The next day, at dinner time, Rio was currently enjoying his dinner with Liselotte. They were in Rio's private chamber. Liselotte was sitting on Rio's l.a.p, feeding him. Meanwhile, Rio had his hands inside Liselotte's dress, kneading her b.r.e.a.s.ts.

It was fortune that nothing regrettable had happened because of modifying Liselotte's puss*, but something still changed due to that. However, it wasn't something that Rio deemed as bad.

"Say aaaaaahn~❤"

Liselotte spoke with a seductive voice. Her face was rosy and her eyes were glassy. Her lips were curling up in a bewitching, l.u.s.tful smile, and whether she did it unintentionally or not was up to your own imagination.

Rio paused his hands' movements briefly and opened his mouth wide, allowing Liselotte to feed him without any problem. Rio then continued fondling Liselotte's b.r.e.a.s.ts while chewing his food.


Rio heard Liselotte's blissful sigh, which was mixed with a m.o.a.n. A deep feeling of accomplishment stroked his manly pride. The next moment, he heard Liselotte's voice opening a talk between them.

"Can ask something?"


"Have you realized that your stare is...different?"

"My stare?" Rio forgot his urge and sunk into confusion. He looked at Liselotte on his l.a.p with an uncomprehending stare.

"Yep, your stare." Liselotte nodded deeply. However, Rio just became more confused than before.

"Alright. I really want to know what did you mean by that." Rio said seriously after recovering from his stupor of confusion.

"*Sigh* I take it that you really don't realize it. Very well, this humble maid shall enlighten her oblivious and slow-witted master." She said that, but she didn't look humble at all. Conversely, she looked so haughty like a very spoiled little princess.

Well, she was relishing in being pampered by her high-standing and amazing lover, after all. It was very rare for her to experience such a type of luxury in her life. Thus, she wanted to enjoy it as much as she could without stepping out the line.

When Rio heard that and saw Liselotte's facial expression, he had a sudden urge to remind her who was wearing the pants in their relationship. But, before he could do it, Liselotte spoke first.

"Although it is almost unnoticeable, you have this kind of look that can be mistaken as awe and wonder by an unobservant person who doesn't know you intimately. I've come to realize that you gave me this kind of stare a couple of days after our first meeting. To be frank, that stare is flattering when you are unaware of what it hides. In fact, it makes me, a lowly servant, to be hopeful to win your affection and acknowledgment, which are something that I have received.

"After...being claimed as your woman, I finally realized what this look means. It's true that your stare holds awe and wonderment, flattering indeed, but it also hides your thirst and hunger to own the object of your awe and wonderment. It's like a greedy man who sees very precious art that he to obsessive level because of its beauty and quality."

Regardless, Liselotte's observation also taught him something about himself that he wasn't aware of. It's true that he knows about his interest for s.e.x because he is still a hot-blooded youth in his teen, but to discover that his stare towards someone, a woman, he d.e.s.i.r.ed was akin to a stare of a collector on one of kind, unique, priceless item, it was new. He hadn't been aware of that because of his belief that he was still treating the subject of his conquest as a human being. Well, now, he knew that he was just being arrogant.

Rio recovered from his pondering and stared at Liselotte who had a coy expression. Just a footnote that you may heed or may not heed, his hands were still inside her dress, stilling on her b.r.e.a.s.ts. Regardless, he wondered what Liselotte felt as he was staring at her like that. He'd been doing that for a while now.

"Tell me, Liselotte. What do you feel when you're subjected by my gaze?"

Liselotte's coy expression slipped off into a blank, bewildered expression. It happened for a moment before she donned on a thoughtful mask. After a few seconds, she asked him a question, "What kind of answer you want to hear? The flattering one or honest one?"

"Both. Starts with the flattering one, I suppose." Rio told her calmly. He could take a critique from another person. As long as the critique is constructive, he wouldn't mind despite it was painfully aggravating to hear. But, if someone just critiqued him to maliciously insult him, well, he knew to hold a grudge for a very long time.

Liselotte nodded and said, "As a woman, I feel happy, treasured, loved. I think I'm truly fortunate when you look at me with that kind of look."

Liselotte delayed her next words for a few seconds, smiling in a mixture of loneliness and wistfulness. She then continued on, "Of course, I'm dissatisfied and disappointed. I wish for more. All humans are inherently greedy creatures who wish for more in life. I'm no different. I want to be looked at by Rio with more care, more love, and more in everything else. But..."

Liselotte paused and stared at empty space with a faraway gaze. She then continued on with a wistful tone, "I'm only an orphan. I don't even remember my parents face anymore nor I care since I've grown up alone in a harsh environment full of struggle to the top. I have learned that reality is a very unfair and cruel mistress. Simultaneously, I learned to be grateful for what I have. Despite I feel dissatisfied, I think I'm content."

"Is that so?" Rio said skeptically. He had his hands moving down from her b.r.e.a.s.ts to her slender, hugable waist and pulled her closer into his embrace. He felt bad for her. A pity, maybe? Regret, perhaps? Rio wasn't sure but he disliked this feeling. He wanted her to be happy so the uncomfortable feeling in his c.h.e.s.t would disappear.

He wanted to make Liselotte happy. The happiest woman in the world. For his own sake. Could he do it? He was confident that he could do it. His cheats made him theoretically omnipotent, after all. But, Rio wasn't that shallow. He realized that there was still something he couldn't do despite all the power in his fingertip.

Rio realized what Liselotte truly d.e.s.i.r.ed. She had hinted it in her words. But, Rio couldn't be able to grant it. He wasn't in love with her. In fact, Rio didn't know what was love. He understood l.u.s.t and passion, but he was oblivious towards love.

"Ah... I am truly a sinful man. Don't you feel regret to be a woman of such a man, honey?" Rio questioned Liselotte before burying his face into her neck and starting to nibble her smooth, tender neck. Liselotte soon began squirming and m.o.a.ning in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e.

"Mmmmh~❤ For now, I'm content. Ahh~❤"

As Liselotte said that, her body was squirming in Rio's l.a.p. Her words were almost incoherent, mixed with a wanton m.o.a.n, l.u.s.tful sigh, and euphoric mewl. Her face distorted in p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e, forming indecent expression that would entice any straight, healthy man. Her complexion was red, and her countless beads of sweat drenched her forehead. Her front bangs sticking on it. It was truly an o.b.s.c.e.n.e sight.

Rio was playing her body like a fiddle; his left hand was on her b.r.e.a.s.ts, rubbing, kneading, and squeezing them while his other hand was between her t.h.i.g.hs with his middle and index fingers slipping into her wet, convulsing womanhood, stimulating her super s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e v.a.g.i.n.a post the modification.

Up to this point, Liselotte was still unaware that Rio had modified her v.a.g.i.n.a. She thought she was just this s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. A natural s.l.u.tty woman. Well, Rio wouldn't tell her unless she asks, though.

Before long, Liselotte reached heaven. Her eyes rolled back into her skull, and a line of drool was trickling down from each corner of her lips. She was in bliss. And Rio allowed her a break, giving her times to regain herself.

Liselotte soon returned back from her minor o.r.g.a.s.m. Her blue eyes rolled back to their proper place, staring at Rio with undisguised l.u.s.t and d.e.s.i.r.e. She was craving for the real thing.

"Darling~♪ Let's just start the main course. Ah~❤ I cannot hold it anymore~❤" Liselotte pleaded with a bewitching smile.

Rio smiled easily and nodded his head casually. "Sure. I may not be able to grant you your true wish, but I can still make you feel like the most fortunate woman in the entire world." After spouting that corny line, Rio carried Liselotte in a princess carry.

Their destination? Rio's bed. They would get their well-earned after they finished their business first, and it will end up very late with the both of them left exhausted yet very satisfied…