The next day.

London after the rain, there is a different kind of fresh, even the air with a smell. Yinuo woke up very early. It rained all night yesterday, and she didn't sleep well. As soon as the rain stopped, she woke up. She was wearing a wine red shawl and stood on the balcony looking out. She didn't know what she was looking at. Maybe, only in this early morning, her brain is the most rational state.

She thought a lot, from the time she woke up to what happened yesterday, those things were like movies, playing slowly in her mind.

Until she had a clear answer in her heart, she took a deep breath.

Until about eight o'clock, the door was knocked. Ino looked back and looked in the direction of the door

The door was pushed open and Jon came in, first looking at the room, then at the balcony.

"Good morning

"Good morning Ino's subtle response.

"Come and have breakfast!" Jon looked at her and said softly.

"Jon!" Ino called him, his eyes mixed with a trace of complexity.


"I want to talk to you!" Ino stood on the balcony, looking at him.

Jon had a bad feeling. He went into the room, closed the door and went to iNO.

Put your hands on her shoulders, "can you talk while eating?"

Ino shook his head. "I'm afraid to say it. We all have no appetite!"

Jon looked at him, licked his lower lip and nodded helplessly, "OK, what do you want to say?" He asked.

Ino hesitated for a moment and looked at him. "Jon I think a lot, we Let's break up! " She said.

"Break up?" Jon paused. "Why?"

There are many reasons for breaking up, and ino doesn't know what to say for a moment.

"Because of Xiao Qirui?" He asked, "are you in love with him?" Jon was quite excited.

Eno raised his eyes, facing him with blue eyes, "Jon, I decided to break up with you. It's not about anyone else, just because of the two of us!"

"The two of us? What happened to us? Eno, what did I do that wasn't good enough? You tell me, I can change it? " He said.

Ino then shook his head, "Jon, we want different, and our bottom line, life values are not the same, we can not be together, even if barely together, will not be happy!"

Jon didn't expect that ino would come up with three views, and he didn't know what to say.

"OK, I know you're still angry about Yi Qing and Alvin. I promise you, I'll listen to you for anything in the future, OK? What you say is what you say, iNO Don't break up with me. It's cruel to me! " Jon looked at her pleading.

Looking at him, eno only said three words after a long time, "I'm sorry..."

She has made up her mind.

Jon looked at her, a little helpless, "well, I know, I know you are still angry, it doesn't matter, I'll give you time INO, you have a good rest. I'll go out first. We'll talk about it when you have a good rest! " With that, Jon is going out.

"Jon, I've made it very clear that I'll move out of here today..." Said iNO, keeping an eye on his back.

Jon pauses, then turns back, and the blue eyes expand a lot, "move out? Where are you going? "

"I don't know yet. Maybe I'll find a place nearby. Maybe..." “NO!” It doesn't make sense to you if you can't go back immediately INO, I love you. Really, I love you. Don't leave me, OK? " He turned back and held iNO in his arms, tightly

and the words kept ringing in ino's ears.

Yinuo didn't struggle. This hug is a farewell hug.

Yinuo looks very calm, and her beautiful eyes are gradually clear and bright.

"Jon, I can't blame you for some things, but I appreciate your care and love for me. I wish you all the best. You will meet someone who is 100000 times better than me in the future!" She said.

Jon more listen to more excited, more angry, iNO is to say goodbye to him, and clearly tell him, between them will never have a chance.

For a time, this thought almost made Jon lose his mind.

He let go of her, put his hands on Yinuo's shoulder, more and more hard, "Yinuo, it's false that you broke up with me. Do you want to go back to Xiao Qirui's side? Did he tell you something? INO, he's a liar. Don't believe him... "

Yinuo's beautiful faces are all gathered together because of eating pain, "Jon, you hurt me..."

Jon realized something and immediately released his hand, "iNO, sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just too excited..."

Ino looked at him. "Jon, I know it's hard for you to accept this news for a while But no one in the world can't leave anyone. Time is fair, because it will wash away all regret and pain... "Jon can't listen to iNO's words at all. For him, it's just an excuse to leave him and want to return to Xiao Qirui! All of a sudden, Jon became quiet. His eyes, which could not see the bottom, became sharp. He looked at her with anger in his eyes. "INO, tell me honestly, are these your excuses? You want to go back to Xiao Qirui, so you say such words to cheat me and break up with

me, don't you? "

"What makes you think that?"

"Besides this, I can't think of any reason why you will break up with me, iNO. I love you no less than him. Why can't you give me a chance?" Jon blurted out angrily.

Listening to him, iNO seemed to read something out of his words.

She looked up at Jon, who was a head higher than her, and looked at him with her eyes. "Jon, what do you mean You... " Jon suddenly realized what he had said. He looked away with a guilty heart. "I don't mean anything else, iNO. I'm the one who loves you the most in the world I know you are not very rational now. It doesn't matter. I can give you time to have a good rest at home... " With that, Jon

turned and left.

"Wait, you make it clear!" Ino said.

But Jon didn't even have a chance to talk, so he went out.

When ino comes to the door, just about to open it, he suddenly finds out that Jon has opened the door from the outside.

She was stunned and knocked on the door. "Jon, what are you doing? Open the door Jon is standing outside a door, "iNO, I'm sorry, I can only think of this way at the moment!"