Northwood is the largest city north of Table Mountain.
I knew it existed from the map Vandal had in his possession.
It was close enough that on a clear day, I could climb up the mountain on a single cedar to get the outline.
I had always wanted to go there someday, but I had never dreamed that I would head out this way.
I'm now escorting the daughter of Anaheim's merchant girl to the Northwoods.
Squire Luna Maria and I, the three of us.
Karen's cabman, a middle-aged man, has been sent to stay in a nearby village to heal his arrow wounds.
When Karen returned to the house, the plan was to have her housekeeper carry her back to the house.
So this is the first trip of my life.
Jumping up and down Karen.
Apparently it's fun to travel without company.
I was excited about my first trip, too, and I could understand that feeling.
When I told her I was excited, she asked me where I came from.
"Why do you travel, Mr. Will?
I get a straight face that says.
I see the look on Luna Maria's face and she nods lightly.
I think it would be okay to tell her about the purpose of my trip and my birth, so I tell her.
I tell her, "Well, you know. It's a long story, but the short version is that I was raised by the gods who live on Table Mountain.
Karen said, "Seriously! and puts his hand to his mouth.
It is widely known that the gods live in Table Mountain, but this is the first time I've heard of children being raised by the gods.
You're like a celebrity. I was raised by a famous person.
No wonder he's so strong. Trained by Ronin, the god of swords, he has the wisdom of the Vandal, the god of magic.
And the gentleness is due to Milia, the goddess of healing," he continued.
Thank you. My mother and father trained me strictly from an early age.
Yes, I can see that. He's no ordinary man, judging by his movements. And how did this Son of God get down here?
It was brought to Lunamaria.
Our eyes are drawn to Lunamaria.
Lunamaria clears her throat and begins to explain.
I was orphaned by the Mother God and went to Table Mountain. There I met Master Will, the bravest of the brave, who had the potential to be a great hero.
It's true that Mr. Will is very talented.
The two of you get on well with each other.
My ultimate goal is to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King from coming back.
"The demon king will return?
Karen's astonished face. I'm surprised, too.
"You haven't told me anything about that,
"Sorry I was silent.
The gods of Table Mountain were so overprotective that I thought you might object to my departure if I told you. ......
...... That's a fair observation.
Ronin, the swordsmith Ronin, raising his voice
Miria, the Goddess of Healing, who wonders
I can see the figure of Vandal, the god of magic, opening his big mouth.
In fact, Mother God informed me of the existence of a hero who would save this world, but she also suggested the existence of a darkness that covers this world. It seems that a group of pagans are plotting the resurrection of the Demon King.
That's the same group that attacked Lunamaria.
Yes, they are plotting to resurrect the Demon King.
"What happens if the Demon King comes back?
...... The world will be shrouded in darkness. It is the second coming of the Holy Demon War.
That's not good. ......
The Holy Demon War is the name of the war between the gods and the demon king in the age of the gods.
The gods led the race of light and the demon king fought with his dark kindred.
It was so fierce that the battle changed the topography of this world, but the gods sacrificed a great deal to seal off the demon king.
Incidentally, I heard that Mother Militia also participated in this war, but she doesn't tell me much about it.
It's a horrible war. ......" when asked, she only gives a distant look.
It's a big deal if the demon king comes back. We have to do something to stop him.
That's why I have to go around the world. That's why I have to go around the world to prevent the resurrection of the Demon King and to gain the strength to fight against him if he does return.
So you're going to find the Holy Sword in the northern part of the Kingdom of Midonia.
Yes, the immediate goal is to draw that holy sword and make it an asset.
Satisfied, I extend my gaze to Karen.
I thought she would know more about the holy sword.
''Karen is from the north, isn't she? Do you know anything about the Holy Sword?
Karen is stunned to hear that word.
At first I thought it was because I'd never heard the word "holy sword" before, but that's not the case.
On the contrary, lately it seems that not a day goes by when you don't hear the word "holy sword".
What does this mean? When asked, she smiled and said, "This is a revelation.
This is a revelation. Maybe I'll become a part of your lore.
Ahem, and after turning his chest back, he adds.
The Holy Sword is now the property of Anaheim Corporation.
To be precise, we own the land where the holy sword is stuck.
says Karen. I'm surprised, but Luna Maria isn't.
When I ask her why, she says, "I thought it would be something like this".
"Will is proceeding in the shortest way possible to be guided.
Surrounded by the grace and blessings of God. I knew it would be easy to reach the Holy Sword.
It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for, but it's not a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
(......) I'm not a brave man.
Will they be able to pull off the holy sword: ....... I'm sure that even if I did, I wouldn't be able to equip it.
It reminds me of the novel "The Legend of the Holy Sword" that was in the Vandal's study.
The holy sword stuck in the rock is specialized equipment for the brave. They seem to have forgotten that.
But watching the two girls happily talking about the holy sword, I couldn't help but feel that I couldn't help.
If Will-sama equipped the holy sword, he might cut the world in half," I walked behind them as they talked.