Letting the kids swimming in their own daydreaming, Hana opened the LINE chatting app on the special spot not far from the fireplace. While waiting for the chats being connected, she took another gray stone and proceed with making a new chisel.
The new chisel would enable her to work on the soil near the stream area and turn it into a fish trap. This idea came as she had seen a particular Youtube video a few days before her transmigration on how to make a fish trap by digging a hole near a water source. It is a pity she couldn't load Youtube here. It will make her life a lot easier.
Sighing, she will try it out the next time when she goes to the river as she need to confirm that the stream embankment conditions was suitable.
As for other (more savage) ways to get meat, there's no way she was going to catch a game and slaughter it herself like on TV! All the meat she had ever cooked were either from supermarkets, the town's night market (1) or the wholesale market (2)!
The smartphone beeped a few times to indicate that the chat has been connected, and messages from Arash entered non-stop;
These are new DIYs for you love;
1. How to make potteries using termite mounds (3)(Author: Yes, you read that correctly