Thirty seconds ago, Valentine looked at the program numbers constantly jumping out of the display screen, flustered on the screen, and shouted anxiously, "Mom, annoy FA Ke'er! Who can tell me what's going on? I can't close these! "

Mr. Abby on one side looked very ugly and said, "someone is tampering with the program, Valentine, you must solve it immediately!"

"Of course I want to solve it!" Valentine shouted, "gazeller! Gazelle! FA Ke, where the hell is this bitch? "

At this time, the dignitaries in the hall realized that it was wrong. They were here to meet the new era, but it was not clear that Valentine was ready at all.

President Ruidian walked quickly and asked, "what's the matter?"

"How do I know..." Valentine said angrily. He was about to take out his mobile phone to call jiazele. At this time, a blood red dialog box jumped out on the screen, shocking!

Valentine's eyes widened in an instant, and his mind was "buzzing", a blank!

The content in the dialog box is: "the safety implant has been activated!"

At this time, Abby realized that it was wrong. He grabbed Valentine's collar and roared, "what does that mean! What do you mean! "

“No!!!” Valentine cried in pain.


There was a dense sound of electricity in the hall. Everyone except Valentine suddenly stopped talking. His body suddenly became stiff and twitched slightly. The next moment

Boom, boom!

The heads of the first group of more than 100 people suddenly exploded. Their brains were lifted high against their skulls and burst into gorgeous fireworks in the air!

Boom, boom!

Then came the second batch, with more dense and gorgeous fireworks!

Boom, boom, boom

Fireworks bloomed, everyone's heads burst into fireworks, and the whole hall became a sea of fireworks!

Outside the hall, the guards who took three steps and one post and five steps and one sentry also burst their heads one by one, and none was spared!

Boom, boom, boom!

The heads of all those who want to enter the new era have burst into fireworks and become the last gift!

"No..." Valentine screamed with his head in pain!

He couldn't figure out what went wrong. How could this happen?

Bang Bang

In the hall, headless bodies fell to the ground, making a dense and heavy sound.

And all the fireworks, gorgeous, turned into a disgusting mixture of brain, blood and broken meat and fell to the ground!

The floor of the whole hall is covered with this disgusting thing!

In the end, Valentine was the only one standing in the whole hall!

With his head in his arms, he stood painfully in the hall like purgatory on earth.

"Vomit..." he vomited out.

"West Virginia is like heaven..."

At this time, in the open hall, a man's hoarse song echoed, unspeakably strange.

Valentine suddenly opened his eyes and ears.

"The blue mountains are high and the xiannaduo river flows..."

"Who! Who's there! " He shouted.

"Life is longer than evergreen trees..."

"Mom annoys FA Ke'er! Come out! Get out of here! " Valentine collapsed and shouted.

"New in the ancient mountain, like a breeze rising..."

Footsteps came from the stairs. A man wearing only a pair of underwear turned out from behind the wall. He held a blade like a knife and shoe in his hand. Valentine's eyes widened in an instant. How could he not recognize it?

"You damn bastard, you have jiazeler's feet!" Valentine's voice trembled and his expression was distorted by fear. "What have you done to her?"

"Country road, take me home..."

It was he Xie who came. He sang softly and came to Valentine step by step.

"Shut up! Shut up! " Valentine pointed to He Xie and shouted, "you damn pervert!"

"West Virginia, mountain mother..."

"Enough, you bastard!" Valentine roared angrily, "you deceived my trust! You liar! "

"Take me home, country road!" He Xie finished the last sentence, and the man came to Valentine.

He took a long breath and smiled at Valentine: "I like this song, but I won't sing it again. Do you know why?"

Valentine stared at He Xie angrily, gnashing his teeth. He stretched out his hand and said, "what's this? You just came to see me in a pair of underwear? That's how you saved the world? "

"Please forgive my carelessness," He Xie looked at him with sorry eyes, "because I can't wait to kill you. Can you forgive me?"

Valentine was stunned. His body suddenly trembled and forced a smile: "I, I think you should wear clothes, which would be better..."


He Xie pierced Valentine's heart with jiazeler's foot.

He tilted his head to the unbelievable Valentine and said, "in addition, I have to correct you. I'm not only wearing a pair of underwear. Don't you see my socks? Mother provoked FA Ke'er! "

"You..." Valentine stared and looked unwilling. He stretched out his hand and wanted to catch something, but finally he didn't catch anything and fell to the ground!

He Xie just stood quietly, standing among the corpses on the ground. After a long time, Merlin's voice came from his headset: "Charlie, are you over there? We're welcoming Arthur. "

There was a faint sound of gunfire.

"Everything is going well," He Xie said hoarsely. "I wish you all the best."

Half an hour later, a helicopter slowly stopped at the door of the space center. Harry and the four ran in. They saw bodies all over the ground and were overwhelmed by the purgatory scene.

He Xie was sitting on the reception desk in the middle of the hall, silent like a sculpture.

No one spoke and everyone looked at him quietly.

For a long time, Harry came forward in awe. He patted Heye on the shoulder and said in an extremely gentle voice, "child, it's over."

He Xie raised his eyelids and asked in a low voice, "is Arthur dead?"

"I solved him myself!" Harry said, "Bobby has fled back to Cambodia, but the hostages he took from Alaska have not been transported away. Merlin has just found out. They have just been transported to Prado Bay."

He looked at he evil and said, "listen, boy, you don't have to take care of these anymore. Give it to us! Get out of this door later and have a good sleep in the car! I'll arrange a plane to take you directly back to London. After you get home, take a good bath and sleep comfortably for a few days. Everything will pass! "

He Xie moved, and he sat up straight.

"I heard there was a princess among the hostages?" He asked.

Harry was stunned and said, "yes, Princess TILDY."

"Is she beautiful?" He Xie asked.

Harry continued to be stunned and nodded. "It's beautiful, like Mariana of Sicily."

"That's good." He Xie breathed a sigh of relief, "Harry, I think..."

Harry was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "Fa Ke!"

He Xie looked at him and nodded affirmatively, "yes, FA Ke."