Translator and Editor: Effe and Tea

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────Chapter 5

‘Who are you comparing to whom? Do not be ridiculous! My background, appearance, and magic skills are much better than his!’

Only one small exception, that his thing doesn’t stand.

‘Yeah, you might be better than me in many ways. There is only one, except that rumors are circulating that your Little Hisran prefers to lie down.’

When he remembered Sjord’s grinning face as he spit those words out, Hisran would wake up from his sleep. Maybe that’s why he was more obsessed with his erectile dysfunction research.

After countless experiments ended in failure, Hisran arrived at a small realization.

“Maybe it’s not as big of a problem as I thought.”

In essence, the stronger the existence, the less sensitive it is to external stimuli.

‘As if the stronger the demon, the less hurt it is from external attacks.’

Hisran’s magical powers were so great, and he handled magic well enough to say that there was a dragon among his ancestors. Although they had never directly competed, he was confident that he would be the best among the five great wizards.

‘If I am strong enough to be insensitive to external stimuli, how about trying sexual stimulation while exhausted?’

In order to do that, he would have to use up all his magical powers. Casting some magic a few times won’t tire him at all. So, Hisran decided to pour his magic into the absurd.

Opening the door to another dimension.

Hisran’s magic was strong, but that’s when compared to a human. Although he doesn’t appear in public now, he was inferior to the dragon called the creator of magic, who was once close to humans. There was no way he could open the door to the dimension of summoning a dragon, especially a long-lived old dragon, by his own power.

It was an absurd attempt, but at this point, the desire to measure his limits overlapped with his other desire, and Hisran prepared a spell to open the door to another dimension with great hard work and reverence. And with his earnest desire, he prepared scented oils and masturbation tools to elevate his sexual arousal to climax.

Night with a round full moon. To escape the surveillance of the harsh masters of the magic tower, Hisran, throwing a rough vacation notice on his desk, arrived at a private space hidden deep in the mountains. He began to draw the magic circle with the blood of a demonic beast purified of impurities. It was to increase the efficiency of his magical power.

Hisran did not need a magic circle or a complicated starter when performing ordinary magic. Perhaps because his affinity for magic was so good, he could easily cast magic just by fixing a clear image in his head and arranging magic. Still, the reason he was going through such a complicated process now is because it is close to impossible to open the door to another dimension.

“I’m dying since it’s been a while drawing a magic circle. After all, magic is a gesture.”

Grunting lightly, Hisran stood in the center of the magic circle and waved his hand once as if conducting an orchestra. As if that movement was a signal, the magic circle began to glow blue. The mighty magic that Hisran possessed was absorbed into the magic circle.

“It’s like…… the feeling I had when I was a trainee in the Red Tower, when I ruined Simon’s research and wiped a thousand steps with a mop without magic.”

The strength in Hisran’s limbs was gradually fading. A body that is changing as heavy as cotton soaked in water. The body that had been drained of magical power was like a piece of minced meat.

Then, contrary to his initial plan, he didn’t care anymore and just wanted to lie down. It would have been the case if the glowing blue magic circle didn’t so closely resemble Sjord’s hair color.

‘It’s just funny that a human who doesn’t even know a woman is called the best man.’

“Oh, f*ck it! If I succeed in this experiment…….”

I will sleep with a hundred, a thousand, and a woman I like. Sjord, I will break that bastard’s record!

After pouring all his magical energy into the magic circle, and recovering with the mental strength of 90% perseverance and 10% desire, Hisran staggered toward the bed. Before unleashing his magic, he was fortunate to have moved the bed here in advance.

He felt a little better at the feel of the soft blanket. Let’s start with a light stimulus. Hisran lowered his pants slightly. Although he was not excited completely, his penis was of considerable size. If he had been having a good erection whenever he wanted, he would have had one more thing to brag about. It was a shame.

Hisran sighed and stroked his genitals with his hand. It was his own body, and he knew exactly how to stimulate it by touching it here and there. As fine a woman’s, his hand slid slowly down his pole, tickling his glans.

“Is it the same as usual or a little different?”

Hisran tilted his head and picked up a male masturbation device that was secretly popular among male nobles these days. With the appearance of a circular barrel, the magic device would provide gentle pressure by repeated contraction and relaxation according to the size of the penis when it is inserted.

The moment he tried to insert his penis into the instrument, the secret space around him began to vibrate.


Along with the immense flow of magical power, he felt a creepy sensation. Hisran hurriedly raised his pants.

“Damn it! When my magic power runs out……. Is it the appearance of a hidden beast?”

Hisran quickly drank several bottles of potions hidden in the space under the bed and was ready to go.

‘If it’s not a group of high-level beasts, it’s okay.’

There was a limit to the magical power recovered by potions, but it was worth trying as long as he faced no more than three advanced beasts. As Hisran sharpened his senses, feeling tense, he heard the sound of the ceiling collapsing in the secret space. A person could be seen falling through the large fragments.


A proper wizard would do their best to save lives with the power of great magic. Hisran was puzzled, but using his magical powers, he caught the person to prevent injury and put on a shield. But he didn’t know there would be problems along the way.


The bed wobbled under the weight of two people and was pushed aside a little. However, that was no problem. Compared to the hand of the woman in Hisran’s arms almost touching his genitals!


Letting out a light moan, the woman seemed to think it was a pillow or a doll and naturally brushed and moved there, perplexing Hisran further. It felt heavenly, but his penis, excited by the gentle touch, began to raise its head little by little…….


The feeling of blood rushing down his lower leg and making his pants swollen. There was no doubt that he had an erection. Hisran’s eyes widened.

‘How did this happen?’

After all, did using magic to put the body in a state of exhaustion have any effect? Or was the woman in front of him special? Due to his unexpected discovery, Hisran forgot his other thoughts, including the beast. He wiped his pounding chest and took stock of the woman.

She has a small, slender face and black hair, a rarity in the Latio Continent. She had fine hair, as if she had cut a part of the night sky to form it. Besides, she was also pretty and lovely with the features closely attached to her cat-like face. She was a beautiful woman who exuded a mysterious feeling in some way.

‘It’s a rare appearance on this continent. Where the hell are you from?’

He took in the scenery around him as he was organizing his thoughts. The woman he had somehow managed to catch as she suddenly fell from the ceiling was unharmed, but the space hit by the debris bombardment was devastated. Not only was the magic circle drawn with great effort, but the objects on the table that did not have a shield were also smashed.

“Ah, that scent is expensive. All the tools were destroyed.”

Hisran muttered, clicking his tongue. It’s a pity, but all broken bottles and tools would be thrown away. As soon as his magic was restored, he planned to cast annihilation magic and cleaning magic.

“The blood used in the magic circle was originally intended to be recovered. Seeing that state, just throw it away……”

While speaking with a sigh, Hisran suddenly realized one thing.

‘Then the vibration stopped. The beast never appeared.’

Hisran looked at the magic circle once and the woman in his arms once. He looked at the two of them alternately, and shouted in disbelief.

“Was the magic really successful?”

Assuming that a door to another dimension opened for a moment and a woman from another world was caught in the gap, the current situation was clearly explained. The fact that the vibrations stopped after the woman appeared, and the appearance of the woman was quite different from other women on the continent.

“Wow, as expected, I’m great. Even the magic I tried with a light mind succeeded.”

Naturally, Hisran praised himself. Moderate humility is a virtue, but it was not a suitable attitude for Hisran. He was a good wizard in many ways, and he knew better than anyone that he was good.

“Hah, if this became known to the public, all the wizards would flock to the red tower, and the remaining four towers would automatically close!”

Hisran’s self-praise did not last long. It was because his penis had grown in volume under the touch of the unfamiliar woman while he looked away for a moment. He felt as if not only blood but nerve cells were all being drawn to his lower body. The erection that Hisran had longed for aroused excitement and at the same time an intense thirst.

“Ah, huuh. What’s wrong with this girl’s sleeping habits? That’s absolutely lewd. If she doesn’t take it apart…….”

Hisran, with a frown on his brow, tried to remove the woman’s hand with a delicate touch.

“Uhh, no.”

But the woman stubbornly persisted, muttering in the alien language. Rather, as if to stop him, she rubbed the cloth with her small palm, causing Hisran to drop his shoulder.

“Ah really! What are you trying to get me to do to an unconscious person?”

He pushed her with a little more force, and the woman fell away from him. Instead, her closed eyes lit up. She had brown eyes so dark that he mistook them for black.

“Wh, what, are you?”

Again, he heard that unknown language. Hisran quickly performed interpreting magic with the polished skills of the top master of the red tower.


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