
“I must have lost my senses too. I think you guys will have such a deep interest in training.”

As the bag’s bag fell to the floor, a heavy metal sound proceeded to ring out. An ominous foreboding whirled through Hangzhou Sageon’s brain like an awl.

“Let’s see… Did I mention that the conditions are the same as the death penalty?”

“Yeah, it was.”

At the question of Do Pyeong-su, Hangzhou Sageon forcibly nodded his head. Tao Ping-su took something out of the bag and then threw it at the feet of Hangzhou Sageon. The sound of iron colliding with the iron ore then resounded loudly.

“Keep it around your waist, wrists, and ankles.”

Just looking at the piece of metal that had to be kicked, it looked bigger than the previous one. What was even that piece of iron around his waist?

“I, we said the same conditions as the four Baeks… … Dee?”

“So that’s it. Until now, we had been weakening the training intensity because we thought it would be difficult for you guys.”

“Oh, no. So, the same conditions as Sabaek-sama….”

As Go Seo-bang stuttered along, Sehwa snuck a word in. “Ah! Sabaek-nim doesn’t wear anything like this. Just looking at it…”

“Yeah, I have one too.”

At this, Geom Woo-bin rolled up her sleeves. Her thick wrists that were wrapped around Mu Myeong-cheon were now exposed. “It would be a bit inconvenient because of the bulkiness of just wearing iron, so I made it out of ink iron.”

Samak Gang-seo was also well aware of Muk-cheol. It was three to four times heavier and harder than ordinary iron, and well-refined muk iron weighs ten times as much. “Yeah, that’s right. If Muk-cheol is enough… How many pounds…?”

“I wrapped my arms around ten pounds on one side, the legs with fifteen pounds, and the waist with thirty pounds.”

Hangzhou’s jaw was wide enough to hit the chin. “Hey, is the sum eighty?”

“I think I’ve gotten used to it these days, so I’m going to increase my weight by 20 pounds in three days.”

“A boat, a boat, a boat… A hundred pounds!”

“Yeah, I think training becomes a little easier once you get used to it.”

Hangzhou Sageon looked at the Blood Lion with a discolored expression. The meaning of the smiles on their lips was now clearly understood. ‘No, weight is not everything that determines the strength of training!’

Seo Seok-san urged Hangzhou Sageon. “If you know, put it on!”

At this, Hangzhou Sageon put on handcuffs and shackles and wrapped a piece of iron around his waist. The increased weight from 30 to 80 felt much heavier than the meaning of the number.

‘Sabaek-nim, did you say that you were living with this weight?’

For the first time, the Hangzhou Sageon suspected that Geom Woo-bin was deceiving them. However, if she was a Blood Lion, she firmly believed that Geom Woo-bin could not deceive them. So, on the contrary, regret began to seep into her when she said that she would train just like Geom Woo-bin.

Do Pyeong-su took something else out of the bag. It was a knife. The moment he saw the sword, Hangzhou Sageon became breathless. It was great. Really…

It was two spans longer than a normal sword, and the sword seemed to be one span. “I thought I would only use it after a month, but thanks to your bold determination, I am using it in advance.”

After receiving the sword from Do Pyeong-su, Se-hwa’s body staggered forward. The one he had practiced before was enough to make his wrist tingle after a few swings, but it was so heavy that he doubted whether or not he could swing it.

Geom Woo-bin also drew his sword. Unlike theirs, they were similar in size to ordinary swords. However, since the sword was all black, it appeared that it was made of ink iron.

“Sabak. It must be muk-cheol, isn’t it?”

“Huh. Seventy pounds.”

Regret had now become a reality.

“Now, shall we start training?” Geom Woo-bin took a pause, holding his sword with both hands. He was the first to know that a person could move so slowly during a fight, but to Hangzhou Sageon it would seem as if the sword was swung sideways.

She thought they were too slow to be boring, but she moved three times slower than them. “What are you doing? You should start soon.”

Exactly after one minute, Sehwa collapsed and emptied the thing inside. It didn’t take too long for Samak Gangseo to vomit.

Unlike the Hangzhou Sageon, which was about to die, Geom Woo-bin continued to follow the path of her sword with sweat dripping down his forehead. One sijin. Hangzhou Sageon recalled what was inside, fell down six times, and was about to stand up, then Geom Woo-bin stopped the swordsmanship.


Geom Woo-bin’s face glistened with sweat as he exhaled her long breath. As she wiped away the sweat with Geom Woo-bin, she gave a worried expression to the Hangzhou Sageon.

“Are you tired? Shall we rest for a bit?” Hangzhou Sageon, who had barely woken up and sobbed, collapsed. With their ears, Seo Seok-san’s unbelievable words could be heard.

“After all, the training of the death penalty is hindered by them. Didn’t you usually do at least your inspection?”

“The sandals are the first. It will take a few days to get used to.”

Hangzhou Sageon felt the urge to bite her tongue. “The death penalty, then how are you going to practice Kwonbeop?”

Geom Woo-bin answered Nyeon-hong’s question without any hesitation. “You should do it as usual.”

“You rested for about half an hour, and it’s yours.”


As Geom Woo-bin smiled brightly as he spoke, Bang Go-seo unknowingly raised his voice and shouted. “Yes? Are you saying that you are going to practice kwonbeop for four more times?”

“Huh. On days when alcohol is delivered, I reduce it a bit, but I usually do it at eight o’clock. I did not know?”

Of course he didn’t know. Since it was taboo in her moorim to watch the performance of other people, she did not pay much attention to the practice of Geom Woo-bin.

“Like that… But are you still alive?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha! Sajil, you’ve been at Oseon Manor for a long time, and you’ve heard the joke.”

‘I’m not joking!’

She wanted to be really angry. However, he felt that those words were not really a joke, so the Hangzhou Sageon did not show that expression even on his face. The break time was really ‘a little.’

Geom Woo-bin, who was only half an inch and fifty, raised his sword again, and Hangzhou Sageon had to move like a thousand geun. It would be a lie to say that there was nothing in the world that could not be done if one would have mental strength. In the training session that followed again, Sehwa could not hold on to one side and collapsed.

She couldn’t even tell the Blood Lion to stand up because of her loose eyes and squeaking breath. Samak Gang-seo also endured more than Sehwa. Their confused minds only returned after Geom Woo-bin had finished her training.

“Did you rest a lot? Shall we start practicing Kwonbeop now?”

At the words of Do Pyeong-su, Hangzhou Sageon knelt in front of him. “Master. There is an old saying that an old building is a Myeonggwan, right? Also, the previous training method seems to be suitable for us.”

“Twitch! Can’t you last just one day, you damn disciples!”

The Blood Lion thankfully forgave the misunderstanding of the Hangzhou Sageon. “The death penalty and Kwonbeop training will be held tomorrow, and then you’ll have a secret exercise after a long time.”

At Do Pyeong-su’s words, Geom Woo-Bin gave her a crush. “Is that so? It’s been a long time since I’ve wanted to do a job with the help of a Do Priest!”

Then, the other three were completely dried up. “Execution! What a dangerous thing to say! How can you trust that guy and hold a sword in your hand? What if I get hurt?”

“That’s right. I believe in Kkot, but I can’t believe in Pyeong-su! If you just do something, you are an accident!”

Jang Man-dok also objected to Bimu by shaking his head. “I don’t know anything else, but as far as martial arts are concerned, I believe it.”

“Sure! I don’t know anything else….”

As Do Pyeong-su’s words got muffled, Geom Woo-Bin quickly raised her sword. “Let’s get started!”

As the two of them stood apart in this chapter, the three Blood Lions sat around in a position where they could jump out at any time. No matter how dark it was, as long as one had a knife in one’s hand, danger was inevitable. Even Hangzhou Sageon raised his eyes to try to forcefully watch Bimu.

He was also curious about the martial arts of the Blood Lion, who was recognized as an outcast in Moorim, but what he really wanted to know was Geom Woo-bin. They had never seen Geom Woo-bin unfold her martial arts before.

‘How strong will it be?’

He would definitely be strong because he was studying the Blood Lion. However, the strength was considering the age of thirteen, and in absolute value, it was clear that it would not be enough to set foot as a first-class master. No matter how talented Geom Woo-bin may be, she had never heard of a Moorim who became a first-class expert at the age of thirteen.

“I will only use Samsung’s power.”

“I’ll do it first!” Geom Woo-bin flew away with the horse. It was only one movement, but the mouth of the Hangzhou Sageon opened wide. Geom Woo-bin’s speed in clearing the distance from Do Pyeong-su was absolutely insane.

None of them could guarantee that they could move as fast as Geom Woo-bin.

Zeng! Geom Woo-bin’s sword swung laterally and Do Pyeong-su’s sword collided. Hangzhou’s hair was swaying wildly, and he had to close his eyes because of the dust.

Whoa! The sound of a knife cutting through the air resounded loudly.

‘What is this? It’s raining right?’

He closed his eyes for a moment and couldn’t see it, but the sound and the shock wave I felt reminded him of a real battle. Geom Woo-bin and Do Pyeong-su were moving so dizzy that it was difficult to follow them.

Gum Woo-bin mainly attacked, while Do Pyeong-su focused on defense. However, Do Pyeong-su’s counterattack, which he occasionally entered, was sharp enough to make people goosebumps.

‘If it were me, that attack… I wouldn’t have been able to stop it.’

Hangzhou Sageon thought about that several times while watching Bimu. As a 13-year-old Gum Woo-bin, their thought that they would be a long way from being a top-notch professional had already disappeared.

Even before the half-hour of Bimu had passed, Gangseo Samak acknowledged that Geom Woo-bin was a better master than them. The ingenuity of herbivores goes unnoticed, and their speed and strength have already surpassed them.

If he could perform that level of martial arts in the secret dance he did after completing all four of his breath-taking exercises, then Geom Woo-bin had already far surpassed them in every way.

Zeng! The moment the two swords collided, Geom Woo-bin’s sword suddenly shattered into pieces. The fact that they were not just cut, but smashed like a bowl was shattered, was a testament to the work of the two of them.

“Danger!” He was a Blood Lion ready to jump out at any time, but he could not protect Geom Woo-bin from the shards of iron that spread like light.

A fragment of the knife that caused an unexpected accident passed by Geum Woo-bin’s shoulder.


The person who surprised him the most was Do Pyung-soo, who was doing the dance. Do Pyung-soo threw the sword he was holding and ran to Geom Woo-bin’s shoulder.

He saw the blood flowing from his face, and his face turned white. “It’s okay. It’s just a slight cut.”

Geom Woo-bin was one such Blood Lion who could find all kinds of elixir just by being pierced by a needle, but since it was cut by her sword, the fuss was indescribable.

Jang Man-dok ran like the wind and came with a medicine box, and Yeon Ji-hong took a blood test and gave it a geothermal fever. The treatment was over in the blink of an eye.

“Hey, you clumsy bastard! What if I injure the death penalty?”

“Kah, who knew that a knife would break?”

“You have to know by feeling! It’s been years since I’ve eaten knife rice in Moorim, but I don’t even know that!”

The three grabbed Do Pyeong-su by the neck or strangled him, and Geom Woo-bin worked hard to stop them. Meanwhile, Hangzhou Sageon quietly left. They knew very well that there was nothing to see in the presence of such an excited Blood Lion.

So Gi-cheon’s short club split the air dizzyingly. The eight-second pursuit of the tagu-bong method, which was an open-ended, self-sufficient martial art, turned out to be a rare cutting edge that had both pleasure and side. The colorful ropes hanging from his waist danced as he jumped and turned around. The fact that the string had six knots was proof that he had officially become a disciple of the Open Ark.

―If you achieve that level of achievement, there would be no human beings who would argue that I made you an official disciple. At the words of No Dae-sul, who suddenly came to me six months ago, So Ki-cheon became the 22nd disciple. And he still didn’t know who the twenty-one executioners above him were. So Ki-cheon, who had been immersed in training for a while, suddenly stopped. He noticed that someone was watching from behind the pillars of the bridge. The figure was invisible, but the drooping shadow informed the existence of an uninvited guest. “Don’t hide like a mouse, come out.”

Needless to say twice, a man appeared from behind the pillar. It was very rare for Sogi Chun, who saw so many people on his street, to be surprised just by his appearance. It was a man with three scars on his forehead and cheeks on his face, with his hair matted like a magpie’s house. Of course, So Ki-cheon is not surprised at that level. It was the man’s body that made So Ki-cheon’s eyes wide. Wide shoulders, a narrow waist, thighs that could tear pants, and calves as thick as a normal woman’s waist were a body type that could only be seen in a Moorim man who had mastered the martial arts to the utmost. Only the limbs were exposed outside of the clothes, but the firmness of the skin was sufficiently recognized. “Who are you?” “Gong Seong-tak.”