Gandalf looked blankly at the scene of war not far away, and his heart was filled with a sense of powerlessness.

He couldn't figure out why the father would personally intervene in what matter and send down the Oracle twice.

This is completely contrary to his ideas and his will and morality.

"If we let it go, kailantrier and Legolas will die, Changhu town will be completely ruined, and even the brave and kind Bilbo Baggins will be spared!" Gandalf said angrily and in a very depressed tone, "what's worse, if he can't escape, the supreme ring will completely fall into Sauron's hand, and darkness and evil will completely envelop the Middle Earth!"

"Can you go against the will of the father?" Asked King Elon.

"Yes..." Gandalf sighed, his face heavy, "who can go against the will of the father?"

He turned to He Xie and Shi Maoge, who were besieged by the army and were still fighting to kill, and said, "if so, we'd better prepare for the worst."

King Ailong was stunned and his face changed slightly: "you mean..."

"If the light is no longer bright, what reason does he have not to go to the dark, even if it is only because of a moment of anger?" Gandalf said quietly, "King Elon, are you ready to face the Dragon Knight, the Yan devil and the dark Legion at the same time?"

King Elon's eyes widened, and his face gradually showed a look of panic.

"Retreat." Gandalf sighed again. "The dark forest can't be maintained. We must pull the front back to ravendale and give up the whole North."

"No, I don't think it's that bad."

At this time, the young human general who had been listening suddenly said: "Gandalf, no one can resist the temptation of the supreme ring. It is precisely because of this that Soren took great pains and spent his troops to lead our attention to the south, but in fact he besieged the dragon knight in the north, because Soren knew that the Dragon Knight would not return the supreme ring to him."

"What do you want to say? Boromir? " Gandalf asked, frowning.

"What I want to say is that Sauron and the Dragon Knight will not go hand in hand. Greed and desire make their hatred and opposition irresolvable." Boromir said, "you see, the Dragon Knight he is still resisting. His strength really shocked me. The Yan devil, the ring spirit and the army are encircling and suppressing, but he is still fighting. We can expect him to inflict greater trauma on Sauron. Maybe we can wait until they lose both..."

"Oh, don't do such unrealistic delusions!" Gandalf felt more and more outrageous, so he interrupted him impolitely, "whether it's the Dragon Knight or Soren, it's not as simple as you think. They must let us easily hide behind the high wall and enjoy a big war with hot tea! "

"But we are not easy to mess with!" Boromir said, "they are all our enemies. No matter who approaches here, we will attack anyone! We will guard our positions carefully and wait for them to decide the outcome. There will be no problem! "

After a pause, he looked at King elong with a strange look in his eyes: "maybe we can take back the supreme ring and make their ambition and greed come to naught! The great ELF KING, in any case, is better than giving up the whole North, displacing tens of thousands of elves in the dark forest and crossing the whole Eaton wasteland! "

"Perhaps the supreme ring is the reason why you stay!" Gandalf shouted angrily, "Boromir, don't take chances. What I'm worried about now is not even Soren, but the dragon knight. No one knows him better than me. The power he has is not what you can imagine. Otherwise, why should the father pay attention to him?"

Boromir shrugged: "come on, Gandalf, wizards always scare people, but in fact, the warning of wizards has never happened."

"That may be my warning to avoid bad things," Gandalf said faintly. He turned to King elong. "King elong, we must retreat immediately, or it will be too late."

Elon's eyes flickered and said slowly, "ravendale, you shouldn't be a battlefield, my friend, Miranda."

Gandalf was stunned and looked at King Elon incredulously.

In the battlefield, he Xie is still fighting hard.

He had killed the last mammoth under the attack of the Yan devil and the ring spirit, but at the same time, the orc army had completed the siege. They threw stones, spears and huge nets in the middle with huge instruments, which almost trapped He Xie and Shi Maoge several times.

Shi Maoge, who lost his gold armor, was inevitably injured. Even his fire was defended by the orcs with a shield array. In addition, forced by the ring spirit and the Yan devil, Shi Maoge couldn't take off at all. The scene once made he Xie very passive.

Fortunately, just now he cast the 18 dragon subduing palms, forcibly rushed into the array, opened a gap, and forcibly retreated three warning spirits with a Tai Chi grinding plate. Only then did he open the gap and prepare to break out of the siege.

But then the wolf rode.

The pale Orc ahsog rode with hundreds of wolves. Blocked the gap.

The wolf Knight first entangled Shi Maoge with a chain and a flying rope and made him trapped in the earth again. Soon all the wolves jumped on him and tore him crazy. At the same time, the Yan devil and the three ring spirits fought together and finally hit Shi Maoge hard.


Smog was completely angry. He made an amazing roar and twisted his body wildly.

Bang bang!

All the wolves were thrown out.


Smog roared and spewed fire everywhere, burning them all to ashes.

On his back, he Xie was trembling with ahsog. With one hand, they grabbed the scales of smog so that they wouldn't be thrown down, and the other hand kept attacking each other.

"Human, have you tasted the power of ahsog!" Ahsog roared excitedly, waved his four bladed axe and threw it hard at He Xie.

He Xie was in a very passive situation because ahsog didn't have to worry about anything, but he Xie wanted to prevent him from hurting shimonge, so he couldn't dodge and had to block every time.

But even so, he Xie still matched him.


When GE blocked the axe, he Xie's tiger's mouth burst, gritted his teeth, held a sword and stabbed him in the chest.

He Xie was very fast. Ahsog dodged quickly, but he was still late. He was scratched on his right shoulder by a sword, and blood gushed out. He screamed bitterly and hit him with an axe again.

Just at this time, the furious smog hit the Yan devil's chest.


The Yan devil fell to the ground with a bang, and Shi Maoge also fell out obliquely.

Ahsog lost his balance and swung his axe into the air. He Xie took the opportunity to stab him with a sword.

"No..." ahsog shouted in horror.


He Xie had pierced his throat with a sword, roared, and turned and raised his wrist.

Half of the orc's head was immediately cut off.