Chapter 283: The Dark Lands

Leaving the gates of the walls once protecting them made them felt vulnerable and exposed to the once wondrous world now filled with darkness. Moulin remembered how he was quite reluctant to leave the place where he had first revived into the world of Corhan. How he feared of being influenced by the beauty it hides and the terrible things it shows. He didn't want to leave the frozen lake and just stay protected and hidden. 

However, perhaps, it was fate that his eldest brother took him away. He was given a family, something he had wished all his life to have, interesting firm friends, and of course, the man who stole his heart. Yes, it was fate. And he is more than grateful. But through the troubling and most grievous times during this life, there was either hope or despair to look forward to. 

As Moulin turned to gaze at the sight of the three towers hidden behind white treetops, growing smaller and smaller as they left, he could not feel but feel uneasy. Nervousness dripped continuously like droplets of endless rain. His hands clutched the reigns tightly. He wondered what strange events would occur in the future. The world is dangerous, after all.


Yanked from his thoughts, Moulin shifted his attention. His silver eyes met his second brother's steel grey. Emlen steered his mount to be closer to Moulin's side. He has a cautious look for the people around him and Moulin. And especially one particular Lord and leader of the group. Emlen's narrowed his eyes on the Hercullian Lord's prominent back, oblivious to the curious glances on him. 

A sigh escaped Moulin's lips. He gave a soft smile to his brother before focusing his attention on the path before him. The pure white crystal ground gleamed exquisitely like sunrays beaming through a delicate frosty wine glass. The ice cracked underneath the weight of both mount and rider in the group. It was shattering like delicate flakes of glass. The sound was so clear to one's ears. 

They were currently making their way through Moulin's own creation. The dazzling white around them, icicles hanging underneath dark naked branches, little mounds of snow beneath every tree, and the ever freezing temperature surrounding the area. 

Although he was enduring the weight of all those gazes directed at him, Moulin felt the need to unleash a powerful blizzard. He felt strangely bothered. 

"Fascinating..." Jagra muttered as he reached out his fingertips to touch one of the crystal icicles of a nearby branch. The aura it exuded was soothing, much like how mana would emanate its different ambiance. This was definitely worth studying. 

"Hey, don't stray from the group," Ghana warned as she veered her horse towards her friend. Worry filled her eyes. 

Jagra raised his brows. "I was just curious."

"Of course, you are." Ghana frowned. 'Typical Jagra.'

She added, "Still, I don't want you to get lost. We've barely started the journey."

"Ghana's right." A voice interrupted them.

The two friend's gazes turned to the owner of the voice. They were welcomed by Moulin's concerned eyes and gentle smile. 

The young man slightly tilted his head to the snowy trees. A graceful air seemed to envelop him as though he belonged to the wondrous wintery scene. Moulin looked undoubtedly beautiful and captivating. Only, the young man himself wasn't too interested in knowing about his beauty. 

Jagra nodded once he finished admiring the youth. And just as he expected, Moulin's elder brother came to take Moulin away from them. Lord Emlen looked as if he'd drown in bitterness if his brother were five feet away from him. 

Jagra frowned, yet he could only reveal a brief smile. Moulin is no longer a child, but it was understandable why his brothers would never let him out of their sight. They feared losing Moulin all over again. 

"Truly, he's too overprotective..." Ghana squinted her eyes at the pair of brothers. "The lord didn't even give a bit of attention to them. How suspicious..."

"Stop it." Jagra shook his head with a chuckle. 

After a while, the ice beneath them few thinner and thinner until they reached the end of the forest of ice. They stopped. 


Silver eyes calmly gazed at the thick grey fog in their path. Just a few meters away from the snow-covered trees of the forest, a wall-like fog stood ominously. It was so thick that nothing could be seen through it and so tall that it was even higher than the treetops. 

"Be ready."

Hadrian's voice sounded firm as he declared. The scarf around his neck was slightly raised to his mouth. Others may find it to be a minor thing, but to Moulin, Hadrian looked especially cute. He could not help but bit back a smile. Just who made his man so handsome? It was making him extremely envious.

"The fog is harmless, don't worry." 

Moulin flinched when his brother suddenly spoke. He received Emlen's concerned look. 

"A-ah, yes. I see..." Moulin smiled awkwardly. However, he didn't know it looked pleasing to his brother's eyes. 

Emlen smiled proudly. Pride swelled inside his chest, and he could not help but stroke Moulin's head. Moulin frowned as he tried to dodge his brother's doting touch. 'I'm not a kid!'

It wasn't long before Hadrian raised his hand, and the entire group fell into silence. Their eyes turned cautious and determined as they waited for the signal. Moulin was the most perceptive of the group. 

Finally, Hadrian clenched his fist, and his horse bolted through the fog. Reigns snapped, and the group followed. Hooves beat the ground in loud thuds. It was evident that there was no longer any presence of ice on the earth. 

When Moulin entered together with his brother, he felt a chill climb up his spine. When he breathed, dry air entered his lungs. His throat felt unusually scorching like he had eaten a cup filled with peppers. However, his pace didn't decrease. It was hard to see, and something was obstructing his senses making Moulin unable to determine the number of people around him completely. 

All he could hear and feel was the sound of hooves beating the ground, snapping twigs, cracking rocks, and the strange hotness in his lungs. 

There was no stopping or slowing down. Thus, it didn't take long for them to emerge from the thick fog. One after the other, every person came out.

This time, they slowed down, drawing their horses to decelerate. Moulin shook his head with a cough as he hurriedly breathed in. He expected cool air to enter his nose. Unfortunately, there was only a stinging sensation in his throat as he heaved. Moulin held his throat and coughed. He realized the others weren't doing good as well. 

Moulin felt someone stroking his back, causing him to look up. His silver eyes softened when they met those familiar passionate golden pupils. 

Hadrian stroke Moulin's back carefully while leading his mount to a stop. 

"It's your first time crossing this side of the forest. The effect is expected. But it will be a bit harder for you when you go through the fog when we return." Hadrian explained. "Will you be okay?"

Moulin nodded and with a cough. "Y-yes."

He spoke as he felt thirst suddenly rising inside him. 

Suddenly, a hand grasped Moulin's shoulder. Emlen arrived just in time to witness the pair's intimacy. A frown decorated his handsome face as he eyed Hadrian. "We need water. The thirst won't stop until we're hydrated." 

Everyone watching the situation: "..."

There was a brief silence before Hadrian nodded. He looked around, scanning the whole area. They have arrived at the darker part of the forest. The sky was dim, and even without the fog, everything looked ominous and frightening. The shady trees weren't withered. Dark leaved rustled on branches. The leaves on every bush and tree looked to be similar in color and shape. 

At first glance, Moulin already knew the fright hadn't ended. Perhaps, it never will...

"Head to the falls," Hadrian commanded as he flicked the reigns with a calm expression. Despite this, he gave one last glance at Moulin before taking the lead through the forest. 

Moulin smiled faintly as he massaged his throat. He looked at his brother. "Let's go."

The journey through the forest was even less than frightening. The sudden roars that echoed throughout the trees reminded Moulin of his days before, Phuna and her father have found him. He had to stay especially quiet. However, they were currently making so much noise than how he did before. Perhaps, it was because of the mounts they were riding. His brother didn't fail to remind him about how they use special mounts when they leave the city. These horses were bred to be fast yet dominating. However, they were also carefully produced with the ability to imitate malibreed scents, like a camouflage. For years, the mages expended everything to perfect the beasts. 

"Cough!" Moulin covered his mouth with the back of his hand as his other hands clenched tightly around the reigns. He was getting more and more thirsty. 

At last, the sound of rushing water filled his ears. They came to a stop past the trees. Water sprinkled over the were rocks before them. 


Multiple pairs of boots heavily dropped on the ground. The coughing forms of some of the members looked dreadful as they headed towards the nearest pool of water. Moulin was the last to dismount. He swallowed and held his throat while pressing his lips together. 


Emlen hurriedly got off his horse and went to his little brother's side. "Let's get you some water."

Moulin nodded. He didn't truly have the strength to decline his help this time. 


Ghana came running towards them with a round jug. The water sloshed inside loudly. Moulin was quick to his feet as he reached out and took the jug. He tipped the jug to his mouth and drank, swallowing big gulps of water. The cool water soothed his insides. Moulin sighed internally. 

Finishing the whole jug, Moulin wiped his mouth with his sleeved looked at Ghana, flashing a grateful smile. "Thank you..."

Ghana nodded in reply. 

"This water..." Lifting the jug to his face, Moulin furrowed his brows. "It taste..."

"Oh, don't worry. It's not poisoned yet." She grinned as she took the jug from Moulin's hand. "Although, it would taste a little bitter soon."

