Chapter 11:Would Any of You Dare to Do This If That Person Was Still Here? Humiliating!

Who was Li Yue? As the new generation prodigy of the grand Li clan, he was the most pampered person among his peers, both within the clan and throughout the whole of Wu Prefecture City!

A single punch from him could kill even experienced old cultivators or mercenaries who eked out a living through dangerous work. What more a person who had been acknowledged as a piece of trash?

Li Yue's face turned ashen. Finger-pointing from all around made the young master's sense of reason collapse completely!

"Li Ye! I'll grant you your wish to die if that's what you want!"

The terrifying vigor of Martial Spirit Level Seven was displayed in its entirety! A single loud shout made countless Level Three cultivators suffer tremendous damage to their ears, with blood flowing out in a constant stream!

Li Ye's expression morphed slightly after feeling a strong vigor that far surpassed his own. Such levels of strength, however, were still within his expectations.

The attack pushed him back but compared to the miserable situation earlier, he came to a stop after merely ten steps back!


On that occasion, the atmosphere within the restaurant flared up! Everyone stared in shock at the once-weak figure. Some older people there even saw a glimpse of the peerless talent who previously led the entire Wu Prefecture City and left countless others wallowing in admiration and hate!

"Looks like I was too blindly confident in myself! There's too wide a gap between Level Seven and Level Six! I'm still no match for Level Seven for the time being!"

He flung his hand and felt a wave of pain emanating from his palm. The pain allowed him to feel the might of someone at Martial Spirit Level Seven! Li Yue likely did not use too much force, otherwise, the power would be just as formidable but the damage could have been worse!

"Well! Well! Well! I didn't think that Li Kainian's trashy son could change his fortunes! If my observations are correct, you've successfully manifested your bloodsoul but your state is at peak Level Four or maybe Level Five at most? If you had just been patient and waited till the annual clan tournament, you must just attract the attention of our elders and be allowed to come back to the clan! Such a pity! Such a pity!"

A dense murderous aura appeared in Li Yue's eyes! Li Ye's performance aroused his killing intent!

Even so, a great clan's descendant like Li Yue would not simply go around killing people in broad daylight. Perhaps it was no big deal if it was a guest from outside or someone whom he was not related to but Li Ye was not just any ordinary person.

Li Ye was Li Kainian's son! By virtue of that alone, Li Yue did not dare to commence an attack in front of all those people. Although the entire clan had not the slightest concern toward Li Ye, he ought not to let others see the internecine strife that was present within the clan.

"Hmph! I'll let you live another day, you trash. I'll have plenty of chances to deal with you!"

Li Yue huffed coldly when that sentence appeared in his thoughts. Just when everyone thought that the show was over, an insinuating voice was heard from one side. 

"It seems Brother Li is merciful due to kinship. Sadly, the trash doesn't even spare you any dignity. Since that's the case, why not let him know just how different a prodigy is compared to a piece of trash? In any case, plenty of people here saw that the piece of trash provoked you first. It's nothing personal if you lose your control and lay your hand on him! Wu Wenhao and I can bear witness to that!"

Yuwen Tianhua finally recollected himself. He was self-conscious about being sent into a daze earlier but he reacted quickly enough. He stooped down immediately and picked up his paper fan. The fan was adorned with paintings of palace maids. He then continued with the persona of a distinguished noble son but in spite of that, he was once again making semi-intentional provocative remarks. "Brother Li, you're the most famous prodigy in the whole of Wu Prefecture City. I'm sure you wouldn't want that title of yours to be weakened?

"Of course, if Brother Li really finds it improper to teach his own brethren a lesson, Brother Wenhao and I could execute it on your behalf."

Wu Wenhao nodded and smiled icily. "Brother Yuwen is right."

"No need for you to act out! I can deal with this piece of trash myself!"

Li Yue was a Son of Heaven who could not possibly bear such incitement. He roared immediately and traces of red were present in his eyes. The murderous intent he had earlier suppressed once again began rearing its head.

Seeing his expression prompted Yuwen Tianhua and Wu Wenhao to give each other a silent, tacit gaze. Everything they wanted to say was conveyed without a single word.

The successful yet indirect provocation of Li Yue made him disregard anything else. He raised his fist and aimed a punch, displaying his Level Seven strength in all its fury!

A small area of the second-floor restaurant collapsed, simultaneously causing a loud bang that attracted the attention of people on the streets. They watched as the second floor of Pure Moon Tower—the highest restaurant in Wu Prefecture City—collapsed. Next, the silhouettes of two people were seen jumping out.

"What is going on? Isn't that Young Master Li Yue, the Li clan's prodigy?"

Some of them recognized the famous Li Yue immediately. His face by then was full of killing intent while his expression was very fierce.

"Look, the one that Young Master Li Yue's chasing down, isn't he that trash from back then?"

A few could even tell that it was Li Ye's silhouette. He may not be as renowned as Li Yue but a great number of people knew about what happened all those years ago. His reputation for being a piece of trash was known by all walks of people in Wu Prefecture City, even babies.

"They're getting into an intense battle! Come on, let's watch it!"

One after another, their silhouettes darted out from the second floor of Pure Moon Tower. A comparison of the two revealed that Li Ye was in a sorrier state. Faced with the oncoming Li Yue, a flash of blood-red tainted his eyes and he turned around to deliver a punch.

"You're a mantis trying to stop a chariot!"

A loud, disdainful remark sufficed to illustrate how Li Yue never once took the piece of trash seriously. Even if the piece of trash really did change his fortunes and was able to cultivate, he was still far behind Li Yue's standards!

Boom! The two of them were sent flying backward, eliciting gasps of shock from some bystanders.

"How is that even possible? Did Li Ye get lucky? Wasn't he the piece of trash that couldn't cultivate three years ago? How could he have become so strong now?!"

Yuwen Tianhua and Wu Wenhao both jumped out from Pure Moon Tower. Naturally, they saw the exchange of blows between the two Li cousins. What they saw only conjured up looks of disbelief in the depths of both their eyes.

"Brother Wenhao, this piece of trash isn't the same anymore! Tell me, could it be because…"

Wu Wenhao's expression changed drastically after thinking of something.

"Impossible!" Yuwen Tianhua seemed to have thought about the same thing as he did, but the former instantly shook his head in denial. "If he's back, there's no way our two families will still exist!"

Wu Wenhao found that remark to be quite true after some careful consideration. He said nothing after that. However, the two of them felt something not unlike that of fear when they looked at Li Ye's eyes.

By then, the commotion at Pure Moon Tower attracted the attention of many people.

Wu Prefecture City was neither too big nor too small. With a population of about a hundred thousand, everyone was beyond familiar with the renowned Three Great Clans.

When they saw that one of the parties to the altercation was the Li Yue—the Li clan prodigy, everyone drew their attention to him.

Seeing Li Yue's opponent made them realize that the situation was truly out of the-ordinary!

Li Yue was beginning to feel ashamed due to the watchful gazes all round!

With his Martial Spirit Level Seven, he was a highly-skilled person! Throughout the entire Wu Prefecture City, only those of the older generation could match up to him! Nary a peer was on par! He had always regarded himself as the number one person amongst the younger generation! If he could not even deal with a piece of trash, how could he even maintain his dignity?

"Li Ye! You're disregarding clan rules by attacking your own brother in the open. You even spoke nonsense and insulted the clan's Head Elder! You're no different from an animal! I'll let you off on account of our familial relationship. As long as you destroy your own arms in front of our esteemed clan elders, I'll forgive you and spare your life! If not, the consequence will be death for Uncle Li Kainian's progeny. I will punish you on the spot to warn others!"

Those words were said loud and clear, making him seem as though he was the victim and Li Ye was the heinous descendant. Those who were not privy to what happened casted sidelong glances to Li Ye.

Some of those that were present at the restaurant had an unhappy expression, though no one dared to speak for justice.

"Li Ye! I respect your father, my uncle! But you're such a disappointment. You dishonored Uncle! If I were you, I'd slit my own throat to redeem myself in front of our clan elders!"

It must be mentioned that Li Yue was worthy of being raised within a great clan. Li Yue's language was cutting, and if Li Ye was still the useless young master as before, the latter might simply bear a face full of rage while remaining silent without retorting. Things, however, were different now!

"People can be shameless, but to reach such a degree of shamelessness is quite rare!"

Li Ye spat out a sarcastic remark, following which Li Yue's expression turned extremely ugly. Li Ye snickered, "Li Yue, if my father's still in Wu Prefecture City, would you still dare to say such things?!"

That one sentence alone silenced the crowd.

If Li Kainian was still in Wu Prefecture City?

Li Yue did not answer. If Li Kainian was still in the city, he would be lucky if he did not have to lean over and beg for pity with what he was doing to Li Ye then! The entire Li clan, including himself, would have to revolve their lives around that man! He could cause the entire Wu Prefecture City to transform just for him!

As for the person who had the privilege of being called his son, whoever would dare to disrespect him?

Neither Li Yue, Yuwen Tianhua, Wu Wenhao, nor everyone present there could deny that fact.

"Hmph! You have such eloquence! Such a pity that an illustrious individual like your father produced a trashy son like you! Regardless of anything, I'll give your unworthy and unfilial character a good teaching on behalf of my uncle and the clan!"

A cold and dark energy began materializing on his palm. In a split second, ice covered both his hands!

"Hidden Black Palm! It's the Li clan's Yellow Rank Advanced battle technique! Hidden Black Palm!" Everyone gasped in awe!