Chapter 611 - Save Him!

'Dumb move,' Eldrian grinned as he summoned forth his strongest wind spell, one of the Anemos class. Blowing the flames into the charging orcs. It shouldn't have done much, but Eldrian also slowly fought for control of the rampant fire elements. 

Condensing it in parts, adding a few runes, and having those explode as soon as one of the orcs tried to move too close. The results of which were devastating, a minefield now separating the rest of the orcs from their boss and from Eldrian and Ceph. Eldrian had even killed two of the orcs.

'That should give us a few seconds, but not enough for that...' Eldrian realized he wouldn't have long enough to cast his new unnamed spell, certain that the orc warrior would charge him as soon as he tried. 

Slipping under the orcs greatsword, Ceph thrust both his daggers into the orc's side. Shockingly, the orc suddenly let go of his greatsword and caught Ceph in a bear hug. Immediately starting to crush Ceph.

The orc was forced to jump back as Eldrian's spear just narrowly missed his neck. A thin trail of blood left in the air as everyone separated. 

'I didn't think he would be this strong.' Ceph commented as he wiped the blood from his mouth, that hug had come close to crushing all his ribs. 

'Where's your magic?'

'I-' Dodging the punch, Ceph jumped and used some sort of gust spell to avoid the following kick. Eldrian just barely managed to dodge the dagger that had appeared before him in the blink of an eye.

The orc repurposed Ceph's daggers, the wounds healing at a rate visible to the naked eye. Normally pulling out a dagger from your side should be a bad idea, but to the orc it was nothing.

'Ah,' Eldrian immediately realized how much they had fucked up.

Ceph's mana was near empty, the cost of teleporting having left him with less than a quarter of his mana. He also didn't have enough time to concentrate on spells, thus he had to constantly use simple quick spells to keep himself alive. 

At this time, the fire elements had finally calmed down and the minefield was collapsing quickly. It hadn't even held for five seconds. 'I really thought I could manage this, but-'

Eldrian's thoughts were interrupted as a greatsword slipped through his side, Chelona (his breastplate) could no longer withstand the punishment.

The web of cracks from the previous attacks quickly spread to the new contact zone. Falling apart as the greatsword burst through his side. 

Naturally, with Chelona's destruction {Shield} was also immediately dispelled. As were {Turtle}, which was actually the cause for Eldrian's inability to dodge the attack. While it greatly increased his defenses, it also slowed him. And that slow debuff had caused him to be unable to dodge.

Gritting his teeth, Eldrian wanted to curse. Alas, the pain was so great that it took all his willpower to not lose focus.

Jumping back, the greatsword cut through him as it slipped. Luckily, Eldrian was fast enough to stop the orc from simply pushing the sword towards his heart. Certainly, the orc was strong enough to need any momentum to cut Eldrian in half. 

The escape brought his HP down to below a hundred. His vision blurring, he could feel his life slipping away. Having no choice, Eldrian used the spell he always kept saved in Berdevo. A divine Tier 4 healing spell. 

Along with it he pushed down summoned flames against his wound. Scarring his entire side. Stuffing his screams, Eldrian managed to stabilize himself at around two hundred health. In this time five orcs had surrounded him and their attacks were falling down. 

Ceph was doing his all to dodge all the attacks aimed at him. Alas, thanks to the pressure from the three other orcs who had surrounded him too, he could no longer dodge them all. 

Eldrian watched in horror as Vrigka grabbed Ceph's wing and threw him to the ground. Poor Ceph bounced off the ground like a ball, his HP taking a massive plummet. 

'No.' Eldrian watched in horror as the Vrigka's regripped his greatsword. Bearing it down on Ceph.

Eldrian's entire soul froze, images of his time with Ceph flashing through his mind. 

Recalling the once naive little Alicorn who had saved Sabrea's life. Not knowing who they were, filled with kindness and worry. The memory was suddenly ruined as Eldrian recalled his meeting with Ceph after the events of Miracle capturing him. 

The sweet innocent child, now distant and cold. His childlike joy gone, his childhood gone. 

'I-I... I'm sorry.' At this moment Eldrian wasn't able to think things through, to remember that Ceph was his Zoe partner and that they could resurrect one another. That all either of them needed to do was escape and they would both survive. 

No, at this moment all Eldrian could see was the child who he had ruined and brought to his death.

All because he wanted to test his limits. 

Hatred grew inside him, hatred at himself. Seeped in disgust that he could fall so far, that he could become complacent and consider this but a fun quest. That he could even think of gathering XP as something that was more important than doing his most to save the people trapped in the ruined city! 

That he could have become bored at saving people! He utterly despised himself as he recalled his recent acts and thoughts. 

'Why? Why did I think I was better than them?!' Eldrian questioned as he continued to watch the greatsword inch closer and closer. 'Why did I ever think I have any right to lead?'

{"Do you want power?"} A cold distant voice asked. 

{"Yes! I must- Save him!"}

{"Are you willing to bear the cost?"} Watching as the greatsword made contact with Ceph, slowly separating his clothes and skin, Eldrian answered in rage. 

"Save him!"

Rushing forward, Eldrian wished for one thing and one thing only. To save Ceph. His mind was consumed with this thought, he threw all he had into this singular task. 

Eldrian exploded forth, rushing past the encirclement he thrust out his hand. A shockwave blew away the orcs around him. Retracting his hand, Eldrian pulled Ceph towards him through an invisible force. 

However, the greatsword still cut through Ceph's side, only his side. Yet, seeing the blood Eldrian's mind turned blank. Looking at the grinning Vrigka, Eldrian was consumed in rage. His vision turned red and flames from the depth of hell covered him. 

"You'll die!" Jumping forward, thunder echoed through the air as Eldrian threw his spear with all his strength. The spear too was covered in flames. Flames that hungered. Flames that sought destruction. 

Vrigka's grin disappeared as his instincts screamed at him to dodge. Turning to the side, the orc thought Eldrian a fool for throwing his weapon. 

Shockingly, the spear turned with his dodge. 

Blood filled the air, and as the orc looked up in shock he saw Eldrian before him. "Just die!" Eldrian shouted as he threw a punch covered in flames that ate at everything. Even Eldrian's clothes and armor were no exceptions. 

Throwing back his head, Vrigka dodged the attack. Or so he thought as he suddenly felt the spear move. Eldrian had grabbed it with his other hand and flames sprang from his body. Using the spear as a bridge to get at its target. 

AN: Hello everyone, I would just like to thank everyone who has purchased the privilege and is supporting me through it. Thank you all so much!