Chapter 15:Am I Half Naked

(Near, far wherever you are, you are safe in my heart). We made a plan to meet in a place behind the church of her colony. I was very excited, I couldn't sleep that night. But I don't know how I slept. In the morning, I woke up early. I took a shower, clean myself from head to toes, select the dress, watch, goggles etc. It really took time to select the deodorant. I wanted someone to help but I felt so shy.

I put some scent, it smelled so bad so I changed my clothes, took shower again and then put another perfume, again it smelled so bad, I took shower again. This process continues, at the end I figured out that I took 8 showers at that morning.

When I reached at the spot, I saw her sitting on a bench wearing a beautiful white dress and a greyish cardigan over it. I ran near her and I placed my hands on her shoulder and said "Salang, you know I was very excited last night and now too. How are you?"

A heard Salang's voice from behind "Hey! Jack. Are you talking with someone else?"

I move my head to see her, I saw Salang with a very angry face. I apologise to other girl and ran towards Salang.

"I'm sorry Salang. I thought she was you."

"Don't you know from bavk, do I look like her? So annoying."

"I'm so sorry, Salang."

"No, it's not okay!"

"See, what I bought for you!" I took out chocolate from my bag.

She smiled and said "I'm not angry with you."

"Yeah! You were not angry, not at all, actually you were jealous seeing me with other girl, right?"

"No, I wasn't." She move her face away.

"Then what's with your face?"

She blushed, she told me to keep quite and come with her. We took a short walk and doesn't talk for a while (Speak something, Jack fool)

"Ahh.. How are you?"

"I'm fine. You?"

I nodded and she smiled. We went to a beautiful park, only a few couples were there. We sat on a bench and watched the view. It was so beautiful, it felt like we were above from all. We could see the city from there.

She said "Do you like it?"

She laughed and said "Why are you so nervous, is everything alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine no need to worry!"

She makes faces and said "Really?" She came very close to me. We could feel our breath, my heart beats so fast. I was feeling very shy, (Is she going to kiss me?) She closed her eyes and said "See, you are nervous!'

"We should never leave any work without completing it." I said.

Before she could understand my line. I bend towards her and both of our lips touched (We are kissing. It feels so good). When I open my eyes, I saw her eyes were closed and that gave me reason to kiss more. I moved my lips gently on her's not letting her feel uncomfortable. After a few seconds, I stopped and I felt so shy (Shameless! Are you the to feel shy? Be manly, idiot!) I couldn't say a word.

(I really don't know what she feels for me, but this moment with her feels great. I feel alive. Do you love me, Salang?)

She looked at me with a unknowing expression. I said "Please, don't get me wrong. Okay!"

She made an angry face and said "Why?"

I said "I'm really very very sorry. Please don't break our friendship." (Oh God, please save)

"Don't be nervous, I'm not angry with you. Just wanted to make you nervous." She smiled.

Suddenly, it rained and we had no umbrella. So we decided to go to her house. I removed my jacket and put in on her head and we ran towards her home.

I was completely wet, she hold me a towel and said "Dry your hairs, and remove your clothes, let me dry it."

I felt so shy. I said "I'll do it by myself."

I removed my shirt and pants and I placed it under the fan. She told me that I should not leave now, coz it raining heavily. She went to take shower and told me to wait. I went to her room, it was a very girlish room with soft toys, fully decorate. I saw baby photo, I thought it might be her. After few minutes of shower, she came back. (Will we came closer? Oh no what I'm thinking, no no it's wrong.)

(Am I Half Naked? Yes I'm). I was half naked, I don't let her see my chest and ask for another towel, she gave me and I placed it on my shoulder. She said "Do you want to watch T.V?"


We sat together, I went to movie channels. I click on to a movie and it plays an intimate scene, I hurriedly change the channel. (What a shame! It makes me more nervous.)

To change the topic and to move out awkwardness I said "Where are your parents?"

She said "They went to work."

We chatted but inside I felt so nervous. I didn't want to think about that, but continuously it came on my mind. But I thought I won't do that things now, untill se accept my proposal.

We watched 'Titanic' she said "It's my favorite film."

"I haven't this movie."

"What! Are you serious?"

"Yes, actually I don't want to watch romantic movie and I have seen none."

"Okay then let's watch it together."

We saw the whole film, and I saw her crying, I wipe her tears and told her to don't cry. She looked in my eyes and asked me "Don't you feel sad?"

I replied "Yes, I do." (I feel sad not because of the movie but because you are crying. Please don't cry)

She asked "You boys don't cry right?" She added "For a movie."

"No, it's not like that. We also feel sad, we also want to cry. As for my case, I wanted to cry but couldn't coz I thought if I'll cry what will happen to you and how could I support you if I cry."

She nodded and sat silently. The rain stopped. She went back inside and gave back my clothes. I wore it again and I was heading to leave.

She said "Tommorow is the admission day, did you remember?"

"Yes, I do. Let's go together."

"No, my mom will go with me coz she also have some work there."

"Okay then, thank you and bye."


I left her home. I went back to my house. My father was sitting in the sofa. He asked "Where were you?"

"Sorry, Dad I didn't inform you I was with my friends."


"Tommorow is the first day of admission. So we were discussing about this."

"Okay, go. But remember you have to study seriously, you are the heir of this prestigious company. So don't get distracted by any means, alright? It's an order, you have to follow!"

"Yes, Dad."

I went to my room and sat silently. I felt so bad coz I won't be able to tell my dad about her. What should I do?