"Be careful, my Lord!"

While Chen Feng was still scanning the body, Lu Wei dodged and stood in front of him, and then turned his right hand towards the body.


The terrible power combined with the devil's blood. Lu Wei seemed to have a special perception of the murderous spirit. It was obvious that he also noticed the strangeness of the body.

The cold wind howled.

Lu Wei turned around, his whole body was filled with a purgatory like momentum, and the phalanx on the upper right was shot out again. This is the strength of the Bone Demon. When the energy allows, the bone can grow indefinitely.

The sixth sense is a very powerful ability.

It can bring its own amazing intuition of danger, and when the crisis of death comes, it will also have a strong feeling.

Lu Wei's face was expressionless. He stared at the front, like the body lying there, several times more terrible than the monsters who had fought before.

But in these few seconds, Lu Wei suddenly felt a hair all over his body, and his heart felt a strong sense of danger,

His pupils constricted, but he saw.

A lightning steel tail was thrown at him. The steel tail was like the tip of a scorpion's tail. At the front end, there was a touch of purple liquid.

Highly toxic.

Lu Wei felt threatened by this liquid. Although he was resistant to most toxins, this unknown poison gave him a palpitation.

Lu Wei's arm shook, and his arm was surrounded by white bones again. After he stuck with the sharp object, he brushed and pulled. The hard bones were immediately torn, and the white bones contaminated with toxins were thrown out. Then, these white bones fell on the ground and corroded the ground like sulfuric acid.

Highly toxic!

Lu Wei was right. The tip of the spike was really poisonous. It was only a blow that corroded the banquet floor.

Lu Wei half narrowed his eyes and Sen Han looked forward.

The steel tail was taken back. At the same time, the figure of the attacker was also exposed in front of Lu Wei.

Sure enough, this is the body lying on the ground just now. It stands up and can't distinguish between men and women, because its face has long been weathered. It is also a puppet, but the strangeness is that its hip has a scorpion tail made of steel.


Lu Wei's red eyes showed a touch of confusion for the first time. Even he couldn't help being shocked by the other party's appearance.

"You have destroyed my puppet, then take your body to pay off the debt!"

The puppet's voice was hoarse, like stones and glass rubbing together, sending out harsh tones.

Compared with the monsters just now and the human corpses falling on the ground, this puppet obviously devoted more efforts to the creator. I don't know what the other party did, and even created this shocking and terrible puppet!

The soldiers around one side were shocked. The other side clearly looked like a puppet, but he could speak human words, just like a puppet with life, which made people shudder.

The poisoned scorpion tail waved, revealing a bright cold light.

Chen Feng stared at everything on the field indifferently. From beginning to end, he didn't move a step. Whether it was the monster just now or the strange man in front of him, it seemed that he couldn't have any fear.

In his previous life, he was humiliated and devastated. His heart had already stepped into the edge of blackening. He was carefree, blindly pursued strength, abandoned all feelings, and willingly became a terrible beast dominated by killing!

It was an unforgettable memory.

However, it is precisely because of this experience that Chen Feng can be full of fighting spirit and passion in every battle.

In his previous life, he had no choice. Whether it was realm or inside information, he was also his own power. It was the bottom existence at all. He didn't even have an assistant called genius under his command.

Everything depends on yourself.

The summoning sacrifice obtained by those who worked hard and risked everything.

Now, Chen Feng is reborn. He still has enough time to accumulate his own strength. If he does everything himself, what's the use of these men?

Lu Wei was promoted by Chen Feng. He has invested too much human and material resources in Lu Wei, from an unknown ordinary person to the existence of integrating the blood of snake, scorpion and bone demons to become the leader of the dark Department.

It can be said that Lu Wei has been pinned too much hope by Chen Feng. If possible, he certainly hopes that the other party can become a strong man of the golden rank one day. At that time, there will be another available man under his command.

But if you want to get it, you need to pay first. Although Chen Feng gave Lu Wei an opportunity, the other party wants to go on, which is inseparable from his own efforts.


For a soldier, this is the only shortcut to climb up.

Under their own protection, they will never be able to soar. It is better to drive them out. It is gratifying that they can achieve great things, but if they are unfortunately injured, it is also caused by strength.

Order does not feed the disabled.

Chen Feng's body will not leave disabled people.

In particular, people like Lu Wei, who is expected by the public, need to be independent.

Suddenly, a purple thick fog came angrily, and a poisonous gas gushed out of each other's mouth. The purple light lingered with endless withering breath.

Lu Wei's eyelids jumped and his heart was startled. He wanted to dodge. However, the poisonous fog appeared too suddenly. Although he stepped back a few steps, his cheeks were still contaminated. In a moment, these poisonous fog corroded each other's body, burned countless blisters on his face, immediately blood and water gushed, and the tender meat shrank!


It's shocking that Lu Wei's skin was corroded by the terrible toxin. This professional who can manipulate puppets is still a poison expert.

Seeing all this, Erwin quickly took out her bow and arrow and aimed at the enemy. In a few seconds, she could force the enemy back with the arrow.

But at this time, Chen Feng blocked Erwen's face with his hand: "wait..."

Lu Wei seemed rather miserable, but he did not hurt the root. What's more, this degree of injury was miserable in peacetime, but many doctors from the medical department accompanied the large army.

After a period of development, the medical department has not been the situation of one or two salted fish at the beginning.

Li Siyu is now a high priest in order, and with his status as a sacrifice to the light, the treatment department is growing. In this situation, more than 50 professionals with treatment ability are recruited, and they are responsible for treatment. When a battle occurs, the number of dead and seriously injured patients is reduced by 70%.

The high priest needs stable order and cannot leave, but in order to prevent accidents, he also brought ten healing professionals on this voyage, three of whom have entered the silver stage. As long as they are treated properly, Lu Wei's injury on his face will soon recover.

Therefore, for Chen Feng, what we need to do now is to let Lu Wei surpass the limit. Only in this passive situation can we be more frustrated and more brave!

Steel tail waving.

The man's attack was very quick. The steel tail that looked like a scorpion threw it at Lu Wei. It was fierce and even rolled up a fierce vigorous wind!

Seeing the steel tail getting closer and closer, if this blow hit Lu Wei, God knows what kind of damage he will suffer!

Seeing the enemy approaching step by step, Lu Wei's face changed and was full of disgust. He just took a step forward slowly, affecting the wound on his face and gasping heavily. However, his belief is extremely strong at this time, like a dark thunderstorm, which appears from his body, making people feel a burst of repressive suffocation!



Several piercing sounds sounded, and Erwin's eyes shrank into a thin line.

On both sides of Lu Wei's elbow, knee, palm and neck, there were eight bone spurs. The white bone spurs were like a blade. At a glance, people felt an unstoppable sharp force.

Compared with the mottled and ugly face of the snake and scorpion devil, Lu Wei inherited mainly the "infinite growth" of the bone devil. However, even though the people present had made psychological preparations, Lu Wei showed some surprise when he was pierced by bone spurs.

Lu Wei's fine eyes flashed violently, and an uncontrollable killing intention like a prison broke out suddenly!

Along with Sen Han's murderous spirit, he stepped forward, and a roaring sound like piercing the air.


A terrible crisp noise!

A steel tail of the enemy was cut off by Lu Wei's bone blade.

With excessive force, the bone spur in the palm broke with the sound. At the same time, Lu Wei's body also suffered some heavy damage.

When the other side reached the end of the steel tail, Lu Wei instantly became a beast smelling blood. He lowered his body and immediately fought back.

Hiding and chasing, meeting and fighting, in a short moment, the position of prey and Hunter suddenly changed.

Killing is a very exhausting thing, especially in the face of such an enemy

Sen Han's white bones.

Lu Wei, a freak with white hair created by Chen Feng with devil's blood, stood here quietly with eight bone spurs, except his hands and feet. At this time, his scattered long hair was full of blood, the obscure darkness flashed, and the bright color was like a shadow between his bun.

A bone spur also grew in the back of his brain.

On his face covered with blood, he slowly outlined a smile. Although it was difficult to smile, he was really raising the corners of his mouth and pulling out a evil devil smile.


Lu Wei showed a look of forest cold as prison. His wild expression combined with his shabby appearance gave people an unspeakable strange smell.


Lu Wei raised his right arm as if he were gathering strength. In less than seconds, the whole arm was covered with white bones. Then, he rushed to the other party at a very fast speed, and a huge white bone spike was immediately waved to the enemy's body.


A clear sound sounded, and the body of the threatening mysterious man was torn


It was frightening. In this case, a figure suddenly appeared in the mysterious man's body. After he appeared, he did not love war at all. After a few steps, he stood on the ground not far away.

"No wonder the other party can spit poison fog and control the scorpion tail. Inside is your body. The body in front of you is just your armor!"

Chen Feng watched all this. As early as the beginning, he felt something wrong. At this moment, when the body in front of him was torn, but there was no blood, he finally understood that the so-called body was just a puppet of the other party.