What Feng Lulu calls "Bo Zong" is the boss of brand business.

Li No. 1 dare not show his disdain for the products in front of the boss, but now he really fell.

"Miss Li, what's the matter?" The staff immediately stepped forward, nervously picked up the watch and checked it back and forth.

"The limited edition 20 years ago was sold out as soon as it was issued. This one is a buyback, which is rare." Feng Lulu is learning now and selling now. She is next to Li Yihao to popularize science.

"Mr. Bo, I I didn't mean to Li Yi apologized.

Can head a lift, where have Bo total shadow.

"Feng Lulu, you..." Li No.1 understood something in an instant.

"Miss Li, this watch has fallen off the paint a little bit," the staff interrupted her indignation, "what do you think we can do..."

"What's the matter?" This time, Mr. Bo really came.

Feng Lulu smiles at Li No.1 and leaves the booth.

Feng Lulu, you hurt her again!

It's Feng Lulu's greatest kindness not to watch her apologize like a grandson in front of Mr. Bo.

After the event, Feng Lulu went back to the lounge to change her clothes and remove her make-up.

"Bang", the door of the room was suddenly knocked open, Li No. 1 rushed in angrily.

When she saw Feng Lulu standing in front of the fitting mirror, she swung her arm round and fanned her.

"Ah A cry of pain.

But it wasn't from Feng lulu. Feng Lulu had been prepared and dodged in time. She slapped her hand on the wall.

was so painful that the foundation of her face was lump off.

"Miss Li, rush in and hit someone. I'm going to call the police!" Feng Lulu said calmly.

"Feng Lulu, you are so vicious that I've done nothing for half a year!" Lee one screamed angrily.

The paint of that watch is also limited edition. If it is damaged, it can't be repaired. Li No.1 can only compensate according to the original price.

In this regard, it was the co-ordination of the organizers that sold Li No.1's brokerage company a face.

Feng Lulu said with a smile, "Miss Li, I've earned a lot in the past six months."


Li Yuanqing took a step forward, in case No.1 Li started again, "Miss Li, you are doing small things behind your back and forth. You don't feel sick."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're still excited, aren't you? This watch thing is to give you a warning. Next time, I'll let you stay in the circle. "

"Oh?" Li No.1 laughed angrily, "you're a little assistant. It's a big tone."

"You can try to see if my little assistant can kill you."

"You You... "

Li No.1 was already flustered and at a loss. Looking at Feng Lulu and Li Yuanqing again, although his face was calm, his eyebrows were full of warnings.

Li Yihao took a breath and pretended to be calm. "Feng Lulu, you wait and see, you wait and see!"

Then she ran away with her skirt.

"This Li No.1 is a bully. If she is scared twice, she will be honest." Li Yuanqing said to Feng lulu.

Hearing this, Feng Lulu laughs. People like Li Yihao can't go far in the circle. She can't tolerate others. Naturally, others can't tolerate her.

Now she's provoking Feng lulu. Feng Lulu has left a way for her. If she's provoking other people, she doesn't know what will happen to Li No.1.

"Xiao Li, go home early. I'll see some friends later." Feng Lulu said to her.

Li Yuan is clear. She is going to have a party with Luo Xiaoxi.

After packing up, Li Yuanqing left first.

Feng Lulu hesitates to sit down. Today's party is arranged at Xiao yunyun's house. Is she going or not.

"Your assistant's gone. I'll take you back." At this time, Xu Donglie opened the door and leaned against it.

When he knocks on the door, Feng Lulu may not let him in.

If he doesn't knock, Feng Lulu won't let him in.

Only in this way can he have a word with her.

"No need." Feng Lulu got up and went out.

Xu Donglie has a trace of helplessness in his eyes: "you don't have to be so indifferent to me. Even if you are so indifferent to me, I won't give up."

"Whatever you want." She went on.

But Xu Donglie held his arm, "don't be angry. I'll think about what I told you."

She pushed his arm away, frowning slightly, showing a bit of impatience, "I have very clear answer to you."

If he doesn't hear clearly, she can answer again, "I won't play your play."

"What do you want to change your career for? Don't you want to go to a higher level when you're working so hard on filming?" Xu Donglie asked angrily.

Feng Lulu didn't speak and strode away.Xu Donglie took several deep breaths before he could hold back his impulse.

Just now, he really thought about pulling Feng Lulu back to the company and pressing his handprint.

But then, she would only hate him more.

He didn't notice that a figure was hiding at the corner of the corridor and heard every word they said.

After Xu Donglie left, Li No. 1 came out at the corner, full of resentment.

She knew that many front-line actors were waiting for this play of Xu Donglie's company. It turned out that the No. 1 girl had not been decided because Xu Donglie kept it for Feng lulu.

What's the best about Feng Lulu? Xu Donglie is fascinated by all kinds of meat and vegetables.

Li No.1 snorted. Suddenly, a sneer passed around her mouth. A wonderful plan was formed in her mind.


how long has it been since I came to Xiao yunyun's house.

In the corner of the garden, the European moon planted last year has been wantonly open, pink and light red, deep red, beautiful.

Standing in front of the European moon, Feng Lulu couldn't help remembering that she had planted a rose outside her cold home, but all of them were uprooted.

Is she getting older and older? It's so easy for her to remember the past.

"Which big star has come to my house!" Xiao yunyun's laughter rang out and came this way.

At first sight, Feng Lulu has a big hug with Xiao yunyun.

"Come on, let me see." after the hug, Xiao yunyun circles around Feng lulu. "It's really different to become a big star..."

"Yunyun, don't tease me."

But Xiao yunyun's words haven't finished yet, "it's too much thinner than before, isn't it that many things are not allowed to eat? Can the body bear it? "

Others only see her bright side. As expected, only good sisters really care about her.

"I didn't get used to it at first, but I'm used to it now." They went home while talking.

Nanny is taking Xiao Shen Xing to play on the tatami in front of the French window. Xiao Shen Xing has gone very steadily.

"The baby is so big!" Feng Lulu was really surprised.

She immediately picked up the baby and said, "Shen Xing, do you remember me? Do you remember me?"

Xiao Shen Xing looked at Feng Lulu with wide eyes for a long time. His eyes were full of strangers. For a moment, he grinned, "beautiful aunt, beautiful..."

Small meat hand impolitely to Feng Lulu face pinch.

Feng Lulu exclaimed: "fortunately, I have removed my make-up, or I will catch your hand."

With that, everyone laughed.

Fortunately, Xiao Shen is very cute. Feng Lulu has been playing with him for more than an hour without feeling tired.

By the time of dinner, Xiao Shen was already inseparable from her.

Today's party is very simple. Su Jian'an and Luo Xiaoxi are good sisters. Even Shen Yuechuan is forbidden by Xiao yunyun. The only male is Xiao Shen Xing.

Under her coaxing, Xiao Shen Xing ate more than half a bowl of rice, and then fell asleep in her arms.

"Auntie, take Shen Xing to the room." Xiao yunyun whispered to the nanny.

However, as soon as the nanny took over, Shen Xing's drooping eyelids opened again. She didn't see feng Lulu, and her mouth was about to cry.

Feng Lulu quickly took it back.

"I'll do it." Xiao yunyun came over.

Xiao Shen Xing holds on to Feng Lulu's clothes, her face full of grievances, as if accusing Xiao yunyun of not letting him play with his new partner.

"I'll take him to his room and wait for him to sleep." Feng Lulu smiles, hugs Shen Xing and leaves the Terrace Restaurant.

Xiao yunyun a face helpless spoil, "this child, all day mischievous."

Feng Lulu takes Shen Xing into the children's room and coaxes him for a while before he falls asleep.

She went to the window of the children's room and took a few breaths of fresh air.

Outside the window, it was quiet. Occasionally, I could hear Su Jian'an and their laughter from the balcony.

At the moment, Feng Lulu felt like a drifter who finally came to a familiar harbor and enjoyed a familiar warmth.

But after that, she will set sail.

As for where she was going, she didn't know. No one knew.

Looking at the sleeping little Shen Xing again, she gently closes the door of the children's room and turns to go downstairs.

The steps came to the stairway and stopped suddenly.

I thought I'd meet you here.

I have also thought about how to face it.

She also worried about whether she would really forget him as they said.

I'm worried that I'll lose my temper.

I'm afraid I'll show myself.

However, when this moment really happened, she actually felt very calm in her heart.

At this moment, he was walking upstairs, stopping four or five steps away from her.

Their vision is flat.Compared with the glance in the shopping mall, his face was clearly and completely reflected in her sight at the moment.

He is still so handsome, and he has become more mature.

"Officer Gao, long time no see." She greets him calmly with a smile, polite and alienated, gentle and calm.

Even to meet an old friend whom I haven't seen for a long time, I don't take such a peaceful time.

"Feng Lu Lu, long time no see. " He looked as cold as ever.

"Yunyun, they are waiting for me. Don't disturb you, officer Gao." With that, she passed him and left without going back.

And she, too, heard the sound of footsteps going up the stairs.

She didn't look back.

Because she has thought very clearly, there is no need to look back.

"Is Shen Xing making trouble for you?" Xiao yunyun asked immediately after returning to the terrace. "He's hard to coax now, but he won't sleep."

"That's what kids do. They love to play." Luo Xiaoxi said, "just get used to it."

"How can I get used to it? Is it a habit to make a fuss before going to bed every day?" Xiao yunyun is puzzled.

Su Jian'an said with a smile: "what Xiaoxi said is that you are used to it."

"Ha ha ha!" There was a burst of laughter.

As the laughter quieted down, Feng Lulu suddenly said, "I just met the cold."

The crowd was stunned, and the terrace was completely quiet. They exchanged their eyes secretly. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

"It's not me. I didn't let him come." Xiao yunyun is very serious to explain for herself.

PS, babies, lock Youku at noon, "fall in love with you during the appointment" we will see you all the time.

Han Lu and his wife are coming to an end. The plot is moving forward.

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