While he Xie was thinking about all kinds of possibilities, a geologist named Adrian hurried into the mining area of megaden copper mine, the largest copper mine in the three Arab countries.

Although Adrian is a scholar engaged in geological research, in fact, he belongs to the only scientific research institution in the eighth Bureau of the lighthouse state interior, serving the lighthouse homeland security department.

He came here because an A3 geologist named Satnam called him at seven o'clock yesterday evening and told him that a terrible thing had happened.

He took an international flight that night and arrived here nonstop.

Adrian soon met Satnam. His old friend's face was full of panic and fear.

"What happened? Satnam? " Adrian asked.

Satnam shook his head. "My friend, I think you should see it yourself and come with me."

They took a vertical ladder and fell to a depth of more than 3000 meters underground. There is a hidden secret experimental base here.

Satnam took Adrian to an instrument, pointed to the screen and said, "you see, these are normal neutrinos. They have no mass and no charge. They are almost unaffected when passing through other substances."

"I know this," Adrian frowned, pointing to a set of data on the screen, "but the number seems to be wrong."

"That's what I'm going to say!" Sartre looked at Adrian solemnly. "Remember what happened at 3:25:43 yesterday afternoon?"

Adrian nodded and said, "of course, we made a handover with NASA. Two seconds after the sun went out, there was the largest solar eruption in human history."

Satnam breathed a long breath: "the surge in the number of neutrinos began at that time."

Adrian frowned more tightly and looked at Satnam: "but the impact of neutrinos on other substances can be ignored."

"No, it's different this time!" Satnam quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times, pointed to the screen and trembled, "look at this, an unprecedented situation has happened, and neutrinos are causing physical reactions."

"My God..." Adrian shook his head. "It's impossible! Sartnan, are you mistaken? "

"Adrian, you know how rigorous I have always been." Sutter South Road.

"Sorry, I didn't question your meaning, my friend, I just..." Adrian hurriedly said, "I just think it's incredible."

"It's incredible," Sartre said with a dignified face. "Come with me, my friend“

They hurried through the laboratory and came to an empty and huge space.

Satnam pointed to a well cover surrounded by iron bars and said, "this is a 6000 foot deep underground water tank. Just yesterday, a very strange thing happened here."

Adrian listened to the murmur inside and looked at Satnam with some wonder.

Satnam said, "you know, my friend, these neutrinos from the sun have become a new type of nuclear particles!

He came forward, opened the heavy well cover, looked back at Adrian and said in a trembling voice, "it is heating the core of the earth, just like a microwave oven."

Adrian came forward with fear in his eyes and stared at the boiling water in the well. He felt his hair stand on end.

"Seal here, my friend!" Adrian took a breath and said quickly, "I'll report the situation up now!"

He Xie naturally didn't know what happened in the three countries, but he Xie, who returned to the hotel, quickly hacked into the intranet of NASA and Huaxia space agency and checked a large number of analysis and investigation reports on yesterday's solar anomaly. The more he looked at it, the tighter his brow.

Various information shows that the impact of yesterday's events is far beyond his imagination. It is not as simple as revealing information to the outside world. Whether it is a lighthouse or China, it is like a great enemy and takes a very cautious attitude towards yesterday's solar anomaly and the spatio-temporal distortion near Saturn.

Almost coincidentally, the two sides decided to launch probes to Saturn and the sun to detect specific and detailed data and establish a complete and accurate data model to analyze and study the impact of this situation.

"Because the light cup helps me refine the space-time shuttle in the sun's core, it causes the sun to collapse and leads to wandering the earth?"

He Xie feels a little absurd. If his appearance led to the birth of the earth wandering plan, what if he doesn't appear?

Would it not have happened?

He doesn't understand.

What's more, what will the distortion of space-time near Saturn lead to?

And the so-called meteorite that sank the South Koryo cargo ship?

"It's a little noisy..." He Xie shook her head and murmured, frowning.

There is still too little data and information for him to analyze the specific situation, but it is certain that the simple and boring journey he thought did not exist.

He Xie soon shook his head and stopped thinking about these things.

No matter what the situation is, the top priority now is to quickly solve Ye Lanqiu's affairs and obtain more wine as soon as possible.

If the wandering earth event really happens, he will leave quickly before it.

That night, ye Lanqiu's story broke out.

The event was reported on the evening news of Yanjing local station. Neither ye Lanqiu nor the old man played the code, and the original audio and video were released in the news broadcast.

At the beginning of the picture, ye Lanqiu looked out of the window and was dazed. She didn't know what she was thinking. An old man stood in front of her. The conductor reminded her several times to give up her seat to the old man. It seemed that ye Lanqiu hadn't heard of it.

The conductor shouted several times in a row. At the end, the tone was obviously mixed with guns and sticks. It was very bad, and ye Lanqiu still didn't respond.

The old man's face was very unhappy at the moment. He snorted coldly and said sarcastically, "isn't there only one seat, ah? I'm tired if I don't sit? Tired to death! Even if I give this seat to this girl, can I do it? "

Even if the old man said so, ye Lanqiu in the picture still looked numb, but her sunglasses blocked her eyes and couldn't see her eyes at the moment.

"I haven't seen such a person in this car for so long!" From the video came the disdainful voice of the conductor.

Ye Lanqiu finally had a reaction at the moment. Her face was expressionless and said, "what's the matter? What? "

At this time, the conductor rushed directly to the camera. In front of Ye Lanqiu, he pointed to Ye Lanqiu and shouted, "will you let it? Can you believe I told the driver to stop and blow you down? What are the qualities of a person who doesn't do human affairs? What upbringing? "

Ye Lanqiu smiled sarcastically and patted his thigh: "I want to sit here."

This sentence completely poked the hornet's nest and blew up the whole car.