Advanced is like building blocks. It is not said that it can be accumulated in an instant.

Along the way, Chen Feng experienced countless adventures, and finally let his realm enter the golden stage and really enter the ranks of the strong. Coupled with the summoning ability, his strength is by no means comparable to that of ordinary professionals. After all, although other professionals themselves are strong, it is inevitable that their attacks are relatively single. They can't take care of their hands, their tails, and their space. But all this has no restrictions for Chen Feng.

What makes him so confident is his ability to summon demons!

There are millions of species in this world. Even if the science and technology were developed and the research ability was amazing in the last century, I dare not say that all species have been found. Now, we are catching up with the doomsday storm. Gene mutation has created more than one million new species.

It is conceivable that as Chen Feng continues to be promoted, the number of summoners around him will also increase one after another. A truly powerful summoner, the summoners in the team perform their respective duties. In a certain sense, they are not weaker than a battle group, or even worse.

Because there is no absolute evil or absolute good. Everything is self-centered. No one will simply be willing to listen to the arrangement of others, which will lead to a series of factors such as vigilance and selfishness of the team, which will affect the combat effectiveness.

But Chen Feng's summoning beasts are different. After signing the contract, those powerful and violent summoning beasts are countless. How cruel, but when facing Chen Feng, they look like a good baby. Everything is led by Chen Feng, so as to truly achieve the unity of power and invincible trend!

Time waits for no man.

In this last world, any delay is very likely to lead to unpredictable disasters.

It's not too late to clear up the work!

This island has been listed in the list of transformation. Compared with the monsters in the inland, some of them will be reserved for meat. However, the environment here is special, and most of the monsters have changed, so Chen Feng has issued an order to kill them.

The dense trees here are the nest where insects breed. Further north, there is a desolate and desolate place. It is a large ruins of civilization. I don't know how long ago this island also had its own civilization, but things have changed. Now, these civilizations no longer exist and are replaced by countless monsters.

Skeleton crawler.

Compared with those enemies who had already lost their lives under the soldiers' guns, this monster fought back with terrible attack power. During a period of siege, two soldiers died, and more than a dozen others were injured to varying degrees.

This monster has the agility of a leopard and the bite force of a great white shark. The skeleton crawler is the most energetic creature on the island. The vertebrae of this creature are exophytic and covered with fiber thorns, which are as sharp as iron wire. They have been in a cruel and ferocious state for a long time. They attack the same kind and nibble, and even nibble themselves when there is nothing wrong. It makes us have reason to believe that the predatory taste of the skeleton crawler lies in the same kind. Its atypical milky white blood is rich in calcium deposition, Its cruel nature to any creature it encounters makes it difficult for people to imagine what flows through its blood vessels in addition to hatred.

As a terrible creature.

Although they do not have any elemental ability, their simple physical strength makes them the most terrible creatures here after golden bimon.

Without the arrival of Chen Feng, they will soon become the most terrible guardians of the island and kill all strangers trying to get close to the island.

Unlike now, like a lost dog, he fled desperately on the island.

But this did not cause Chen Feng much concern.

As long as they are not monsters at the level of bimon giant beast, these creatures can be absolutely crushed by ordinary soldiers alone.

The so-called skeleton crawler is just a lizard that mutates for some special reasons.

Compared with those monsters with traces to follow, the human mind is the most distorted thing.

In the era of peace, human beings hide their hearts deeply and try to play their own identity. The end of the world erupts. Under the infinite power of despair and terror, their dark side begins to recover.

The strong never pity the weak for their oppression.

In that dirty era, Chen Feng has seen the dirty faces of those so-called superiors more than once.

On the surface, most of them are the rulers of a camp or a sect. They advocate equality for all and strive to unite everyone's strength against insects or zombies. The survivors under his command, whether professionals or ordinary people, will be treated differently.

But what are the facts?

Ninety five percent of the wealth of a camp is in the hands of a very few professionals, while the rest of the survivors live in dire straits.

In order to make a living, some mothers do not hesitate to take their young daughters to serve a professional, and Soto's things are nothing more than a few pieces of dry and hard bread.

Hungry people will fight for a rotten rat. Even more, some people in extreme hunger will cut off their flesh and blood and roast it with fire.

The world is dark, obscure, and even without any light.

The real poor and unarmed survivors, who live in this dangerous land like mole ants, have no purpose, no tomorrow, and even can't control freedom and life. That's the real tragedy.


Encirclement and suppression war.

These terrible creatures have been forced into a canyon. When there are walls around them, they have no possibility of escape except a desperate struggle.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

The skeleton crawler is making a final resistance.

The last territory was invaded, and their faces were full of ferocious violence. Looking at the human beings not far away, its momentum kept rising, and the whole body seemed to grow several inches higher. In vain, there was a domineering spirit of annexing mountains and rivers. Their bodies moved at random, and their bones made a series of explosions, like thunder.


They vowed that they would let mankind try the taste of death.

cut off all means of retreat.

The manic genes of the skeleton crawler gushed out as if the seal had been lifted. Its muscles collapse like a coiled dragon. It is like a giant iron beast. Every breath can shake the surrounding air and produce a gust of wind.

Its height increased sharply, reaching a height of three meters in vain. The whole body is painted black, giving people a strange and strong temperament. Especially the eyes of the four eyes are stretched out. Standing beside it, you can hear the strong and powerful heartbeat of "bang bang bang", just like a wild beast coming from hell. Its amazing combat effectiveness and vitality are enough to scare ordinary people!


The explosion of power made the skeleton crawler particularly excited. He strode away, pit by pit, ring by step, and reached the middle of the battlefield in an instant.

In their turbid white pupils, they glow like ghosts, bloodthirsty, cruel, hungry and thirsty; Several skeleton crawlers even had broken arms of some creatures in their mouths. They swallowed saliva, ground their teeth, and put their hands and feet together. It was obvious that they were going to receive this delicious food.
