Chapter 12: Mr. Lu’s past

Translator: Flying Lines

Fang got stupefied, “Mr. Lu, you don’t have to tell me…”

“I didn’t know it until I was 15.” Ignoring Fang’s words, Lu began to recall.

“Before I was 15, my mom was very kind to me. While she was beating and scolding my elder brother because of his terrible studying performance, I was eating ice-cream by the side because I had got full marks. I could eat and dress as well as my brother. The situation lasted until the year when I was going to attend high school. I got the third place in my city, and thus went into the best high school. On the contrary, my brother was not admitted by even an ordinary university that year. My mom got very angry, and scolded him for not being better even than a bastard.”

Fang Qiao got stunned. Holding a cabbage leaf in his hand without moving, Fang opened his mouth thoughtfully after quite a while, “So you went to a key high school depending on your own ability.”

Absorbed in his own stories, Lu Yanzhou was not affected, and he continued, “Then, I gave up my studies at home, and demanded on my own initiative to study abroad. I was reluctant to return home, being afraid of not knowing how to face my mom if I returned.”

Fang imagined the appearance of Lu when he was a child. Being alone and far away from home, Lu must have been poor just like the cabbage leaf in his hand.

Lu said, “I looked down on my father for bringing the baby from a concubine home, and let his wife to raise it. What kind of person could do such a thing? Therefore, when he asked me to return to take over a new company this time, I just refused.”

Fang pinched the cabbage in his hand apart suddenly.

“How could you just refuse a company?”

Rolling up his sleeves leisurely, Lu leaned forward to help Fang wash vegetables, “My brother is narrow-minded, and he will go out of his way to get rid of me if he knows a bastard might rob him of his property.”

“!!” How could the story have developed from resentment in a rich family into the gang infighting. Fang murmured, “No way…”

Lu smiled, “No, I fool you.”


“Taking over a new company comes with a price. My dad hopes I could accept a marriage based on commercial interests.”

Well, it was still a TV-show at 8 pm featuring stories of rich families. Fang said, “Sso you have taken me as a shield.”

Raising his eyebrows, Lu said, “Well, are you angry?”

Fang murmured, “I dare not! Thanks for your love, Mr. Lu.”

Picking up his hands out of the cold water, Lu grabbed Fang’s ear like playing a trick, “How do you speak with your boss?”

“Uh, ouch, it’s cold! My ear is freezing off!” Fang shrank his neck and stepped back, accidentally bumped in the kitchen countertop behind him.

Lu Yanzhou took the advantage to lean towards Fang, surrounding him with his arms.

They were very close. Fang kept his head up, and his ear which had been pinched was still dripping. He looked attractive. Lu couldn’t help leaning closer to bite his earlobe lightly.

It felt too sexy! Fang felt a burst of limp and numb, and he definitely knew what kind of thing Lu would do next.

It is said that material comforts leads to sexual desire. Lu was not an ordinary man for sure. He got sexual desire even when he was still hungry.

Fang couldn’t do that absolutely, so he pushed Lu’s chest, and said, “Well…Mr. Lu, shall we eat something first?”

Lu raised his head lingeringly with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, “OK, I’ll deal with you after dinner.”

Fang nodded in embarrassment, thinking the sex tonight might last to the new year.

However the year-crossing sex didn’t come as imagined. When they almost finished eating hot-pot, Lu’s phone rang. He put down his chopsticks, and his soft face immediately became serious.

“Mom?” Taking up the phone, Lu sounded surprisingly obedient.

Someone said something at the other end of the phone. Lu looked a little guilty, “I returned this afternoon…er, I see… I’ll come back at once.”

Biting the chopsticks in mouth, Fang looked at Lu with confusion.

“My mom has sent a driver to take me home. I have to go now.”

Fang nodded. Although he didn’t say anything, he felt upset suddenly.

Though Lu was useless except eating here, at least there was someone here to talk with, and thus Fang couldn’t seem to be too lonely on the New Year’s Eve.

However, they were different in reality. Lu had a family.

After Lu left, Fang stood in the kitchen, brushing the oily pot alone. He couldn’t help blaming Lu in the heart, wondering whether he had made an excuse to slide away because he didn’t want to wash the dishes.

It was already late after cleaning up the shop. Fang was about to leave when he found there was still a plaid scarf hanging on the back of a chair. It should have been left by Lu just now because he got away in a hurry.

Picking up the scarf, and closing the door, Fang intended to walk home.

He rented his current residence three years ago when he just joined the company. It was close to the cake shop with only a ten-minute walking distance.

It was near midnight, and there was nobody on the road. Fireworks had been forbidden within the five rings in the past few years. There was no sound in the sky. The air seemed to be frozen, cold and silent.

Fang wrapped Lu’s scarf around his own neck, revealing only half of his face. The scarf still got a light smell of perfume. Fang sniffed, and it smelt good.

At the moment, the phone in his pocket vibrated. Fang took it out, and found there was a text message from Lu Yanzhou, which was short with only three words-Happy Near Year!

Someone unknown was bold enough to set off fireworks not far away, and the sky was illuminated with red and green lights, even brightening up Fang’s face. Fang became happy suddenly, and shouted to the sky, “You’ll be fined!”

Having got up early to rush about all day, Fang lay on the bed the moment he returned home even without taking a bath.

Looking at the ceiling, Fang felt the day had been unreal. He helped Lu come out of the closet, listened to his inner thoughts, and ate the simple New Year’s Eve dinner together with him.

While thinking, he fell asleep gradually in a daze, and had a long dream.

In the dream, he was still in his childhood, and he came across the teenage Lu Yanzhou on the school playground.

One of them was an orphan abandoned by his parents, and the other was a bastard from a wealthy family. The two broken hearts drew near, comforted and warmed each other.

The two had confided loves under a tree, and confirmed their lifelong ties privately. However, when they grew up, they were obstructed by the Lu family. The elder brother came one day, ferociously threw out a cheque, and said, “Fang Qiao, here is 5 million! Leave Lu Yanzhou!”

With tears rolling down Fang’s cheeks, he couldn’t say even a word.

“Fang Qiao!” Someone patted him on the face, “Why are you crying?”

Fang opened his eyes slowly. With Lin Yao standing beside his bed, Fang cried with joy, “I’m gonna make a fortune.”