, and a "tickle war" broke out, with a lot of joking around about who was infecting whom.

As a result, Alan didn't get a chance to probe Amy more about her thoughts and feelings over Glory. But he didn't consider that important anyway, because he figured that if she did have some hopes about Glory, they were obviously going to stay nothing but wild fantasies.