Xu Yuning tidies up his messy clothes and leaves the private room.

In any case, when Yang Shanshan rushes in, musjue can block her with her body, so she should thank him.

Otherwise, Yang Shanshan will make a scene. She must be the one who has lost face and been laughed at.

Musjue was still in the corridor outside. Xu Youning stopped more than one meter ahead of him, keeping a familiar but defensive distance with him.

"As you said, I should be happy with the value of utilization. But, next time this kind of thing, please tell me in advance, if I don't respond to come to dismantle your stage, it's not good. "

She looked at musjue and said it peacefully, as if the acid and astringency in her heart just now were her illusion, and she was not sad at all to be treated like this.

Musjue's deep eyes were on Xu Yuning's, but he didn't say anything for a while.

Xu Youning has been used to such disappointment, and sipped his lips: "I'm going first."

Shortly after she got home, she received a phone call from a Guang. A Guang stammered, "sister Youning, are you home?"

"Here we are." Xu Youning suddenly realized something was wrong. "A Guang, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, No." A Guang obviously wants to laugh, but his voice sounds more like crying. "I just want to ask if you are home. When you arrive, I will hang up first."

Xu Youning didn't have time to say anything, and the call ended.

A Guang once confessed that he liked to talk to her, so he always liked to talk to her more when he was free. Today, he is a bit unusual.

Xu Youning didn't come up with a reason, so he fell into a deep sleep.

A Guang, who is tens of kilometers away, is not so happy. He still runs around to check Zhao Yinghong's details and is ready to deal with him.

This kind of work would not have fallen on him.

But an hour ago, he finally sent Yang Shanshan away. When he returned to the private room, he did not see Xu Youning. He asked, "brother seven, where is sister Youning?"

"You care about her?" musjue asked

"Of course." A Guang subconsciously replied, "except for my family, sister Youning is the one I care about most now!"

Of course, he refers to the kind of care among friends, without any evil thoughts.

However, this finally angered him. When his face sank, he just realized that he had been the cannon fodder, and all the work fell on his head. At this moment, her mind was full of words like "regret".


The next day.

Xu Youning's healing ability is beyond ordinary people. When she woke up, she had forgotten what happened yesterday. She was ready to work happily.

In the middle of breakfast, someone rang the doorbell. The voice was very urgent. Xu Youning had a bad premonition.

She stopped aunt sun to open the door by herself. Sure enough, the visitor was not kind - Yang Shanshan.

"I thought you didn't dare to open the door." Yang Shanshan takes off her sunglasses and looks at Xu Yuning with a sneer.

Xu Youning also replied with a smile: "Oh, it's usually wild dogs or something. I don't open the door. Really, what does Miss Yang think of herself?"

Every word choked on Yang Shanshan's throat, and her face suddenly changed: "I really don't know what the Viscount sees in you."

"You don't need to know that." "You just need to know that you can't see anything from inside to outside. That's all."

When she went to school, she was a person who had a verbal fight with many heroes, OK!

Yang Shanshan wants to satirize her. She's just looking for death!

"You..." Yang Shanshan is so angry that she can speak several English words of swearing.

Xu Youning answered like a stream. At last, he shrugged innocently: "you mean you can't beat me. Why don't you just hit me?"

Because of her father's relationship, Yang Shanshan grew up in the palm of her hand. No one dares to disobey her, and no one dares to challenge her. Xu Yuning is like her nemesis.

In front of Kristen, she was totally indifferent to elegance and cultivation.

"You must have used some method to confuse the Viscount!"

As soon as the ending was over, Yang Shanshan raised her hand and fell towards Xu Youning's cheek.

Xu Youning didn't expect that Yang Shanshan would really do it. With a cold eye, he caught Yang Shanshan's hand accurately. After twisting it, Yang Shanshan not only didn't hit her, but also begged for the bitter food.

Although her father is tough enough, Yang Shanshan is a standard little princess. Her physical strength and hands-on ability are all slag level. Xu Yuning has already exceeded her tolerance. She "ah!" The pain of the cry, tears have been in the orbit around, see Xu Youning's eyes full of resentment.

Xu Youning smiled casually: "Oh, my taekwondo black belt. I forgot to tell you that you can't beat me even if you fight."

"Let go of my hand!" Yang Shanshan's face was painful. "Xu Youning, you deceive people too much!""Poof..." "Miss Yang, you've been abroad for too long, and your Mandarin has degenerated a lot," Xu said with a smile After a pause, he said seriously, "well, even if I deceive people very well, it is also your own door, blame me?"

Yang Shanshan is not willing to try to struggle, but just moved for a while, a sharp pain came without warning, and finally the tears rolled in her eyes burst into tears.

Xu Youning sees almost, unties Yang Shanshan leisurely: "are you particularly angry, think I have occupied the person you like?"

“……” Yang Shanshan rubbed her aching wrist and didn't speak.

Xu Youning didn't care about her either, and then said, "you like musjue, and I like him too. We are all right. Musjue and I are a little closer. That's his choice. I don't use any means. Even if I have means, I dare not use them on musjue. "

“……” Yang Shanshan even thinks Xu Youning has a point.

"What's more, if he ignores me and chooses to be with you, I will not have half a complaint, let alone go to you. No one can change the choice made by Lord muse. Those who try to interfere in his choice usually have no good end. " After a pause, Xu went on, "Miss Yang, you should learn to be smart."

"What do you mean?" Yang Shanshan said in her eyes

"You don't know what Lord Muse means at all." Xu Yuning said bluntly, "what he likes and dislikes; when can he communicate and when can he be as far away from him as possible..." You don't know all this. A lot of times, you're even doing things he hates. "

"You mean that the Viscount doesn't like me, but also dislikes me?"

Xu Youning shows his hand: "if you do something that a person hates, will that person still like you? I don't like you anyway. "

Yang Shanshan chews her lips and ponders for a long time. Finally, her eyes are fixed on Xu Youning's face.

This face, at a glance, may only make people feel good, but on closer inspection, her features are very worthy of scrutiny, and there is a natural affinity and persuasion between smiles.

Yang Shanshan suddenly realized that Xu Yuning was using her advantage to cheat her. If she believed her and was persuaded by her, she would be completely defeated by this woman.

She left Xu's words behind and looked at him coldly: "I won't believe you."

Xu Youning felt choked for a while and breathed: "I want to say so much, believe it or not, whatever."

With that, she wanted to close the door and shut the annoying creature.

Yang Shanshan quickly blocked the door and smiled: "Xu Youning, I don't believe I can't fight you."

Xu Youning smiled: "I thought the answer was obvious just now. I'm wrong. You're a little more obtuse than I thought. "

Yang Shanshan smiled scornfully and put on Sunglasses: "we will see. I will drive you away from the viscount. At last, I am the only one who accompanies him. "

"Well, it's possible for you to go back and dream. No delivery! " Xu Youning slammed the door and went back for breakfast.

When Yang Shanshan came to find her, she didn't tell musjue and didn't pay much attention to her.

It turns out that her heart is leaking.

From the third day on, Yang Shanshan kept looking for her troubles.

First, the police came to her house and said that there was something wrong with her house. She handled it calmly.

Maybe it was this that made Yang Shanshan find out that there was an old man in her family. Yang Shanshan started to harass her grandmother.

Xu's bottom line is grandma. However, if she can handle it, she doesn't plan to make a big deal until Yang Shanshan really touches her bottom line.

This afternoon, Xu Youning was working outside. Suddenly, she received a call from Aunt sun. Aunt Sun told her in a panic: "you Ning, your grandmother Your grandmother was taken to the hospital. "

"What happened to my grandmother?" Xu Youning rushed out and asked, "Auntie sun, calm down and tell me what happened."

"Just this afternoon, there was a gang of police at home." Aunt Sun said incoherently, "say you are suspected of engaging in illegal activities, say how serious things are, find out what you are going to be sentenced to death Your grandmother can't stand the stimulation for a while. She fainted. We are in the people's hospital. "

"I'm going now." Xu Yuning gets on the bus and changes to Bluetooth, "aunt sun, please take care of my grandma first."

When Xu Youning arrived at the hospital, grandma's first aid was just over. The old man was pushed out of the emergency room with a breathing tube in. His eyes were tightly closed, motionless, and even his breathing seemed weak.

This is the thing that Xu Youning is most afraid of. One day, her grandmother suddenly can't open her eyes. She goes to make a world and leaves her alone in this indifferent world.

She walked over and held her grandmother's hand tightly, unable to speak for a long time.

"The patient needs a rest." The nurse said, "go to an individual to go through the hospitalization formalities. Only one person can follow up the ward."Aunt sun goes to pay, Xu Yuning follows the nurse to settle down with grandma, and then goes to the doctor in charge of grandma to ask about the situation.

"I was stimulated." The doctor said, "your grandmother's health is not good. Don't let the old man get such a big stimulation in the future. Otherwise, irreversible things will happen easily."

"I see. Thank you, doctor."

As soon as he left the doctor's office, Xu Youning called a Guang.

This is what Yang Shanshan did not run. This time, no matter who offends, she will not be so easy!