Seo Seok-San gave Do Pyeong-su a pint glass.

“Is there anything you can do to make the walkers crawl? If you mix it up wrong, you could end up living in bed for the rest of your life. As with all low-level martial arts, there must be weaknesses. Let’s make up for that weakness. If you add more strengths to it, you will be able to become three or four times stronger than you are now. From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t sound like it was just a piece of blood. It looks like you made a name for yourself.”

“I agree.”

At this, Do Pyeong-su then asked, “Is this a matter to be decided by a majority vote?”

“If you don’t want to teach, don’t.”

“It doesn’t work. Even if I die, I cannot see my best disciple who is weaker than your disciple.”

The result was as if Do Pyeong-su, who ignited this discussion, was forced to participate. In any case, the Blood Lion decided to pass on the martial arts to the Hangzhou Incident. Until now, if you were just telling yourself whether to learn or not, then the time of hustle and bustle was over as long as there was a sense of competition.

Was this incident good or bad for the Hangzhou Incident?

“Yes? Is that for real!”

“Give us no feat… Are you going to pass it on to me?”

“Thank you! Thank you very much!” The Hangzhou Incident exclaimed with ecstasy. Even Sehwa was happy.

He had never encountered martial arts in his life, so he thought he wouldn’t be interested, but Sehwa quickly learned the inner-gong-sim method and cancer technique that Yeon-Gong-Hong gave him.

“Master! I will do my best!”

“Yes, yes. work hard.”

The Hangzhou Incident already rejoiced as if they had already become masters, but their joy did not last long. From that night on, the sound of music began to be heard. “Sir, Master… Rest for a while….”

Then, Seo Seok-san’s cold voice interrupted Go Seo-bang’s pleas. “What rest! I haven’t even started yet!”

Go Seo-bang was wielding a sixty-kilometer midway for the first time without a break. He was in the middle of casting the herbivore of the method 20 times slower than usual. The horizontal slicing knife was so slow that even if it tried to cut the slugs, it could not chase them.

On days when his arm trembled and the sword went down a little, or he used too much force to go up even an inch, a stone thrown by Seo Seok-san flew in. Damn it!

He couldn’t even sit down holding his head. If that was the case, the corners would only increase further. In fact, he didn’t know how much it affected the training time as the number of corners increased. He just wanted to listen to Seo Seok-san asking him to ‘stop’ like crazy.

“Stop!” As soon as the sound was heard, Seo-bang simply lay down. Seok-san’s voice continued as he was breathing hard enough for his heart to pierce his chest. “Half break!”


That day, the Hangzhou Incident could not even return to his room. After training, he didn’t have the strength to move, so he just fell asleep on the spot, exhausted. Workers who woke up early in the morning were horrified when they found them while cleaning.

“Lord, I thought you were dead!” He thought he was going to die. Even when he woke up, his bones ached and his joints moved independently like a wooden doll.

‘Aren’t the other guys supposed to be like this?’ He thought as the old seobang got up to and fro.

‘My training must have been the most difficult.’

The Hangzhou Incident looked at each other’s faces and let out a long sigh. “You are not a human being.”

Kang Seo Samak saw Sehwa’s face without makeup for the first time that day. A magpie house was built on his head, and his clothes were all messed up with sweat. Still, she didn’t seem to care at all.

“Can you give me a break today?”

“If you do it like yesterday, that means you will die!”

Karma Pyung, who struck her voice, grabbed her chest. Just screaming at her gave her muscle aches. Muscle pain in the chest! Damn it! “I need to soak myself in warm water.”

Sehwa, who turned around, looked at Geum Hong and hardened. “Why?”

“Oh, no. Master.”

“Why is it that shape? Were you homeless yesterday?”

“Yeah, I was. Why?”

“Twitch! It must have been something like this, so I made her heat up the water in the bathroom. Yesterday’s training must have been hard, so go and soak yourself in warm water.”

Sehwa’s tears welled up at her consideration of Geum Hong, and Samak looked at her with her envious eyes. This was because the other three masters would never give her the same meticulous consideration as Geum Hong. However, they knew the other three sporadically.

“What are you guys doing? You should warm up your body in some warm water! Rest is just as important as training!”

‘After all, the teachers were warm people!’

The four of them shed tears of emotion and went into the warm water prepared by the Blood Wind Lion. In addition to this, they had to scream in pain, almost as if their intestines were going to pop out. The warm water was not just warm water, but was specially made by Jang Mandok.

“It’s two exams. When you step out of it, it increases to four dimensions.”

With this, he immediately thought that water lilies were better than soaking in hot water. The pain was so great. The four of them came out after filling two sijins.

Three days later, the half-half of the Hangzhou Incident gathered in one place. The thing that united people the most was also communion, after all.

“If we continue this practice, we will die.”

No one objected to that. Whether he died from exhaustion or from pain, he thought he was going to die somehow. “Are you telling your masters to stop training? Honestly, what would we do if we were stronger here?”

Samak Gangseo no longer had the ambition to become famous in Moorim. In the last three years, they had gone from Moorim to Sinabro foundry workers. Now, even if he lived like this all his life and died of old age, he would have no complaints. Still, he was not just a worker, but a worker who listened to the voices of other people when he goes out in the city. “You don’t have to go through a lot of trouble, right?”

“What will the masters say if we stop training?”

Even after watching the Blood Lion for three years, it was still difficult to understand. “I hope I won’t kill you.”

One of those beliefs has definitely come true. In fact, even if they ran away, it didn’t seem like the blood lion would come after them anymore. Of course, he had no intention of running away. He was more satisfied with the life of Oseon Manor than I went to Moorim and lived in Gangseo Samak or Sehwa like before.

“Maybe we should talk first?”

And with that, they looked at each other. Once someone had spoken, the order was to look at the reaction. Their eyes turned fiercely as they looked at the other three.

“Yeah, I thought so.”

As the time elapsed, Sehwa was the first to let out a long sigh. “How do you put a bell around a cat’s neck?”

“Hey! But, among us, you are the prettiest Master Yeon, aren’t you?”

Sehwa screamed at the old Seo-bang’s words.

“Pretty is a bitch! Can’t you see my skin here? Where can I find this pretty face, it’s the bark of a tree!”

With that, the other man snapped his fingers. “I had a good idea! We’re kicking out all the workers!”

“What? How is that a good idea?”

“What if there were no workers? This manor is not going to be a mess! Then we will have to work in the manor again, and training time will disappear naturally!”

It was a pretty plausible idea, but… Something seemed out of place.

“What if I told you to work in a manor and do training?”

“Is that possible? No matter how toxic the masters are, they won’t make you do the impossible.”

With that, the old man nodded. “Right! It would be worth a try.”

“How do you get the workers to quit?”

Oh Tong-su said to Sehwa’s question, “Even if a third of us are in trouble, we will kill them right away. First of all, I pull up the wake-up time and get rid of the work time. If you roll it properly, everyone can’t last three days….”

“Sads! What are you doing here?” Their plotting was stopped because of Geom Woo-bin.

“Sah, Sabaek! We are taking a break after lunch.”

“I heard that you are working hard in martial arts training these days. The priests were very pleased.”

“Yes, yes. It is the job of a disciple to please the master. Hahaha!”

“We are working hard not to tarnish the names of our masters.” Geom Woo-bin nodded with a happy expression.

“The priests will be delighted if the martial arts of the four quarrels advance by leaps and bounds. Because of this, I did some preparation. Now, the four people will no longer have to worry about household chores and will be able to focus on the martial arts.”

“Yes? What do you mean by that?”

“To hire more workers to do housework. There will not be enough workers for the four-legged soldiers to focus on martial arts training.”

That meant they were plotting to kick out the workers but were in turn also hiring new workers! “Ah, no, Sabaek-sama! that… … You don’t have to! Don’t waste your money… … !”

Geom Woo-bin turned his back before Oh Tong-su finished speaking. “It’s okay. Because quality is more important than money. I’ll get you a worker after delivery of alcohol!”

With that, they had no choice but to watch Geom Woo-bin’s back as he moved away.

“Ruined!” A very clever idea was left behind even before it was even started by Geom Woo-bin.

“These guys! Are you going to just breathe all day?”

They let out a long sigh at Do Pyeong-su’s cry. ‘You will get used to it.’

It became much easier when one had to give up.

“This is the new general, Baek No-pal.”

He was a skinny man with a nervous impression in his late twenties.

“I heard that General Ha quit.”

“I see.”

“Do you know why you suddenly quit?”

“I do not know either. If you don’t like the temple, isn’t it natural for Jung to leave?”

It was hard to believe that Ha Seok-moon left because he didn’t like Wol Ha-ru. As he worked for over ten years, Geom Woo-bin knew just how much he loved him. However, it was not polite to talk about someone who had already quit.

And so, Geom Woo-bin was polite, but Baek No-pal was not very polite. Even though Ha Seok-mun did the same thing, he showed courtesy towards Geom Woo-bin, but Baek No-pal treated Gum Woo-bin as if he was a little boy in her neighborhood and showed nothing more.

“Leave the alcohol there, and the slip is here. What kind of drink is so expensive?”

Geom Woo-bin dropped the slip before he even received it and fell to the floor. As he bent down to pick up the slip, a new voice was heard. “Are you a soju ship?”

Geom Woo-bin, who stretched his waist, was startled inside. He didn’t live very long, but even if he were to live a hundred years, he wouldn’t see anyone thinner than the man in front of him. The skinny girl was so tall that it looked like a long broomstick with her clothes on.

“Sisterhood, it’s not something you care about. Dealing with the liquor store is me….”

Baek No-pal, who was talking to her, was slapped in the cheek by the hand wielded by the liquor and rolled over.

“Aww!” The girl who had blown him away politely bowed her head.

“Sorry. This guy is not polite and makes mistakes often. Instead, I apologize.”

However, it still didn’t feel sincere. “It’s okay. Let’s stop.”

As Geom Woo-bin left, the girl looked at Baek No-pal with her angry eyes. He was angry at what she had hit and was about to argue, but when he saw those slit eyes, his anger melted away and fear took its place.

“Why, why are you doing this?”

“Are you not thinking? Don’t you know that Giru still needs a scammer?”

“That’s why you bought it.”

“Yeah, what do you think if Manor Oh stops supplying fraudulent stocks because of that cheeky attitude?”

“Come on, I hope you do.”

“If you can’t sell it because you don’t have it, you’re a scammer! Don’t you know that the hilt is in the Wauseon Manor? Why are you flirting in front of the guy holding the hilt!”

“Then you mean something to bake with a little girl?”

With that, the girl patted Baek No-pal on the cheek as if to soothe it, but even that was painful. “Hang in there. A liquor expert is coming from Beijing soon. Someone who can make any kind of alcohol the same.”