Liang Jingyao held her breath, and even her fingernails were embedded in the palm of her hand. If Wei Xun's arm could be accepted by her, the bad devil now brought her to the verge of collapse.

A mass of muddy flesh and blood rolled and moved, and a lovely face and more than a dozen iron green wriggling arms loomed and appeared on the body.

Bad devil.

It is a real killer, filthy and vicious, thoughtless flesh and blood, and when this creature has wisdom, it is even more terrible.

It doesn't need to do anything. Just standing there will destroy all good things!


Liang Jingyao glanced at Chen Feng. She couldn't believe how the other party did it. Just now she rubbed the monster's head with her hand.

Chen Feng doesn't care what others think, but is immersed in his thoughts.

Northern College.

This is one of the universities in the city.

The whole college has more than 100 mu, including not only libraries, but also sports halls and male and female dormitories. If you occupy there, even tens of thousands of people can install it!

According to the news, it is a group of bandits who control there, and two professionals control 300 people.

In order to ensure the smooth recovery, Chen Feng specially summoned the bad devil. Wei Xun and the bad devil, the two silver giants, went together. Only two professionals can't stop them!

In this way, Liang Jingyao walked out of the door full of fear and walked towards North College.

Xu zhe didn't stop him. He was not stupid. He knew that the most important thing in the world was power. Although he loved her, he couldn't cultivate each other into a cage bird, which was not conducive to survival.

Without threatening his life, Xu zhe supported Liang Jingyao to contact some bad situations outside.

The wise man's consciousness.

"Don't worry."

"Whether it's Weixun or a bad devil, you'll protect her. You should take good care of this place to ensure that it can run normally even if I leave."

Chen Feng explained a few words, and then opened a crack next to him. His tall and straight long legs took the lead. The dark elf was still a capable look, just a short skirt covering his legs and a leather coat revealing a touch of smooth and tender skin. Behind him, he carried a bag of arrows, more than 20.

Dark elves.

After all, Xu Zhe is an auxiliary professional. He is not proficient in power at all, and the element makes him lose his arm. In addition to being used for power generation, he seems to have become a useless waste.

Therefore, Chen Feng left the dark elf here. If she met the enemy, she could kill the curfew in an instant with her strength.

Chen Feng's mental strength will be damaged if he keeps the summoning beast for a long time, but he doesn't seem to be flustered. Instead, he takes out a glass bottle containing a liquid like gold.

Blood honey.

This is not simple blood honey.

It's Royal honey brewed by the queen bee.

Like bees, there is a queen bee in the colony. The queen bee will devour some blood and brew honey. Unlike the greed of ordinary bees, the queen bee only sucks the blood between the hearts of delicious meals.

The blood in the heart is the drops of blood essence in the heart.

The bloodthirsty queen bee relies on these blood essence to make honey. The blood honey brewed is more fragrant and delicious!

Moreover, the effect is three to five times that of ordinary blood honey, which can restore mental power very quickly.

But it's a pity that this kind of queen bee honey is very precious. In four days, only a small bottle of the blood essence of eight monsters was brewed.

If you want to increase production, Chen Feng must expand the scale of breeding.

Chen Feng will consider all this. After all, this is his most important industry at present. At the right opportunity, he will increase the number of bloodthirsty bees.

After settling everything down, Chen Feng stepped out of the door.



When Chen Feng came here, it was already noon. It took him some time to find the entrance.

The three winged devil fly is very cunning. No one wants to get it. This strong man who plays an important role in the Zerg is hiding in the sewer.

It was dark.

The sewer is dark. If ordinary people can't see the surrounding environment, but Chen Feng has part of the blood of the Yan devil. He lit a flame in his eyes, just like lighting a torch, and roughly saw the surrounding scene.

Blood and death.

It's full of disgusting darkness.

This is the favorite environment for insects. This humid environment is more suitable for insects to reproduce and live.

Some stumps appeared on the ground, including wolf, horned python, giant toothed rat, and even a huge brown bear. The brown bear was four meters high. After the change, the palm doubled, like a slate.

Earth bear.

This is an evolutionary form of the bear family. They don't look terrible, but they are very gentle. They prefer soil and rocks to meat.

These creatures rely on stones to accumulate their strength. When they swallow enough rocks, they will complete their evolution. At that time, their palms will completely degenerate into bluestones. With one hand, even cement castles can be easily broken.

Because the skin is hard and the meat quality is not very good, few monsters will provoke them.

However, such a gentle earth bear still died here. Its body is potholed and half of its body has been eaten, revealing its cold white bones.

In the flesh and blood, you can vaguely see some insects rolling back and forth, and several sulfuric acid insects show their heads. They are covered with plasma and their bodies are fat. They are even half a meter long. It's amazing how much strong corrosive acid will be stored in such a body.

These insects live well here.

Build strength.

Just a small sulfuric acid bug, with such a terrible body shape, I can't imagine how powerful the three winged magic fly hidden in the dark is!

Chen Feng stood on the ground, looking forward with red eyes.

The smell of the devil.

Some deterrence was on the body of the sulfuric acid bug. These guys trembled and went directly into the flesh and blood, afraid to come out again.

Chen Feng came this time just to explore the strength of magic flies, so he didn't want to make noise and attract the other party's attention.

with great care.

Chen Feng pushed forward along the corner.

After turning a corner, his expression became a little strange.

There is a pregnant woman in the corner of the wall. She is dead, and her body is even covered with body spots. However, her eyes are staring at the front. On her body, countless bite marks are winding and entrenched, and her limbs are strangely twisted. Her abdomen is high and uplifted. Vaguely, her belly is still crawling.

A container for magic flies.

Chen Feng's face was ugly, not frightened, but disgusted.

Magic fly is a combination of human and fly. It likes to lay eggs in the stomach of pregnant women. The larvae will devour the baby's flesh and blood, hatch and become a half fly and half human existence.

What a disgusting creature