“I need your ignorant power to find the ice crystals. You don’t have a sword?” 

“I’m too lazy to carry it.” 

“The one who learned how to do art doesn’t even carry a knife! wait.” 

At this, Geum Hong went to Mao Liang’s secret warehouse, and out of the three knives hung on the wall, he came out with the one that looked the best. “This will be useful.” 

The blade that came out of the sheath was red as blood. “It’s bloody too.” 

Do Pyeong-su was not the type to speak casually, but if the bloody spirits had appeared in Moorim, there would have been a raging wind of blood. The blade was from one of the Five Great Master Islands of Moorim, but for Do Pyeong-su, it was not very different from the makdo that was made randomly in the forge. 

Eun Bi-yeon asked. “Aren’t you both too casual about stealing things from someone else’s house?”

“To be more precise, it is the thief’s house, and more precisely, it is the thing the thief stole. Is this the movement of objects without victims?” 

Thanks to all their efforts, they were able to reach the lake with ice in less than a day. Oops! 

The roar of a nearby tiger could be heard sadly. The tiger, who had been tied up so that no one could approach it, was starving after eating all of the wild boar he had put at his feet. 

“Sorry. I didn’t expect it to be this late.” 

After making an apology, he untied the rope made of arrowroot vines. Meanwhile, Do Pyeong-su went to the center of the lake. Geum Hong, who approached him, asked. “Can you break it? There is something important at stake other than ice crystals.” 


“I’ll make you drink the tea you bought from Bi-yeon for the rest of your life.” 

He remembered the taste of the tea at that time, and saliva began to pool in his mouth. “I don’t think the ice crystals are exactly in the center of the lake?” 

Eun Bi-yeon, who received the gaze of Yeon Ji-hong, stood about three sheets away from the center to the east. “Here. If you look closely, something like a white band is forming a circle. It means this is the center of the ice crystal. You don’t have to break to the bottom of the lake. It’ll be a little down in the middle.” 

This person, who knew the nature of ice crystals better than anyone, was sure to be right. Do Pyeong-su, who pounded the ice with a knife, said. “Good thing you brought a good knife.” Indeed, a good blade was necessary for times like these.

“This will be a little loud.” Do Pyeong-su took a deep breath and pushed his aggression to the limit from the beginning. The strength of this ice could be guessed as it could be broken within six hits. Do Pyeong-su, who jumped ten sheets into the air, hit the ice with the sword he raised high above his head. 

Zeng! The sound wasn’t that loud, but it was a deafening noise that would have caused one’s eardrum to explode ten times for an average person. 

Damn! A white crack passed under the feet of Geum Hong and Eun Bi-yeon. He thought he couldn’t be overturned at once, but it was less of a shock than Do Pyeong-su had expected. 

“Look at this!”

At this, the number again soared to fifteen. The blue light that stretched out for a day or so from the Heemyeomdo Island was crossing the river. 

“Oh my gosh!” Eun Bi-yeon exclaimed without knowing it. She had seen many masters and fought many battles, but she had never seen a river as big and strong as this.

Bang! The cracked ice soared into the air. Due to its power, Geum Hong and Eun Bi-yeon had to hurriedly fly out of the lake. The power created by Do Pyeong-su was a spectacle that could not be seen anywhere else. A block of ice the size of a house flew in all directions and fell like hail. 

The twenty-fourth radius on which Pyeong-su stood was now dented in different angles, like a star. However, there were still no ice crystals to be seen. “How hard is the ice crystal?” 

Eun Bi-yeon, who came to her senses suddenly, answered. “It’s ten times harder than ice, so you don’t have to worry about it breaking.” 

Surprised by Do Pyeong-su’s military prowess, he unknowingly took up engineering. The remaining doryeok was still shaking Do Pyeong-su’s rough hair. In that moment, Eun Bi-yeon’s heart pounded. ‘He looks cool.’ 

Within a few seconds, the man flew up again. Do Pyeong-su, who received the cube-shaped sunlight, was a godless person for that moment. The sword carrying his wading fell and the ice rain fell. And finally, the ice crystals appeared. 

As Eun Bi-yeon promised, the ice crystals in the middle of the lake, not the bottom, were bluer than the bluest sky. The sharp-pointed polyhedron’s ice crystals made the white breath of Do Pyeong-su even thicker. At this, Pyeong-su rushed out and pushed his hand to catch the ice. 

“You can’t touch it!” Eun Bi-yeon hurriedly shouted, but it was far too late. A coldness he had never felt before in his life was conveyed. He was so cold that it felt like he was touching iron that had turned red. He hurriedly raised his firearm, but white frost formed on his hand. 

“It’s terribly cold.” He couldn’t believe he still had some senses left. ‘I caught an ice crystal with my bare hands, but are you still alive?’ 

The ice was so cold that he was sure even the archers of the North Sea Ice Palace couldn’t handle it. Geum Hong opened the box made of evacuated stones and put the unidentified jewel inside in his pocket. “Put it here.” 

The ice crystals in the cold stone box were still cold, but it was cold enough to endure.

“I endured it…”

While he was talking, the gaze of Geum Hong turned to Eun Bi-yeon. However, Eun Bi-yeon’s gaze was fixed on Do Pyeong-su. “Biyeon-ah.” 

“Eww… … Yes?” 

“This ice crystal. Originally it was yours. Can we take it?” 

It was, after all, not anyone else’s, it was Bi-yeon’s, so one would have to ask. “What if I don’t give it to you?” 

“You have to give it to me somehow.” 

Eun Bi-yeon waved her hand. “You don’t have to worry about it anyway. That’s because I threw it away 40 years ago. Whoever picked it up is the owner.” 

“Thanks.” Geum Hong rested his mind and put the box in the small leather pocket on his side. 

“Let’s go. Mao Liang should have returned by now.” With the shock of breaking his ice, Do Pyeong-su had his braids ripped off and his rough hair hung down to his shoulders. Eun Bi-yeon held out her hair tie to him. 

As Do Pyeong-su looked at the headband, Eun Bi-yeon screamed loudly. “Hurry up! I don’t want to see you!” 

“Okay, okay. Why are you screaming?” He then began to tie his hair back. 

Geum Hong stifled his laughter. “Real men wear pink.” Do Pyeong-su and his pink hair tie went well together. 

As expected, Mao Liang was home. However, he wasn’t wearing his usual sullen look. As soon as he saw them, his face went. “Come on.”

“Ah! Thank you… But… What if I end up destroying everyone’s secret warehouse?” Geum Hong bitterly. 

“Even if your mouth is crooked, I didn’t mean to destroy the warehouse. There was only a small hole in the door.” 

“That’s broken! They even stole the stuff inside… Thank you for returning this, but this isn’t the only thing you brought, right?”

“Ah, you mean, this…?”

Mao Liang’s eyes widened as Geum Hong tapped the leather pouch hanging from his waist. “What is that frost around the waist?” 

Geum Hong took out a box of sheltered seats from the inside and put it on the table. Then, the table froze and white frost began to spread across the floor. “Ahh! Put it in quickly!” 

“Why? I want to take out the contents and return it

“I won’t ask for it, so just take it!” 


“Yes, please!” 

“I’ll be grateful for giving it to you.” Mao Liang let out a long sigh of relief when Geum Hong put the box in. “By the way, was there anything missing in the box?” 

“What?” Mao Liang scratched his head. “What is that? I think I put something in there, but I can’t remember. Did you miss anything?” 

It didn’t matter at all to Geum Hong, but he shook his head because he was upset at how Mao Liang was angry. “Is it empty?” 

“If it was something important, I would have remembered it.” 

At this, Do Pyeong-su asked, pushing his face closer. “Do you have something really important to give us? Could it not have been saved?” 

“Ah, the Shinto!” Mao Liang opened the safe and took out two boxes and placed them on the table. 

“I kept it in a safe. Now, settle the rest of the amount….” 

Do Pyeong-su handed out a 4,000-nyang slip. “Give change.” 

“I also gave you a box of sheltered seats….” 

Geum Hong opened the leather pocket entrance. “I’m leaving.” 

“No! I will cut off the ticket!” Mao Liang’s biggest customer, and the biggest truth, was pushed out of the house. 

“It’s now time to part.” At Eun Bi-yeon’s words, Geum Hong put on a surprised expression. “Are you going back? If possible, go to Oseon Manor together. Oseon Manor would be better if I drank alcohol.” 

“No, I’m going to stop drinking.” While speaking her words, Eun Bi-yeon continued to glance at Do Pyeong-su. A feeling of insecurity crawled down the back of Geum Hong. “Biyeon-ah.” 


“You… Isn’t it?” 


“No way… It won’t be… It can’t be. I burned a man like that, and there’s no way I’d do it again. Yes?” 

“What nonsense.” 

“Yes. Unbelievable….” 

“Are all men in the world the same?” 

“What do you mean? Are all men in the world the same?” 

“The guy I met when I was a kid was the smartest guy in the world. Where would such a guy be? There are other men who stand in the opposite direction.” 

“Any other man, for example?” 

At this, Eun Bi-yeon’s eyes turned to Do Pyeong-su, who shouted, ‘You’re not coming soon, so what are you doing?’

“Hey, you crazy bastard! There is no man in the world to like, so I’m now…!” 

Eun Bi-yeon hurriedly shut Geum Hong’s mouth. “Be quiet!” 

In response, he shook Eun Bi-yeon’s hand violently. “Are you going to do this quietly? You hated the dull and strong Pyeong-su the most, didn’t you?” 

“After losing everything to a smart and mean guy, I think I’m starting to like people like my brother-in-law. Isn’t it so cool when he takes out the ice crystals?” 

“Brother? You’ve been hiding for so long, and now you’re finally crazy.” 

“I think I paid the price for living alone for forty years, so now I want to live as an ordinary woman.” 

“Seventy soon, what about a woman?” 

“I’m going to reunite you with my sister.” 

He looked at Eun Bi-yeon and asked, “Bitch, what kind of bullshit is that?” 

“Would I have lived for forty years in a place where there was no one else, just breathing? There’s nothing else to do. He said that he became obsessed with martial arts training. After that, I almost would have been reincarnated in half.” 

“What? How do you know that?” 

“You know what it feels like to have done it too, right? It feels as if blue needles are being shot all over my body as a refreshing energy arises from Danjeon.” 

Geum Hong was at a loss for words. Eun Bi-yeon knew her feelings amazingly well when she was transformed into her classmate. 

“She knew instinctively that with just a little more she would turn into a half,” she said. 

Geum Hong also had a gut feeling at the moment of her reunion. “That was seven years ago. At that time, I said that if I relapsed in half, the time of suffering would only increase, so I immediately stopped practicing.” 

“Do you think you will be able to reunite in half if you continue practicing?” 

“Yes. I can still feel that energy. She pondered for a long time, but after seeing Do Pyeong-su, she made her decision. Compared to him, I look too old.” 

It was always a welcome sight to see Eun Bi-yeon appearing in the world. As she had said, in forty years, she would have paid the price for her sins. 

At this, Eun Bi-yeon took Hong’s hand tightly. “Maybe we will see each other within two years. In the meantime, please take good care of our brother-in-law.” 

Eun Bi-yeon, who made Geum Hong’s whole body tremble, waved her hand to Do Pyeong-su. “Brother, see you later!”

Do Pyeong-su also waved his hand in a haphazard manner. “Suddenly, I’m your brother?”