Several huge tuna were hoisted by ropes and placed on the deck.

The cook came from one side with a cart. Several soldiers helped put the fish on the cart and then skimmed their mouths. It seemed that they would eat fish again today.

As the saying goes, the soldiers eat the mountain and the sea. When they arrive at the sea area, the soldiers' three meals are certainly strong with the seafood.

Even if there are enough rations on several transport ships, Chen Feng will not waste it wantonly as a last resort. There are endless seafood and fish on the sea, which can save some food for a rainy day.

Before long, a carefully prepared food was placed in front of Chen Feng.


Each piece is only 2mm. When you hold it with chopsticks, you can even see the fine texture of the fish.

In Chen Feng's position, even if he doesn't choose, his men will try their best to flatter. There are five cooks alone. Chinese food, Western food and some dishes are also carefully divided. Even the meals are the same every day. They won't be repeated in ten days.


Chen Feng has come to the present in order to make a good life for himself. Especially as a ruler, these are nothing at all. Even if he puts forward more excessive requirements, his people will try their best to do it for Chen Feng.


The night is getting darker and darker.

Chen Feng sat on the deck and was looking at the sky. The stars under the night sky were very dim, showing a misty feeling around him.

It's been a week.

Today, he has been sailing on the sea for a week. After a few days, it is not sunny every day. The sea is far more irritable than the inland. Often inadvertently, a wave may hit.

Fortunately, these ships have been specially built, and there are many professionals on each ship. Although the wind and waves are terrible, they are escorted by the power of awakening. There are no dangers along the way.

Chen Feng likes to look at the sky alone, because at this time, his mood can be relaxed.

Just before this silence lasted long, a cautious figure appeared from the corner of the cabin.

Chen Feng patted the position around him, then didn't look back and said, "come here..."

Then the footsteps accelerated, and even less than five seconds, a petite figure sat in the position that Chen Feng had just photographed.

The evil devil was wearing a skirt, but the clothes behind him were swinging back and forth. It looked like a dog who saw his master, which was a little funny.

In the whole order, the evil devil may be the only one who dares to openly violate Chen Feng's ban.

The little girl deliberately leaned against Chen Feng, with a sweet smile on her mouth, and then whispered, "master, I have a dream."

"I dreamed of the enemies I had seen before. They shouted to kill me, and then... I ate them again."

Chen Feng was a little distracted. He stretched out his hand and put it on the bad devil's head. He seemed to want to feel something. It didn't last long. He immediately took down his palm.

Some of the complaining spirits in the evil devil disappeared.

In the past, when bad demons devoured the enemy, they would only devour their strength and flesh. As for the soul, it could not be touched and could only be imprisoned in the body until the other party died slowly.

But with the bad devil devouring the mind reading devil and becoming the golden stage at one fell swoop, all this seems to be changing quietly. Can not only flesh and blood, but also soul be swallowed?

"I dreamed of many enemies." the evil devil raised his white little hand and rubbed the corners of his eyes. Whispered, "those monsters still wanted to fight me, but I soon ate them again."

"Not delicious..."

Bad demons are a little distressed. For a food, what else can they feel more distressed by ingredients that don't even taste?

Compared with the flesh body that can taste some flavor, those souls have no taste, and this may be the root of the bad devil's distress.

"Moreover, recently, they all want to sleep, and there is no time to play with Dalong..."

The evil devil's voice became lower and lower, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

But Chen Feng's expression was quite surprised, because he realized that the evil devil seemed to eliminate those grievances in his body, which had never happened in the past.

In the past, only when the bad devil was about to evolve would he enter the state of sleep, just like the red dragon swallowed for the first time. It was in its sleep to absorb power.

However, it can now rely on sleep to absorb those souls in the body. It seems that its ability to swallow has changed again. Chen Feng is not omnipotent and can't know what has changed in the bad devil.

But one thing is certain that this is only good, not bad.

Like before, it can only be regarded as assimilation and imitation. Bad demons swallow the enemy's soul into their stomach, and then rely on their appearance to obtain each other's habits, but now they feel slightly different. Their body has the ability to absorb nutrition, and the power of those souls is what they can use.

Now, the extra soul will not affect the bad devil's mind, but will become simple energy, which will be sucked into the body by the bad devil and expand the weak Lord's personality just formed.

Go to sleep.

Chen Feng patted the evil devil's body. At this time, even he couldn't know what kind of surprise this heresy created by himself would bring to himself!


A ray of morning light shone on the deck.

The soldiers had not seen such bright sunshine for several days. Some people hurried to take out their quilts to dry. After all, the sea was wet, and after a period of cloudy days, the quilts became damp.

However, just when everyone was overjoyed, a huge ship not far away attracted the attention of countless people.

A huge ship is lonely on the sea.

With the lesson of the last mirage, everyone was more calm this time. When they released a signal bomb and watched it fall on the deck, they dared to confirm that it was indeed a real ship.

Compared with the other side, the warship at the foot can only be regarded as greetings, because it is not an ordinary cargo ship, but a white cruise ship!

The clean glass and the ship without any dust give people a very clean feeling, but somehow, the ship is a little quiet. Even if the ship is very clean, there is no crew on it.

"Is it an empty ship?"

After some hesitation, the soldiers remembered to report the news. At this time, they hurried to Chen Feng's residence!

This kind of thing still needs adults to make a decision in person!