Deep divers have established a relationship with humans. They strongly hope to mate with humans and reproduce hybrid offspring. This seems to be related to their reproductive cycle. When divers are worshipped by humans, they will mate with these humans regularly; As long as the diver is not killed, he can be exempted from illness, and so can the offspring of mixed race.

These hybrid offspring usually live in remote coastal villages. Hybrid offspring grow like ordinary humans in childhood, but they become uglier and uglier as they age.

The last is the transformation stage, which is a very painful process for future generations, because it will change from a human to a deep diver with a big fish.

Human beings are still like this, not to mention the Naga sea demon whose home is the sea.

Naga is easily enslaved.

Of course, they are not enslaved by humans, but some powerful and terrible creatures, such as deep divers at the bottom of the lake. As long as the other party is willing to kill a few sea demons, these nagas will become the other party's servants.

Deep divers are one of the few bullies in the ocean. Because of their hundreds of years of life, they have been crowned with a layer of mysterious brilliance. In the ocean, except Naga, even mermaids are under the control of each other. Therefore, never think that killing deep divers only needs to face an opponent.

There are many people who worship the deep diver's blood. Some people firmly believe that as long as they swallow each other's blood, they can get a long life.

They regard the diver as an idiot creature. After all, the other party's appearance does feel a little dull, but when people attack, they sadly find that hundreds of marine creatures gather around. At that time, there is no chance to connect and touch the other party, and they will be buried in the sea.

Chen Feng remembered this very early.

As a competent leader, he will not send his own hands to die for no reason.

How can we force each other out?

The power of nature is infinite. The deep diver is located more than ten meters below the lake. Once he wakes up, his power will be reduced by 30% immediately, which is not conducive to the progress of the war.

Moreover, don't expect to kill some nagas to force the diver to show up. The other party is a monster who can't even feel physical pleasure. In its view, ordinary people's persistent hatred is far less important than their own life.

"Call Li Siqi!"

Chen Fengning looked around and seemed to make a decision. Then he ordered the soldiers around him: "let Li Siqi come here quickly."

"Yes!" his men quickly went to the rear and called Li Siqi.

This is a water battle. Chen Feng ordered Li Siqi to come together long ago. This girl who awakened [Mermaid body] has a natural affinity for water elements is a little famous expert in today's order.

In addition to extraordinary ability, the other party's appearance is also one of the reasons that others are interested in talking about.

Her long blue hair was on her shoulders, and under her body was a shining fish tail. As for her body, there was a smell of waves. She was like the embodiment of the sea. In a short time, she attracted the eyes of a group of young talents.

However, the other side has not contacted the battlefield, so Chen Feng arranged it in the rear, but now as a last resort, the deep divers hide under the water. If they do not rely on some special means, the two sides are likely to be deadlocked.

The sea of corpses on the battlefield didn't have time to clean. In addition, countless Naga were crying in the fishing net. This scene will inevitably make Li Siqi feel uncomfortable. Her face was a little pale and her stomach rolled. At this time, when she saw Chen Feng, she leaned slightly: "my lord..."

After waving his hand, Chen Feng took a look at the lake behind him and said in a deep voice, "there is a monster hidden in it. Find a way to get it out!"

The diver is the overlord in the deep sea.

In deep water, his strength will increase. What does this mean? Even if Hong Jiuling had the same strength as the other party, in deep water, Hong Jiuling would only end up being tortured and killed, and it was impossible to escape the other party's attack.

If you want to solve the other party, you must get it ashore first.

Li Siqi nodded and then closed her eyes. On the one hand, she didn't want to see the body beside her. On the other hand, she needed absolute peace of mind to feel the energy fluctuation under the lake.

The surroundings became heavy. In addition to Naga's cry, most people's eyes focused on Li Siqi, because when thinking, the other party was like a God's residence born from the ocean, which slowly reflected a touch of light blue light.

Then, the calm lake began to rotate. The original range was still very small, but with the passage of time, the rotation speed became faster and faster. After a few minutes, a huge vortex appeared on the water surface.

Fast rotation.

The water surface was like a strong wind and began to sway. The nagas who had been hiding in it were swept out of the water again. They seemed to have encountered some fear, and even their voices became a little hoarse.

Through his eyes, Chen Feng has been looking at the bottom of the lake. The originally calm diver's body is now bent down and his limbs are spread out. It is obvious that he is relying on this way to increase his grip.

But everything is reactive

With the increase of the vortex, the suction at the bottom of the water was also gradually strengthened. Except Naga, some stones were even swept out. Finally, when the stones at the feet of the diver were loose, it didn't stand firm and was swept up at once.


An angry roar sounded.

The diver revealed his true face. It was like a giant fish with a fish's head and body, and even scales attached to him one by one.

The diver in front of him stabilized his body and said, "damn enemy, you will pay for it."

Devil's horn.

Gave Chen Feng the ability to collect other ethnic languages.

Chen Feng did not anger the other party, but lowered his body. The hot power began to roll like a thick fog, and then overflowed around.

The smell of sulfur spread around.

The diver was stunned for a moment. He looked at Chen Feng with resentment. He even felt a threat in this weak human body.

Different from Chen Feng before, no matter how he changed, it was just an illusion, but now it is different. Through blood sacrifice, Chen Feng has become a real devil. The blood of burning demons flows in his blood. In addition to chaos, it is also accompanied by the smell of killing.