With a new skill, the kids are excited and eager to swim every day.

For safety reasons, Xu Youning specifically told the adults that when they go down the pool, there must be adults nearby.

The kids are obedient. They come to the adults first when they want to swim.

Lu Boyan or musjue would change into swimsuits to swim with the kids when they were free.

But today, I'm afraid I'm going to let Niannian down.

"Dad is busy. He can't swim with you."

As soon as Xu Youning's voice fell, his expression of disappointment came out: "ah..."

"You can swim by yourself." "We're looking at you," she said

It's nice to have mom with them without dad.

Seeing that things have turned around, the loss of the bottom of the eyes is swept away. I can't wait to confirm to Xu Yuning: "Mom, is Aunt Jane an true?"

Xu Yuning thought it would be OK. Let the little guys change their swimsuits.

Xiyu and nuono were very excited and ran the fastest. They walked into the house.

Xu Youning was curious and said, "I seldom see Xiyu so excited."

Of course, she knows her son best, saying, "because no one is in charge of them in the pool today."

Xiyu seems to be obedient, but he is actually a child with strong independent consciousness. From the day when he learned to swim, he has been trying to get rid of the protection of adults and swim freely in the pool. But Su Jian'an and Xu Yuning were too strict. He never found a chance.

Most importantly, he knew that his mother and auntie Youning were for their safety, and he could not resist.

Today is a great time for him!

Xu Youning suddenly realized, smiled, and said, "in fact, sometimes I think about it, I'm very glad that I can have a brother like this."

"Don't say that." Su Jian'an said, "when you grow up, you must also be a very good child."

"But I feel relieved to meet this elder brother." Xu Yuning sat on the reclining chair beside the swimming pool. "When I get well, I plan to have a second child. I'd better have a daughter!"

Su Jian'an doesn't know. Song Jiqing doesn't suggest that Xu Youning take the risk of having a second child. She just thinks that Xu Youning hasn't fully recovered, so she doesn't need to think about so much:

"you Ning, don't think about too much later. Now, your complete recovery is the most important thing. "

"Well!" Xu Youning nodded, "it's perfect to solve the big problem of kangruicheng while recovering, and to have a new brother or sister to accompany our family."

Xu Youning's voice just fell. The little guys with goggles and swimsuits rushed out of the house.

The boys jumped out of the pool regardless, only to run to Su Jian'an and Xu Yuning.

"Baby, what's the matter?" Su Jian'an looks at the little girl, "won't you go down?"

It's better to shake your head and ask: "Mom, Auntie Youning, does my swimsuit look good?"

Su Jian'an and Xu Youning were stunned and then smiled.

It's really a girl. The first thing I care about is whether it's pretty or not.

"Good looking!" Su Jian'an gave the little girl a positive answer, "our baby had better watch it!"

It's appropriate to "giggle" and smile. Gu Ling looks at Xu Youning curiously --

Xu Youning also nods, telling the little girl that no little girl looks better than her.

With a satisfied smile, the little girl walked towards the pool.

"Appropriate!" Chant came out of the water and waved at the right place. "Hurry up, jump down!"

After all, it's a girl. She was taught to stand and sit when she was young. She is more gentle than the boys. Instead of listening to her thoughts, she jumped down directly and excitedly. Instead, she stepped on the handrail and went down slowly.

The appropriate swimming skills are not as proficient as the brothers and brothers, but after all, they are guided by Lu Boyan himself, and the swimming posture is very standard.

Reading swim to the appropriate side, whispered: "appropriate, do you know the mermaid?"

"I know," he nodded naively

"You're like a mermaid when you're swimming!" he said

It's not that Su Jian'an explained it. It's for the safety of the little girl.

The little girl also remembered her promise. As soon as Su Jian called, she climbed up the escalator obediently.

Next to the prepared towel, Su Jian'an took a bead of water to dry the little girl and took her back to the house to change clothes.

By this time, twilight had come.

Before long, several boys were also called back by Xu Yuning for dinner.

Su Jian'an saw that Muse Jue had not come down, pointed to the upstairs, and gestured, "honey, you can ask Uncle Mu to come down for dinner."


The little girl agreed happily and jumped upstairs.When musjue was in the study, he heard a knock on the door and said "come in" without raising his head. Then he heard a rustle, as if someone was trying to open the door, but could not push it away.

He frowned and stared at the door of the study -

"Oh, uncle mu," a voice came in, which was suitable and helpless, "I can't open this door."

Musjue got up and went to open the door. He saw the little girl standing outside the door, because she was so hard that her face was red.

"Uncle Mu!" The little girl smiled at musjue, "Mom and auntie Youning asked me to ask you to eat!"

Viscount Muse admitted that he had nothing to envy Lu Boyan.

He was just jealous of Lu Boyan.

Because Lu Boyan has an angel like girl.

Muskey smiled and picked up the little girl. "Is dinner ready?" He knew the answer, but he was willing to talk to the little girl about these non nutritious topics.

"Well!" The little girl nodded and winked at musjue. "Grandma Zhou and my grandma made super delicious food!"

"Is it?" Musjue showed a look of expectation with great cooperation.

"Yes!" It's appropriate to be more serious, "Uncle mu, do you know why?"

"Why?" continued Monsieur

"Because we are going to have a holiday tomorrow!" It's appropriate to say, "grandma wants to help us celebrate!"

Musjue "suddenly realized" and nodded: "so it is..."

The little girl was amused very much, laughing in the arms of musjue.

Xu Youning saw that Muse Jue was holding a suitable look, which was somewhat unexpected.

It can be said that musjue is very gentle now. Even when holding and reading, musjue is not so gentle.

The most important thing is that the little girl doesn't seem to be afraid of him at all. On the contrary, she is very close to him and can even play coquettish in his arms.

Well, if she told mussieu to have a second child and a daughter, he would not object, would he?