PS: the problem of grade in the previous chapter has been changed again. Thank you for your comments.

He Xie's world assembly, including the government, rudder, altar and hall, belongs to local officials, and at the level of elder, it belongs to the central leader.

The four levels of office, rudder, altar and hall are named after the hour, date, month and four seasons. The employees at the level of each administrative unit are divided into four grades and eight grades: disciple, master book, walking and chief officer.

At the top of the hall, there are seven elders, taking the hall as the unit and in the name of the Big Dipper seven stars, each in charge of one party's affairs, which is equivalent to the current ministries and commissions.

For example, the Tianshu elder in Tianshu hall is in charge of the rules and regulations of the Council; Elder Tianxuan of Tianxuan hall is in charge of land resources; Elder Tianji of Tianji hall, in charge of organization and personnel; Tianquan Temple Tianquan elder, in charge of water conservancy construction; Elder Yuheng of Yuheng hall is in charge of the war; Kaiyang hall Kaiyang elder, in charge of the law enforcement of the Ministry of punishment; Elder Yaoguang of Yaoguang hall is in charge of diplomacy and commerce.

In addition to the elders, the seven elders' hall is equipped with walking, bachelor and supervisory envoys.

Above the hall of the seven elders are the two palaces of Zuo Fu and you Bi, which are under the control of two supreme elders.

The first is the elder of Dongming, who is in charge of Dongming palace, in charge of civil and military research, and in charge of the three halls of Tianshu, Tianquan and Kaiyang.

The second is the supreme elder of Yinyuan, who is in charge of the Yinyuan palace, is in charge of the culture, and is in charge of the three halls of Tianxuan, Tianji and Yaoguang.

The two supreme elders are still equipped with three posts: walking, bachelor and supervision envoy, who are responsible for prosecuting the world.

He Xie, as the head of the World Association, spent a lot of effort in the allocation of his rights.

There are five under the door of the first palace.

One is the military staff headquarters, which is equivalent to the General Staff Headquarters of later generations, and directly leads the Yuheng hall and the whole East Hall equivalent to the headquarters, which is equivalent to holding the gun in hand.

The second is the Ministry of Finance and accounts. As the name suggests, this department is in charge of economic power, which is equivalent to holding the money bag in hand.

The third is the legislative department, which is responsible for formulating and establishing rules and regulations. This department is relatively idle, but it is indispensable, because it represents who has the final power of interpretation.

The fourth is the Ministry of political participation, which is equivalent to the State Council of later generations. It mainly summarizes all the information of the seven halls and four halls, combs problems and formulates strategies and plans.

The fifth is the security department, which is equivalent to royal guards + East Hall + central guard team. Its role is needless to say.

It is worth mentioning that the level of the five departments under the first statue is equal to that of the two palaces of Zuo Fu and you Bi, which is also a restriction on the right of the first statue.

In He Xie's expectation, the World Council will hold regular meetings. The participants of the meeting include him, five chiefs, two supreme elders and seven elders, a total of 15 people, to discuss state affairs.

It is also necessary to hold an annual meeting at the beginning of each year, expand the meeting to the level of altar leaders, and let the hall leaders and altar leaders report on their work.

In addition, the hall meeting of the seven elders hall and the hall meeting of each hall are held once a year.

In this way, the structure and functions of the whole world conference will be clearer, and they can restrict and supervise each other, so that they can operate effectively.

Of course, he Xie is now a skillful woman who can't make bricks without rice. Talents are the first factor restricting the development of the world conference. It can be expected that the top level of the world conference will be vacant for a long time. First, he Xie would rather lack than abuse. Second, in He Xie's planning, everyone must start from the bottom, except Qiao Feng and Duan Yu. Even Jiu Mozhi must start from the helmsman.

That's why he doesn't hesitate to attract talents from three aspects: money, power and martial arts. Only when excellent talents continue to join, the first batch of people who join the association will get up step by step and move to a high position.

In addition to the order to recruit talents, he Xie also plans to establish a welfare home of the world society, collect orphans from all over the world, and cultivate these children who have been raised by the world society since childhood, so as to become the mainstay of the world society in the future.

He Xie will also build the world society civil and military college, which is open to the outside world, teaches literature and martial arts, collects a small amount of money to maintain operation, and all graduates will be allocated.

He Xie did not intend to announce the latter two plans, but did it quietly first.

Of course, these recruitment policies should change according to the current situation. The three redundant problems of the great Song Dynasty are still in front of us. He Xie wants to avoid repeating the mistakes.

Just a recruitment order has made many people of insight present aware of the strength and wealth of the world conference.

That string of numbers makes many people's hearts like a pressing stone.

They can fully foresee what terrible consequences will be caused by He Xie's order to recruit talents in this era of advocating culture and restraining force!

Of course, in order to pay the salaries of so many people and maintain the operation of the whole world conference, it is also very likely that the world will not be able to run at all. The thunder and rain are small and will soon disappear.

In short, there are two extremes, either in the world or disappear!

The faces of the people sent by all major schools are dignified. If this order is issued, it will be extremely difficult for them to recruit disciples in the future.

People all over the world will pay money, teach martial arts and give back power. If you want to learn martial arts, why come to Shaolin, Wudang or other second rate forces?

Moreover, by comparison, the advantages of the world association are simply too great. Being a beggar or a monk has no attraction at all, okay?

What's more, the martial arts of the Shaolin beggars' sect and most of the sects present are all available in the Wuzang tower of the world society!

Of course, they don't know at this time, otherwise these people can't wait for a moment. They will attack him and kill him.

But even so, the people present have been extremely wary of He Xie. If the world association is such a recruitment method, other sects can't afford to learn from it. They can only recruit the fish that the World Association missed or the people who were eliminated by the World Association.

But in this way, the quality of their younger disciples is getting worse and worse, and the sect will wither sooner or later.

If you recruit those with bad conduct, don't say that you have suffered deeply. I'm afraid it's just an excuse for the world to "eliminate harm for the people".

He, who is surnamed he, says that harmony is the most important thing. He also puts forward a four in one principle. In fact, he is poisonous.

At the moment, the vast majority of people present have an idea in their hearts, that is, immediately open the mountain gate and recruit disciples after the ceremony, and immediately start the war of robbing people while the influence of the world conference is still very weak.

But what they don't know is that their idea didn't escape what evil expected.

Man grabbing war?

Hehe, the imperial court's labor force is divided and competed by a group of Wulin people who occupy the mountain as the king. The officials on the Dragon chair can't help asking, what do these mud legs want to do?

At that time, the world will be able to deal with the imperial court with a series of measures that benefit the country and the people, such as buying land and adopting orphans. It can also pay taxes reasonably, and even buy officials with heavy money.

What about other sects?

Without any evil words, those officials will rush up like wolves and tigers and start fighting against these "premeditated and evil" sects.

If he Xie gives a little guidance, the sects that make him uncomfortable will collapse in an instant.

For example, beggars' sect?

In today's world, no one can compete with He Xie.

There are several stages missing.