Hearing that Jon was going out shopping with iNO, the assistant showed a trace of worry.

"Are you really going to let Miss Lian out?"

"Whether she goes out or not, Xiao Qirui will always find her. It's better to let her go out. We can't lock her up like this all our lives!" Jon said.

After that, he turned to his assistant and said, "besides, people are rebellious. The more she is locked up, the more she yearns for the outside world. Moreover, she doesn't remember anything now. Even if Xiao Qirui stands in front of her, she won't know her!"

"Well, what if I remember?"

"That means that this medicine has no effect!" Jon said, eyes slightly narrowed, he believes that God will not do this to him, there will be no such error.

Even if there is, he has a way to keep her by his side again.

"What should we do then?" Asked the assistant.

"You don't have to worry about it, just do what I tell you to do!" Jon said.

"Yes, I know!"

So, before the company even got off work, Jon left with iNO.

In the car, iNO looked at him, "is it not good that we are absent from work like this?"

"Why, guilty?"

"A little bit..."

"As a boss, even absenteeism is guilty Eno, you're not a good boss! "

Ino laughed. "It means I'm serious!"

"Yes, you are most serious!" Jon seconded.

Yinuo is not happy, looking out of the window, suddenly see a road.

"Wait a minute!" Ino suddenly spoke.

"What's the matter?" Jon asked.

Ino looked outside. "I don't want to buy any clothes or go shopping. Can I play around here?" Asked ino.

At this time, Jon's eyes also look out, is a very busy street.


Ino nodded, his eyes shining.

Seeing how much she liked it, Jon didn't say anything and let the driver stop by the side of the road.

As soon as the car stopped, iNO pushed the door open.

Jon looked at it and said, "be careful, don't touch it!"

Where did ino care so much, he ran straight ahead, and Jon followed.

When we got to the street, iNO stood at the corner and looked at it with a feeling that was hard to describe.

Jon looked at her, walked over and stood behind ino. "What's the matter?"

Ino looked at the road, frowning slightly, "I seem to Where have you seen it? "

Jon laughed when he heard this. "Is that right? In a dream? "

Yinuo looked back at him, and didn't explain much. Anyway, he would not understand what he said.

Take a deep breath. Eno goes inside. Jon looks at her and is always with her.

In fact, this street has everything. It's no worse than shopping malls. Every store is very exquisite and full of British style. Eno walks around and has a sense of familiarity. It seems that he has been here before.

That's definitely not in a dream.

She didn't say it. It's just the feeling.

At this time, Jon saw a store and pulled her in directly.

"What for?" Asked ino.

Jon didn't say a word. He took her in.

After walking in, iNO realized that there were some luxury bags inside.

"You want to buy a bag?" Asked ino.

"It's a bag for you!"

"Me?" INO was surprised. "I have, and every bag of hers is worth a lot of money."

"I know, but isn't that the only way to go shopping today? Do you want to go back empty handed if you don't buy something? " He said.

Ino nodded and said nothing more.

Then Jon said, "I haven't given you a present for a long time!" He said.

He so suddenly close to say a word, so ambiguous, let ino inexplicably have a feeling of blushing.

Jon went to ask the waiter, and ino looked around, not interested in these things.


"Well?" She looked back.

"How about this one?" Jon asked.

There is a bag on the table. It's a beautiful one, and the shape is also the one that ino likes.

"Not bad!"

"That's it for you. Wrap it up," Jon said.

The waiter nodded and went straight to pack.

As soon as ino wanted to stop him, he remembered what he had just said, and he didn't say anything.

Anyway She can't remember who bought all those clothes, jewelry and bags at home.

After buying it, Jon hands it to iNO, "here you are!"

Eno took a look, then hesitated and said, "look, I'm just..."Jon laughed and took it back. "OK, I'll carry it!"

"You bought it, of course you have to carry it!" With that, iNO went straight out.

Jon watched, his mouth tickling.

Seeing her walking in front of her, Jon wanted to see her for the rest of his life.

Thinking, Jon smiles.

Eno walked in front, looking around, always had a very strange feeling.

Just then, a motorcycle suddenly came over. Jon watched behind him as the motorcycle drove towards ino.

There was no time to say anything, he rushed straight up.

At this time, the motorcycle card to iNO's side, sitting in the back seat of a side, directly from ino's hand to pull her bag away.

Yinuo unexpectedly, the body suddenly leaned forward, Jon suddenly jumped up to catch her.

So they rolled a punch on the ground and fell into Jon's arms.

The motorcycle pulled the bag away and drove away.

"Well, are you all right?" Jon sat up, looking worried at the man in his arms and asked.

Ino shook his head, then some strange pictures flashed into his mind, and the figure of a man flashed away, she frowned.

"Ino..." Jon looked at him anxiously.

Eno sat up and said, "I'm fine But the bag was taken away! "

Jon was relieved. "As long as you're OK!"

Yinuo shakes his head, just about to say something. When his eyes sweep, he suddenly sees the blood on his arm, his shirt is worn out, and his skin is also covered with blood. It's really frightening to look at it.

"You're hurt!" Ino said suddenly.

Jon side eye looked at a wound, "nothing, just a little injury!"

"How can it be a minor injury? Do you move to see if you hurt your muscles and bones? "

Looking at the way she worried about herself, Jon suddenly felt warm in his heart. He had known that she would be like this, not to mention her arms, but he didn't care if he was hurt all over.

"What to do? Go straight to the hospital!" Ino looked at the wound and said anxiously.

At this time, Jon suddenly put her in his arms.

At that moment, iNO was stunned, "you, what's the matter with you?"

"I should have been hurt if I knew you were so worried about me!" He said. "What nonsense, don't talk nonsense!" Ino spoke.