Saito's question was soon answered.

He Xie took the dream stealing team all the way to Lishan. Along the way, he met many palace maids, eunuchs and even court guards. They all seemed to be organized with weapons. When he Xie saw them, they shouted "demon man" and reported to others.

He Xie caught a living man with status and interrogated the truth by cruel means.

This truth shocked he Xie and everyone in the dream stealing team, and their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley!

Qin Shihuang is dead!

He Xie died in the earthquake when he Xie woke up. In the shaking of the earth and mountains, Ganquan palace collapsed and directly buried the first emperor in the ruins.

After the earthquake, Zhang Han, the commander of the guard at the South Gate of Xianyang palace, decisively led troops into the palace and killed all the 1000 Pro guards sent by Meng Yi to Ganquan palace. After learning that Meng Yi was rebellious, Zhang Han immediately sent many people out of the palace to ask for help from all the camps near Xianyang. At the same time, he led his troops to zhangtai palace and slaughtered all the remaining Pro guards of Meng Yi.

In order to eliminate Meng Yi's prestige and influence, Zhang Han trumpeted that Meng Yi had been possessed by a tiger demon and was an evil man, and organized the palace maiden eunuch to search for Meng Yi's whereabouts everywhere.

"God, why is this..." Andrey was completely flustered when she heard Saito repeat the development of things. "Will we face the encirclement and suppression of all the troops in this country?"

Saito looked at his evil eyes and sighed, "I'm afraid so."

"So we were implicated by him?" Yusuf pointed to what evil.

Different faces of the dream stealing team look at Cobb.

Obviously, it's time for them to make a decision again.

He decided to resolutely give up cooperation with He Xie and protect himself, or fight side by side with He Xie to deal with the crisis.

Their thoughts could not hide from He Xie, but he Xie just disdained to smile and shook his head.

Cobb stood up and said, "guys, you're not stupid enough to think this has nothing to do with us, are you? This is the dream world! We are all intruders. For the subconscious of the dreamer, we are all enemies! "

Cobb paused and looked at He Xie: "the current situation at least proves that our new friend is not the master of the dream."

He still didn't say one thing. They left Hexie and might die faster.

The dream stealing team was soon persuaded by Cobb to stop thinking about getting rid of He Xie.

The party continued to go west, but when they arrived at the palace gate, they didn't see the scene they wanted to see.

The palace gate was not empty because Zhang Han led the troops to leave. On the contrary, an army that had obviously just rushed to take over the palace gate defense.

He Xie saw from a distance that the word "King" of Qin Zhuan was written on the flag on the gate. Through Meng Yi's memory, he quickly judged that this army was likely to belong to the army of Shang General Wang Li stationed near Lishan Mountain.

At this moment, he Xie can be sure that the sharp turn of the situation must come from the destruction and punishment of the rules.

Otherwise, Zhang Han, Wang Li and others could not have such a fast reaction speed!

"Get out of here!"

He Xie took a deep look at the crowded scene on the palace gate tower not far away, and resolutely turned and left.

He turned his head and asked Andrey, "you should be able to break an exit on the palace wall?"

"Of course, that's how we came in." Andrey said.

"Very good!" He Xie nodded. As he turned to a rockery and went straight to the palace wall, he spoke quickly but without doubt: "I need to know the ability of each of you, which will determine how we should deal with danger."

He Xie was followed by the dream stealing team behind him. Hearing what he said, he immediately fell silent.

He Xie didn't look back, but he could fully guess the eye contact of these people behind him. Just as he had sneered at Yusuf's proposal to leave him, he didn't worry that these people behind him would choose to fight him.

He believed that these people would make smart choices.

Sure enough, Cobb soon began to explain everyone's abilities to He Xie.

Although in this dream world, their abilities have been greatly suppressed, Rao is so. Their abilities are enough to amaze He Xie.

In addition to Andrey and Yusuf, Cobb, Ames and Arthur can subconsciously show weapons that are in line with the background of the times but completely changed by magic.

For example - an infinite continuous crossbow!

And a bronze sword that cuts gold and iron!

However, their limit is to show one every hour, otherwise they will pass out because of too serious mental loss.

Arthur is the best among them. He has a keen sense and is good at detecting and tracking.

Andrey dream architect can erect a wall ten meters long and four meters high out of thin air.

It would be more difficult to destroy the original building in her dream. Her limit is to destroy a one meter square hole in the original building.

"What if you just let the ground roll?" He Xie interrupted and asked.

Andrey looked at him and replied, "it will be easier."

He Xie nodded and soon thought of the great use of Andrey's ability.

Andrey's ability is used up once at a time. She needs to rest for at least 30 minutes to bear the mental load.

Yusuf is good at making drugs, but he can only make two kinds - powerful tranquilizers and stimulants.

He can show an atomized powerful tranquilizer. The effect of one bottle is to make everyone within 100 square meters fall into a coma in ten seconds.

His ability is also limited. He can only show one bottle at a time and has to rest for at least two hours to continue.

When Cobb introduced them here, they had reached a hidden palace wall. Cobb looked at Andrey. Andrey shook her head and showed a helpless expression.

"Andrey has used her ability to deal with you just now," Cobb told him. "We have to wait at least ten minutes."

He Xie nodded slightly to show that he knew. He asked Yusuf, "did you prepare several bottles of your tranquilizer in advance?"

Yusuf stretched out two fingers: "that's all."

Only two bottles

He Xie nodded thoughtfully. This smoky tranquilizer can be regarded as a big killer. Although the number is small, it can definitely produce miraculous effects when used at a critical moment!

"Ames," Cobb pointed to Ames and continued to introduce him to He Xie, "he is a disguiser. In his dream, he can become anyone he has seen."

"I've seen it." He Xie looked at Ames. Before Ames became LISS, he couldn't tell the true from the false. "In addition to changing yourself, can you change the appearance of others at the same time?"

"Of course!" Ames said, "but in this dream, I can disguise two people at most."

Finally, there was Saito, which was ignored by everyone.

He Xie was full of admiration. These people had unique skills. If only they could learn them.

He hated to expect what he would be able to achieve with his subconscious mind if he learned the dream stealing technology.