When he Xie landed on a water island, he disturbed countless birds. They took off from the green space in the Ping and high branches on the trees. They were bustling, flying or turning, jumping and jumping, which was spectacular.

For a moment, the birds covered the sky and the sun, flying over He Xie's head like a wandering cloud.

The birds are singing, the air is fragrant and fresh, and the shore is covered with lush bamboos and green shade.

This place is called longjiazhou. It is located in the south of Hengyang. He Xie walked through the bamboo forest and suddenly saw a bright light in front of him. He saw patches of fields and ponds dotted in front of him. Not far away, green bamboo covered green tiles, fences covered pink walls, and a small Southern Village lying peacefully between this thick ink landscape.

The beautiful scenery always makes people relaxed and happy. For a moment, he Xie's nervous and tired mood was greatly relieved. He strode and soon came to the quiet village.

At the head of the village, there is a temple of Zhenjun in Nanyue. The gate of the temple is clean and tidy. Obviously, the villagers often worship it and keep burning incense.

He Xie and Qu Yang made an appointment to meet here.


He Xie was just about to enter the door when he heard the sound of breaking the air.

He looked motionless and did not hide. He reached out to catch it and found that it was a purple fruit.

A giggle came from behind the temple gate, and a petite figure flashed out. Who is it, not Qu Feiyan?

The little girl smiled and said to him, "brother Lin, please eat plums. I picked them from the trees in the village. They are sweet!"

He Xie smiled and raised his hand. "Thank you. Where's your grandpa?"

"Inside." Qu Feiyan seemed happier when he Xie received his gift. "Grandpa is taking care of Uncle Lin and aunt Lin. brother Lin, please go in."

"Don't run away."

He Xie winked at Qu Feiyan and quietly pointed his fingers behind him. Qu Feiyan was surprised, but the little girl was very clever and immediately understood, "giggle" smiled: "you know!"

He Xie nodded and entered the door.

Bypassing the statue of "Nanyue Zhenjun", there is a small courtyard in the back hall. In the courtyard, an old man in Taoist robes closed his eyes. It seems that he was ordered to sleep. It is obviously written by Qu Yang.

He Xie crossed into the back hall, lifted the curtain and entered. He saw Qu Yang frying medicine by the stove. On the bamboo couch, a man and a woman lay with their eyes closed and unconscious. It was Lin Zhennan and his wife.

He Xie breathed a sigh of relief and was rescued. That's good!

He didn't go to see Lin Zhennan and his wife for the first time, but first bowed to Qu Yang and said, "thank you, old qu. I'm very grateful."

Qu Yang said calmly, "you have led people away. What I have done is just a little effort."

After a pause, he said, "did the people of Songshan sect appear?"

He Xie nodded: "elder Liu saw it with his own eyes and helped me escape."

Qu Yang couldn't help sighing: "Jianghu is so dangerous..."

He evil way: "there is a dangerous man outside. In case of change, please join hands with me to take this man."

"Oh?" Qu Yang's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Qu Feiyan danced around the gate of the temple, looking innocent, humming a tune he had learned from somewhere.

On a camphor tree not far away, a man with a black scarf and a Baotou flashed a light in his eyes, suddenly jumped down, like a big bird gliding, silently grasping at the playing Qu Feiyan.

Qu Feiyan seemed stunned and stared.

Just when this person was one foot away from Qu Feiyan, suddenly, Qu Feiyan smiled cunningly, with a few more iron needles in his hand, bending his fingers and popping up!

It was amazing that he didn't expect a girl of twelve or thirteen to use concealed weapons, and he didn't start until she led him to her, but he turned over like a kite and hurriedly avoided it.

Several iron needles "aggressively" stabbed into the camphor tree behind him. The needle in the trunk suddenly "Zizi" emitted black smoke, which showed the great toxicity.

"Oh, I was dodged!" Qu Feiyan shouted.

"Black blood devil needle!" The man looked surprised. He was originally a thoughtful man. Now he didn't know his whereabouts, but he had been seen through by the enemy. Moreover, there were people in the demon sect here, and he immediately felt like quitting.

But where is it?


Suddenly a human shadow came at him, very fast!

He Xie!

The man retreated quickly, but he still had no time to draw his sword to resist.

Qiang Qiang!

The two crossed, and the blood burst out!

The man with black scarf and Baotou had a sword in his left arm, but he didn't even look at it. As soon as he landed, he just put his toes on the ground and took off. At this time, Qu Yang in the temple rose into the sky and held the sky with his palm!


When they slapped each other, Qu Yang immediately fell to the ground like a meteorite. With a roar, his feet fell into the ground for two inches!

The man with the black scarf and the head then raised his palm strength and speed again, and disappeared without a trace in a few jumps!

Qu Yang slowly spewed out a white breath, his face coagulated and said, "what a deep internal force! It should be the authentic internal skill of Xuanmen, vigorous, soft and tough. "

After a pause, he snorted coldly: "this man has a great plan. He seems to have expected me to sneak attack, but he will consume a lot if he takes a slap from me!"

But afraid of losing face in front of He Xie, he forcibly added.

After all, he Xie stabbed this person, but he couldn't help each other.

He Xie smiled and said, "if I didn't expect it wrong, this person should be the leader of Huashan, Yue buqun!"

"Is that him?" Qu Yang first frowned, then suddenly, "no wonder, I see his purple Qi steaming between his palms, Zixia divine skill, really deserves his reputation!"

He Xie looked at Qu Feiyan again and said with a smile, "Feiyan has done well. He is really a smart child."

Qu Yang was slightly proud and stroked his beard with a smile.

Qu Feiyan smiled and said, "can brother Lin have a reward?"

He Xie flicked the blood beads from the sword, put the sword back in its sheath and said with a smile, "I'll find you an interesting martial arts in the future. How about it?"

"Well, well, a gentleman's word and a whip! Brother Lin, don't go back! " Qu Feiyan clapped his hands and smiled.

"Yue buqun found here. It seems that we have to change places." Qu Yang Dao.

"Not in a hurry." He Xie said with a smile, "he must think we dare not stay for a long time, and he must hide and heal when he is injured. For the time being, we are still safe."

After half a cup of tea, he Xie showed Mr. and Mrs. Lin's pulse, frowned and retracted his hand, with a dignified face.

Qu yangduan went down to the stove and filled the medicine cup. He said in a deep voice, "your father and your mother were tortured for a long time. Their muscles and veins were broken and their five internal organs were damaged. Their injuries were too serious. I had to protect their heart veins with my internal power and light their sleeping points."

He Xie nodded slightly. His medical skill LV3 can naturally see this. What makes him feel tricky is that with his medical skill, he is unable to return to heaven in the face of such a serious injury.

Qu Yang added, "there are only two ways to save them. First, the Tianxiang intermittent glue and Baiyun xiongdan pill of the Hengshan sect in Beiyue are the best healing medicine in the world. If you can get this medicine, your father's injury will be recovered. "

He Xie thought deeply and said, "there's another one?"

"There is a famous murderer in Kaifeng. If you can get his hand, your father's injury will be all right."