Apparently what Alexander tried to describe with tears of sorrow was that his neighbor rallied up more than half of the people by first influencing the children.

They lived in a community that was created to allow everyone to live an easy life but suddenly this person suggested that we shouldn't just rely on ourselves but trust outsiders.

His parents felt that the plan was little odd but was more neutral to it compare to people much more conservative.

There were outrageous claims they stated, suggesting that they'll kill everyone, **** all the women and sell all the kids.

Although that was a possibility that most villagers understood, it was impossible for the smartest people in their village to just get that easily tricked.

His neighbor suggested numerous plans to counter such a situation to ever happen by possibly looking for other villages to ally themselves with, it was always rejected.

At this point, he was far too frustrated and heard a stupid rumor by one of the nearby clans when a hunter had accidentally gone to another territory.

The basis of the message that Alexander guessed was that they said something about an ancient artifact that will ensure a person with power that no one could refute.

The neighbor was too frustrated at the traditional old people in this village and when they finally rejected another of his plan did everything go wrong.

Like a whisper of insinuation, his neighbor acted like a puppet by another village and was like a test subject for them to test any old books in their heritage.

One of those books was apparently nameless but from the diagrams, they guessed it was akin to a Summoning Magic.

Dean wanted to question why Alexander seemed so scared when it was just Summoning Magic but his face clearly showed that if he asked that question then he would receive a beating.

Alexander phrased that 'it was so familiar that I could remember it as if it was yesterday.'

The night sky was far brighter than normal and a voice echoed throughout the icy land

"Which mortal dared to summon my existence in such a weak land without any faith."

"Sacrifice yourself now and my anger shall be appeased or else, be ready to face the consequences"

He didn't know whether the neighbor was just a coward or someone who was curious enough to know what the 'consequences' was.

In an instant, the being had no patience.

The village was lit into flames and everything turned to chaos.

Dean was skeptical that such a beast could be summoned but he guessed that if there was enough of a sacrifice then you could summon anything.

From the way it was described, Dean thought the whole village were mortals meaning it would be easy to kill everyone either way.

But he shouldn't say such rude words when he saw how pained Alexander currently looked

Mother and Father both panicked bringing three horses.

Escaping out of that hell hole, they could hear laughter.

It was utter amusement and fireworks were sent flying through the sky at every direction.

They were little fire arrows that followed after the people escaping.

His father tried to combat this by hitting it, it served ineffective while his mother saw what was happening and made a decisive action.

Jumping from the horse, she whacked our horse so that the fire arrows barely nipped the the legs of our horse.

Right before both Ellis and Alexander's eyes, Father and Mother had been struck.

To make matters worse, a loud ringing sound echoed.

The fire arrows bursted into explosions and their bodies soon caught on fire.

Alexander didn't have the heart to look back and continued to ran.

Dean himself could guess the rest of the story

Once escaping the hell that was caused by a person they trusted, they searched for a food source and shortly lived in the wild.

The continent was then severed into two by that mysterious beast with audacity.

Because the academy was very close, they may have attempted to enter the school in order to learn but because they didn't have the ability to pay the tuition fees, they shortly left.

They may have done some odd jobs but finally returned to the school as teachers.

Alexander soon left in a drunken manner, stumbling towards where his igloo was but Dean saw the despair in those eyes.

Dean shortly returned to his own tent but couldn't help feeling an odd emotion.


This teacher has basically lost everything but still has the will to live without any problems while having at least another person to rely on.

Compared to him that lacks a pillar to rely on and can only live for revenge.

During the story, Dean was able to puzzle the reason why Alexander tried to not mention himself.

He was ashamed for being weak!

Physically weakness which was why he most likely never mentioned helping his dad with anything but talked more about his mum.

There was probably a lot of discrimination for that.

At one point, Ellis mentioned about Alexander not being able to use Wind Magic.

Dean guessed the ability to manipulate Wind was the outcome of Alexander working hard to perfect some sort of Spell he could use.

It was something to take pride of but the realization that you are only a failure in that branch of magic makes the pride nullified.

In a way, he was living in Ellis' shadow.

But Ellis had his own problems.

He had finally opened up to the people that would take him as family however soon after that, disaster would follow and as a child, he would suspect it to originate from himself.

It was thought that could permanently scar a child if taken wrongly and not adjusted quickly.

Now, it seems that Ellis is a lot more as he can talk but given the opportunity to say nothing, he'll keep his silence.

But this was only half of Dean's 2 year trip.