He Xie shook his head: "no, my plan for China has also changed."

Valentine's original plan was to implant an acoustic neurotoxin into the telephone card, and then start it through satellite signals to make people kill each other, so as to achieve the goal of eliminating most humans. As for China, this guy plans to play acoustic neurotoxins indiscriminately in outer space and destroy everything on the ground.

Even if he Xie is indifferent and cold, he can't kill all living beings indiscriminately.

But he has a higher way, that is, the last judgment.

Judge by cause and effect and decide who will die and who will live.

Cause and effect determines which parts of the universe will be destroyed and which will become the last pure land.

This cause and effect is the cause and effect of all the people in the world who owe the world.

The more cause and effect you owe, the faster you die.

Cause and effect is the most inhumane. Taking everything as a ruminant dog, it will not be biased due to race, status, power and other factors. Therefore, even he Xie's home country, China, must make a layout. However, saints also have likes and dislikes. He Xie will naturally be slightly biased towards his own nation without affecting the overall situation.

There is no doubt that under He Xie's Doomsday judgment, the earth will be destroyed.

So he Xie plans to choose a real chosen son, let him become the real cause of all fruits, build a big ship to escape the end, and lead those who can survive to escape the earth and escape the end.

He Xie plans to divide the whole new plan into three steps.

The first step is to roll out his smart phone card technology. However, this technology is only a medium to manifest cause and effect in advance, which is convenient for He Xie to manipulate this cause and effect.

The second step is to show the saints in front of people, announce the plan, count down the end, and select the chosen son.

The third step is the final destruction and redemption.

"Help me make an appointment with senior figures in the field of communication and science and technology in China." He Xie determined his thinking and immediately became vigorous and resolute. "I need to meet them as soon as possible and finalize this matter."

"OK." Jiazeler's greatest advantage is that she will oppose when it is time to oppose, but once the boss makes a decision, she will not have any objection, but carry out it meticulously.

"Another thing, Professor Arnold seems to be watched." Gazelle was expressionless.

"Seems?" He Xie frowned. He knew who Professor Arnold was. Like the original Valentine, he was a firm supporter of the earth's climate destruction wheel. He thought that the earth would automatically adjust and repair itself, and human beings were the virus.

Originally, this is a "comrade" with Valentine's ambition, which is naturally very important.

But now, this person is irrelevant to He Xie. Even the heads of state who had to be wooed in Valentine's plan did not matter at all.

So he actually didn't want to care about this man's life and death.

But the trouble is that Arnold knows most of his plans and secrets

"Kill him!" He Xie shook his head and gave orders decisively.

Jiazele frowned: "but I haven't found out who this man is. It's a pity to kill him directly..."

He Xie looked at her strangely: "no, I mean kill Arnold. Since the trouble is difficult to solve, we'll solve the people who cause trouble."

Gazelle was stunned and said for a long time, "but you said Arnold was your favorite, why!"

He Xie tilted his head: "did I say that? Well, mom annoys FA Ke'er. Now he's not. "


Although he was in the mood, he quickly went to make complaints about what evil was.

It was Galahad of the ace secret service organization who stared at Arnold. While he Xie ordered to kill Arnold, the ace secret service seemed to have a strange sense of uneasiness and immediately took action.

He was very vigorous and resolute. He directly stopped Arnold when he was alone, explained his intention directly, and pressed: "my colleague was killed when saving you. You should know our ability. Let me ask you, who kidnapped you and then let you go? "

He used a unique technique to pinch Arnold's shoulder blade, making the latter miserable.

Arnold could not hold on for a while, but he refused in fear: "no, I can't tell you..."

After only half a sentence, his head exploded with a bang.

Galahad's face was sprayed with plasma, and he was a little confused.

On the other hand, gazelle, who monitored all this remotely, withdrew his finger on the start key and silently drew a cross on his chest.

"May the light bless you, professor."

Three days later, he Xie flew to China. He made a major compromise, gave up many interests, and even took the initiative to sell the latest communication technology. In exchange, China opened the communication market and fully rolled out the achievements of his new technology in synchronization with the world.

He Xie even voluntarily gave up China's network dominance because he knew it was impossible.

His request is only one - synchronization.

The Chinese side has no reason to refuse such a huge concession.

After half a month of intense busy, finally, the plan for the global release of smart phone card was completely finalized, and the date was set in a month.

On the other hand, the ace secret service organization regarded Arnold's death as a provocation and spared no effort to continue the investigation.

Finally, they found he Xie's head by analyzing the implanted chip that led to Arnold's head explosion.

Mei Lin, the logistics director of the organization, pointed to he evil way in the picture: "Xie He, Chinese, is the best climatologist of this century and the best businessman in the past 100 years. His company is spread all over the world, mainly involving biotechnology and communication information. The chip address in Arnold's neck is registered under the name of he's company. "

Galahad shook his head: "it doesn't mean anything. He's company has more than 8 million employees all over the world."

On the other side, eggsy, the son of the world, couldn't help admiring and said, "he is really a genius!"

Merlin and Galahad's eyes fell on him.

Agassi shrugged. "Didn't you see his press conference today?"

Both of them showed a dazed look.

Egsey immediately called out the news conference held by He Xie today.

This is the press conference of free smart phone card released by He Xie.

At the meeting, he announced the global synchronous release of his smart phone card. It is always free to call and surf the Internet. Not only that, he also distributes smart phones free of charge for users in Africa.

As for China, the three major operators of his partners synchronously implement the free phone card business. However, both the initiator and the leader have become the three major operators in China. The specific communication protocol and user welfare have nothing to do with He Xie.

He Xie announced that a new era of free communication has come.