10 New Arrival

The salon became silent when Li Qing's words fell. Mrs Chu shivered in anger while Xuan Sanaa looked even more taken aback, looking back and forth between Li Qing and Mrs Chu with a dumbstruck expression. Da Ori ' s face showed surprise, yet her eyes expressed her glee about the situation and what Li Qing had declared, as this would make sure she was divorced from Chu An, then, her daughter could finally be the dignified young Mrs.Chu.

Da Ori obviously hadn't noticed the horrified countenance of her good friend. It was only when she heard Qing Luo's shrill accusing screams that she was knocked to her senses. " You- You!," Qing Luo was unable to finish her sentence as she struggled to breathe, holding onto her chest.

"M-mother!" Xuan Sanaa caught on to Qing Luo's distress quickly and patted her back more. The various negligiblemaids that were there and butler Ji rushed forward to aid Qing Luo. However, there was one person who was unconcerned about the breathing condition of Qing Luo, of course, that was Li Qing who only watched from where she stood with the same small smirk on her lips. However, in Qing Luo's mind Li Qing's smirk had widened, and her eyes seemed to be glowing with laughter, amused by her apparent coming death, mocking her that she was falling first; falling to her death first.

"D-d-d- demon!" Qing Luo shrieked loudly as her breathing became even more laboured. "Madam!" various servants called Qing Luo,in their panic, they forgot usual life saving methods and emergency services! "What the hell?!" hurried footsteps went past Li Qing and rushed to the group of people. Li Qing looked at the person's back and a small twinkle came into her eyes for a second as she recognized the new person on the scene from the body's memories. In fact, the body knew him well, it was the one and only Chu An.

Xuan Sanaa was the first to notice Chu An from within the group, "An gēgē! M- mother... s-she," she sobbed and stammered while going to him for comfort. "Shhhh, it's alright now I am here, tell me what happened." Li Qing almost laughed hearing his 'moving words', if only it wasn't when his mother was having a life and death crisis right behind him, which was getting worse by the second, couldn't he ask questions later?

Undoubtedly, Xuan Sanaa anticipated his question and brought him up to speed in an efficient manner, while in the background, the servants came to their senses and had already contacted the ambulance and calmed Mrs. Chu somewhat. No doubt though, the ambulance was on its way.

Chu An, learning of the events, watched Li Qing oddly fora second and walked toward her in what he thought was a threatening manner afterall, Li Qing had lowered her head, to him, just as she always would. However, how was he to know she was covering a strange emotion that flashed through her eyes? "Li Qing! Are you crazy!? How could you say that to my mother!?" Chu An paused pinching his nose bridge in frustration,not noticing the radiant smile on Li Qing's face as she raised her head.Chu An sighed exacerbatedly as he mumbled, hand still on his face, " I know you're miserable because you lost the baby and we are going to get a divorce, but you and I are just not a good match," he lowered his hand as he reasoned,"I know you want to stay together, but even so, you can take your anger out on me not-" Chu An stopped speaking when he met Li Qing's enchanting electric blue eyes. He was stumped for words, who was this great beauty? Certainly he wasn't married to her all this time.

His thoughts were put to a stop when he heard Li Qing's sensual whisper," Aren't you really full of yourself," she raised a beautiful eyebrow while giggling softly, which made Chu An want to lean over just to hear her voice even clearer, even if she was critisising him. Yet, his eyes darkened with anger and humiliation when she added "I assure you, there is nothing that you could possibly have that I would want, except your money."