Recommended reading: ?Wizard Continent, the vicissitudes of history.

In the ancient and untraceable savage period, it was ruled by countless groups of monsters, full of vitality and various types, and the group of savage giants was just one of them.

Historical changes, the savage giants called all invincible and powerful creatures gods. In the names of the savage giants, gods not only worshiped their power, but also had the ambition to obtain the same powerful power. Human ancestors The rise of the world, relying on the continuous killing of the ancient wizard world masters to gain stronger power, the barbaric giants actually slaughtered all the "gods" on the entire wizard continent, and there is no one in the wizard continent worthy of being called gods by the barbaric giants. creature.

In this way, the barbaric giants ruled the wizarding continent and became the overlord of the wizarding continent.

Afterwards, a period of dark history, the barbaric giants who lost their enemies began to degenerate, vying for power with each other, and their power became more and more decayed, all of which made the ancestors heartbroken.

The history of wizards is accompanied by the birth of human beings. This is a brand-new biological group created by human ancestors who sealed the instincts of savage giants. The biggest feature is endless desire and ambition.

Afterwards, the world of wizards has experienced the history of wizards and the Sea Clan fighting for hegemony, the history of wizards and alien nightmares, the history of the first battle of civilizations, the history of wizards and the second battle of civilizations with phaseless ancient demons, and now the ancient world is about to experience the third battle. The first war to spread to the mainland, the war between wizards and metal destroyers

Green was not in a hurry, but stopped and went, flying all the way to the harbor of Zerato, the eastern coral island.

Green did not forget his other desire to offer his true spirit, which was inspired by seeing Maggie’s gift in the illusory world in the esophagus of the dimension. He recalled that when he was young in Bissel City, every winter was so difficult, Lonely little beggars clung to each other for warmth.

In contrast, Green's Ether Magnet completed the dedication of the true spirit, only for Green to obtain the infinite power of the world guardian in the wizarding world. Once he left the wizarding world, Green's power declined sharply, and he became a very distinctive true spirit. Consecration rules.

Green was not satisfied, and tried to make a second contribution to make up for his lack of regular increase outside the wizarding world.

But if you want to promote this festival, not to mention the long time, whether it can be accepted and promoted is also a problem, and with the development of the wizarding world, whether the festival can be passed down

Greene has no faith in this devotion.

The Five Rings Holy Tower, the Dark Flower Wizard Academy, the former Dark Flower Stigmata wizards have fallen in the Civilization War, and the academy has also completely declined. Because there are too many stigmata wizards who fell in the Civilization War, the Holy Tower The stigmata were not arranged to take over, but the Wizarding Academy was allowed to gradually decline until it was forgotten.

In Bandesar City, a small city with a population of only about 10,000 people, Green's figure appeared silently at the corner of the street.


The howling cold wind made Green walk slowly, dragging the time into winter, the most difficult time for the little beggars, where conflicts and wars are inevitable, and there will be a group of the most lonely and helpless people everywhere.

In the dirtiest corner of the street, in a simple shed, a group of beggars gathered tremblingly.

Da, da, da, da, da

The magic wand leaned on the cold and hard brick, making a crisp knocking sound. The most lonely and helpless little girl among the beggars raised her head. With two flushed faces and big eyes, she looked at the girl standing in front of her. The tall figure, at a loss.

"Tell me what you want now"

Green's voice was full of the charm of the devil, deep and hoarse, straight to the soul, as if he appeared in the form of a devil's contract during the cataclysm of the spirit world.

The little girl was a little scared, and unconsciously leaned towards the old beggar next to her, and the other beggars also looked at Green timidly, wondering what happened to this high-ranking nobleman, what kind of conspiracy was there, and there was a hot room not to enjoy , but I want to find happiness here with myself, these starving beggars.

"Quack, wow, young master, your method doesn't seem to work.


On the shoulder, Xiaoba rubbed his nose with his wings, and saw the difficulty of Green's promotion of true spirit dedication.


Green frowned. In the wind and snow, he just stopped and thought for a while, and suddenly came to his senses.

The true dedication of the wizarding world lies in the rules of creating something out of nothing. This is a rule that is beneficial to the development of the wizarding world. It cannot be promoted by force, and it cannot be implemented by tricking a few people.

Suddenly, Green thought that he was in the world community of the Warmer, which was influenced by the scene of the Warmer's integration into nature, and produced a feeling of compassion, a feeling that had never appeared before.

At this moment, in Green's eyes, the little girl and these beggars were like a group of fawns. They were just a part of the vitality of the wizarding world. Green showed a warm smile, stretched out his hand to touch the little girl's messy hair, and gave the little girl An indescribable warmth of the heart, that is an inspiring force.

“Would you like a bowl of hot rice?”

The pupils of the little girl's eyes dilated, she nodded timidly, with infinite longing.

"Then come with me, all those who want to have a full meal, come with me."

With that said, Green turned and left. The little girl stood up in a daze. Wearing broken straw sandals, she followed Green's pace with her almost frozen feet. The other beggars hesitated, but out of their desire for delicious food, They also followed.

"Damn it, you really chose the place for the magic stick, that old thing on the Fifth Ring Road is a living magic stick"

Faintly, Xiao Ba muttered.

"Stop, who?"

The two listless knight guards suddenly saw a group of beggars coming to the gate of the mansion, and stopped the leader Green.

"Today is December 1st. Compassion drove me here. Lost wolfhounds, put away your fangs and give these fawns some mercy. You will gain more."

The two knights stared wide-eyed, what is the situation?

After hesitating for a while, as if he was intimidated by Green's magic stick, one knight continued to stop Green and the many beggars, while the other quickly ran into the mansion. Needless to say, this is a very luxurious mansion, that is, A descendant of wizards, a nobleman among ordinary humans.

The beggars behind Green were a little scared, but Green continued to look compassionate and looked at the shivering deer and the Shiba Inu with pity. That was another brand new vision. To be continued~~

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