Nothing special happened at school but the excess caffeine forced me to stay awake against my will to listen to these boring lessons.

It was dull when you have to learn the same thing over and over again.

Senior had suggested a long time ago that I should pay attention to education which was why I had to learn the general academics to the best I could.

She said it was a 'marketing strategy'.

Your customers could use you as a tutor with 'extra services', if you didn't want to get arrested for outright prostitution but i'm sure there are many laws that may get in the way of that.

The only problem was… math and science were easy for me except literacy was my most difficult to understand area.

It would be troublesome if a customer demanded me to teach them literacy even though I'm not the most competent for teaching that.

I studied like my life was depending on it and the result?

Nobody bought the services...

I should've been blinded by my senior's words as I had only realized that I had mainly two range of customers.

1 were the elder women that were more mature, such as Fumiko who were either in university or working.

The other type was the people within my age range but once I turned 18, that completely changed the demographic.

This was because of how the law worked within this prefecture or the country in general.

Our age of consent is extremely low which was due to some incident in the past that caused it stay permanent at an age where people may be interacting with puberty.

If I remember the incident right, it was because of some crime committed by a middle schooler for murder.

If they lowered the age of consent, then a person could get away with **** which would cause a lot of loopholes.

Instead of increasing the age of consent, they now segregated it into smaller age groups with a couple years of difference that can have different punishments.

It overall depended on the prefecture you were living in.

My prefecture would cause me to get arrested with a misdemeanor if I were to interact with someone below my age.

That really stung when I lost a lot of customers…

Now I can only work with people equal to my age or older which made the use of 'tutor services' very unlikely to actually be used.

I wanted to cry for my losses but it should serve its purpose one day.

It was strange how it reminded me of another book but I could never but my finger on what it was actually called.

But right now, I shouldn't be focusing on these thoughts as I was already existing from my room with a new look because of a new customer.

Senior taught me, as a freelancer, it was extremely important to understand your demographic and how you can tend to them.

For older woman, they may be busy tending to their own life and can't be committed to a relationship which is where I may pop up.

Or it could even range from being dissatisfied by their partner, it's an extremely complex problem where you couldn't point at one thing and say that was the problem that caused this.

You would instead need to examine the many possibilities and try to label it onto your customer to tend to their needs.

The problem with younger woman… are the stats.

One questionnaire had a sample size of 50,000 which could cause problems when we're talking about a couple of million lives.

The questions revolved mainly around the loss of virginity and desire to lose virginity and at what age,

It resulted with my age group (18-20), boys paired with the percentage of 61.3% while females had 50.4%.

On paper this sounds great, but then you would have to think about variables such as nationality, religion, etc that could have certain traditions affecting the results.

Even if they were right, with the way this country followed conservatism, it would be like a double edged blade.

Some would probably save themselves up for their one true love while others may just rebel and want to lose it because they can.

What makes it worse is that this study was only taken in a foreign country!

The only thing I hope is that this new customer won't cause any unexpected problems

My first problem was that I never received any proper request that the client ordered which meant it was probably some vanilla stuff.

The other problem was that I had no idea what the customer actually looked like since this would be the first time she would have ordered my service.

I was currently inside a mall on the first floor and supposed to be looking for a fast food chain that I would be attending.

This place seemed like a good place for youths to organize study sessions as there was a nearby library for studying or just to hangout in general.

There were many females inside the store, so I sent a text to the customer in order to clarify the information.

{I'm at the store. Who am I supposed to be looking for?}


A few seconds had only passed yet I already received a text. Till this day, I will never be able to understand how people can text so fast like my sister.

{Oh you're here ( ^o^). I'm the one with the blonde hair.}

I didn't understand what was with the face or how she was even able to text that as I was too busy searching for people with blonde hair.

There was another problem to the list… there are two girls with blonde hair.

Do I either waste 30 cents or so for another text or do I risk the 50% chance of finding her.

I obviously made the right decision and went with what my common sense was telling me to do.