Although he Xie was surprised, he didn't panic. As soon as he flashed back to the inner storehouse, he only heard the sound of "aggressive". When the arrow rain stopped, he Xie jumped out, and his body was a ghost. He directly entered the crowd, and suddenly his blood splashed!

An endless stream of sun and moon sect members came here. He Xie didn't love the war. While fighting, he Xie retreated to the retreat prepared in advance. He saw several experts with a long breath jumping here to surround him. He Xie suddenly roared, the sword light suddenly flourished, killing dozens of people, clearing a large space around him.

"Oriental invincible is dead. Don't force me to kill!" He Xie drank loudly, suddenly transported enough internal power and clapped his palm on a stone wall!


The stone wall collapsed suddenly, which shocked all the believers at the scene. In addition, what he Xie said before, it stunned all the people in the scene.

They didn't know that the stone wall had been hollowed out by He Xie long ago.

A bearded elder stood up and shouted, "what do you mean by saying that the Oriental leader is dead?"

He Xie stood with his sword and sneered: "of course, he died under Lin's sword!"

"Lin......" the elder's eyes flashed, "is it the face of the bloody man Tu Linping?"

"Good!" He Xie's face remained unchanged and proudly said, "don't come back and die. Lin has killed enough people today!"

He Xie suddenly turned back and disappeared on the edge of the cliff.

The sun and moon cult members hurried to the edge of the cliff and lit it with fire, but they saw a man descending rapidly along the steep cliff and disappeared in the dark in the blink of an eye.

"Shoot! Shoot an arrow! " A white faced elder shouted.

The elder with long beard who spoke before stopped the congregation.

"Shangguanyun, what do you mean?" The white faced elder glared angrily.

Shangguan Yun sneered: "Tong Baixiong, we don't know how the leader is about his old man's safety, but you are procrastinating here. I want to ask you, what do you mean?"

Tong Baixiong was furious: "Shangguan Yun, don't talk nonsense! The sect leader has unparalleled martial arts. How can he be killed? The child obviously talks nonsense. He just wants to create chaos and run away! "

Shangguan Yun said, "hum, supervisor Yang said that you Tong Baixiong had a rebellious heart. Sure enough, he didn't wrong you! You are in such a hurry to kill people. Is it because you and Lin Ping have colluded long ago, so you want to kill people and kill people? "

"Fuck you!"

The elders were divided into several sects. After a quarrel, he Xie had already gone away.

These people went to the invincible seclusion in the east to "say hello".

Eastern invincibility has been a myth of the sun and moon cult over the years, so they didn't believe what he Xie said before. Unexpectedly, they shouted outside the channel for a long time and didn't listen to someone inside. Only then did they realize that it was wrong.

When they went in, reopened the grave in the flower garden and saw the bodies of Dongfang unbeaten and Yang Lianting with their own eyes, they finally believed this fact.

Over the years, Yang Lianting has made the sun and moon cult a mess. The hall is full of flatterers. They only compete for power and profit and intrigue.

Therefore, in the face of this great change, the elders not only did not share the same hatred and common opinion, but killed each other on the spot.

The next day, the eastern invincible high-level divided into several forces, all accusing each other of being responsible for the death of the eastern invincible.

In order to get the support of the congregation, several elders who wanted to be the leader pulled up the banner of "killing Lin Pingzhi and avenging the leader of the Oriental church".

But the slogan was loud, but no one was willing to go out of heimu cliff.

The sun moon cult fell into civil strife, and the news of Lin Ping's killing the East was also spread.

Songshan sect, on the Zen platform.

The Wuyue sword sect gathered together to discuss how to deal with the bloody man Tu Linping.

Zuo lengchan, the leader of Songshan sect, began to plan for this gathering of the five Yue sword sect a long time ago. In fact, his original intention is to integrate the five Yue sword sect, just under the banner of dealing with Lin Pingzhi.

Unfortunately, he had been planning to kill Liu Zhengfeng and Liwei for a long time, but finally something happened, which not only completely disrupted his planning, but also lost his wife and soldiers. In the first war of West Lake meizhuang, he lost soldiers and generals.

The whole army was wiped out. He even sent to deal with the Huashan faction, and even he had been placed in the Huashan school for many years.

Taishan sect is going well. Yujizi has promised to cooperate with him.

He arranged to intercept and kill the people of the Hengshan sect in Beiyue, but he also succeeded. Linghu Chong has not been expelled from the school by Yue buqun as in the original plot, so there is no help from the Hengshan sect in Beiyue, and Hengshan sanding has been eliminated by him.

Now there are only two or three kittens and puppies left in Hengshan sect, which is no longer a worry.

Among the four sects, Zuo lengchan managed two sects. The result completely failed to meet Zuo lengchan's expectations, and Lin Pingzhi helped Huashan sect avoid being robbed, which made him hate and fear.

Zuo lengchan was not sure that the sect would succeed, so he simply pressed down for the time being. At this gathering, he discussed one of the things to deal with Lin Ping.

Unfortunately, things were beyond his expectation again.

Hengshan school in Beiyue, Hengshan school in Nanyue. Huashan faction is opposed to gathering the strength of Wuyue sword faction to deal with Lin Pingzhi. Taishan faction supports him, but the three factions oppose, so he can't promote it at all.

Moreover, the reasons against him are also very sufficient. Lin Pingzhi killed him and let him go, which proves that this man did not collude with the demon cult.

Since he is not a member of the demon sect, the Wuyue sword sect has no reason to deal with Lin Pingzhi.

Zuo lengchan tried his best to persuade Yue buqun and others, which made him very angry.

However, things turned around again. Shaolin Fangzheng master and Wudang Chongxu Taoist priest, who were invited to watch the ceremony, supported Zuo lengchan's proposal on the grounds that Lin Ping killed hundreds of Wulin colleagues in the Leiyang war.

Fang Zheng was compassionate and said that Lin Pingzhi regarded human life as grass mustard, which would be more harmful than Oriental invincibility in the future. However, he was probably ordered by the eastern invincible and involved in the internal struggle of the evil cult, which does not mean that he has nothing to do with the evil cult.

With the support of two Wulin leaders, Yiqing, who temporarily took the lead of Hengshan sect in Beiyue, soon changed his attitude. Then Huashan, Nanyue and Hengshan sects had to unify their ideas with Shaolin and Wudang.

Soon, all factions of the right path reached an agreement on jointly eradicating Lin Ping, a cancer in the Wulin.

However, at this time, the news of Lin Ping's killing the invincible east spread to Songshan Fengchan platform!

Everyone was confused at that time.

They discussed to eradicate the "cancer" Lin Pingzhi here, but the "cancer" killed the biggest devil in the Jianghu alone. Dongfang was invincible, and left after killing the man. He had no interest in the demon cult. It can be seen that he had no intention of power at all.

They are upright and never forget to take eradicating the evil cult and killing the invincible east as the highest goal, and now this goal has been completed by the people they just called "cancer".

It's embarrassing

The "exorcism" meeting of the right way had to be temporarily interrupted. The following dialogue took place between master Shaolin Fangzheng and Taoist Chongxu.

"This Lin Pingzhi... Is so evil! How could he kill the invincible? "

"Amitabha... That's it. It's useless to think about it. Let's go and the East invincible all died at the hands of this man. The sun and moon teach a group of dragons without a head, and Zuo lengchan, but no one has stopped... "

"Zuo lengchan is ambitious and will meet Lin Pingzhi sooner or later. I'm very worried about Lin Pingzhi. Master abbot, you also said that behind Liu Zhengfeng's incident, there is a trace of this bloody man Tu secretly pushing. Now he has killed two generations of demon sect leaders. If he doesn't stop it, I'm afraid the Wulin will be dark from now on."

"Although Lin Pingzhi's martial arts are strange, he is alone after all. He's not worried. At most, you and me lose face. It's nothing..."

"Abbot is wrong. How do you know that this person really has no ambition? He has such ingenuity and martial arts. If he cries out, he is afraid to follow immediately... "

"... Taoist priest is right, and he regards power as a cloud. He pretends to be a posture and takes retreat as advance..."