The streets looked very noisy in the morning.

After witnessing the mutilated body, the crowd had dispersed, but the panic was spreading further. In half a month, this was the eighth body found. Both the main war faction and the Conservatives had special personnel to patrol and explore, but the possible murderer did not leave any clues.

The existence of those evils was extremely cunning. A professional investigating the situation even lost her life. She was found naked in the smelly ditch, but her eyes, ears and limbs disappeared without a trace.

Fear spread across the east of the bridge.

Many people have found the oddity, which is not like a simple torture, but more like a sacrifice.

This incident led to the breeding of fear. Many people will try not to go out after a busy day's work, but even so, there will be corpses in the downtown after a period of time.

From the beginning, once every five days, once every three days, until now, once a day.

This kind of blood sacrifice seems to be more and more frequent. Everyone has a steel knife hanging on his head. He doesn't know when he will die.

Chen Feng stood in place with a slight frown on his brow. Time will make people forget a lot of things, but the body just now was like a hub, which awakened some of his memories.

Blood sacrifice is only the beginning. In Chen Feng's memory, this broken corpse is only the beginning of evil sacrifice. Over time, more and more lives will be sacrificed in various forms.

For Qiaodong at that time, it was like being shrouded in rain, and everyone was living in panic.

Ordinary people are just appetizers. After a period of time, even professionals are used to sacrifice. At that time, it can be said that Qiaodong was the most powerless period.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 600 people died innocently, which is a very frightening figure, but even if so many people died, they didn't really catch the murderer.

Sacrifice will bring a series of changes. In the later stage of sacrifice, a very serious thing will happen, that is, insect tide attacking the city!

It can be said that the fear sacrifice has minimized the cohesion of the east of the bridge. 30% of the reason why the insect tide is so easy to break through the city gate is because of this thing.

Chen Feng can guarantee that this is not a simple devil, but a more orderly creature, the devil!

The abyss is the devil's territory, and the nine hell is the devil's home.

The devil is famous for his pure and diverse meanness. The devil indulges in coveted, crazy and evil forces, but the devil always has a schedule, attack plans, and carefully bred plots for necessary revenge.

Only the devil has such a terrible plan. If it is a simple devil, those chaotic madmen prefer to come suddenly in the dead of night and start killing.

But devils are different... They like the feeling of controlling the whole situation, hiding quietly in the dark and creating countless cruel killings.

Strange to say, in previous lives, after the outbreak of the insect tide, the devil's sacrifice disappeared. Some people speculated that the other party might have died under the insect's mouth.

It's just

Can you easily commit such a murder, but still at large, be killed by insects so easily? Chen Feng has always expressed doubts about this matter.

eventful times.

Chen Feng must be careful.

The water in the east of the bridge is very deep. There are not only conservatives and main battles, such as demons hidden in the dark, but also need to be treated with care.


There is no sunshine in the cellar all year round, and there are cold black shadows everywhere. From time to time, several cockroaches and centipedes climb over. Even if these insects are not as huge as the insects outside, because of the transformation of energy, their body size is full of palm size. Countless insect feet trample on the ground and make a click sound, which is creepy.

There is a oppressive and heavy breath of death here. Even the most unwise cockroaches and centipedes are nervous and facing all kinds of killing opportunities in this narrow world.

A smell of boiling plasma came from afar.

The reason to say boiling is because the water vapor floating in the air, no! To be exact, this is blood steam. The thick blood is boiled and floats in the air. The rendered deep cellar looks like a dark sea of blood, giving people the illusion and terror of stepping into hell.

I don't know where the deep cellar leads. The thick smell of blood comes from the deep. Walking forward along the smell of blood, even the bravest soldiers will be depressed and nervous.

Deep in the strange blood color, there is a thrilling scene. There are no animals and plants here. There are only gasified blood fog floating on the way. On the ground, there are dense human bones. These bones are white, soft and obviously boiled at high temperature.

The bones are small and large, from baby bones to adult bones. There are all of them here, and in the center of the bones is a huge copper pot.

A huge hearth was set up under the copper pot. At the bottom, the hot flame seemed to never go out. Next to it, two bony figures were throwing fuel into it. Looking up, there were scattered bones and rotten bodies except some coal and wood.


It's like a body incinerator.

If you look closely, the two porters who put the bodies have an inverted pentagon shaped ball between their necks, and a black goat is painted inside.

A believer in the devil.

Demons like to decorate this pattern. They regard it as a totem and pass it on from generation to generation.

Deep cellar, floating blood mist, scattered bones, hot corpse stove, believers of the devil

This can no longer be described as thriller, but a real sense of the loss of human nature.


A slight noise came from the copper pot, and then a figure slowly floated up from the boiling copper pot.

It was red with blood. Under the burning of high temperature, it was soaked in thick plasma and seemed to be melted. It had been completely integrated with countless blood.

The other party has no skin at all. It looks like being skinned. Only bright red granulation is exposed outside.

Because of this, its appearance cannot be explored at all.

"The city has been shrouded in death."

"Continue the killing ceremony and project the power of panic to all corners of the city."

The two people around knelt down piously.

Looking at the two loyal believers, the blood corpse turned a blind eye. It just said hoarsely, "the flower of hell's will will will bloom here..."

In front of the copper pot.

Believers kneeling on the ground began to pray, and appalling prayers gathered in this secret room