In the jungle, except for wild animals, the number of insects can not be underestimated. There are countless scattered insects around a deep jungle path.

Juli grasshopper, corpse eating ladybug, sickle spider, blue spot beetle.

These strange looking, ferocious and disgusting insects permeate the jungle. Each is the most terrible predator. Adult ordinary people are not the opponent of this kind of insects at all. They like to eat the living people and torture and devour them inch by inch. The dead don't know how pitiful they are.

The most disgusting thing is some spider worms.

They like to wrap their prey with spider silk and store it in a dark corner. When they are wrapped, maybe people are still alive. The feeling of slowly waiting for death can't be described in words.

Here, it is simply a world of insects.

Not to mention ordinary people, even the strong at the peak of silver, have absolutely no chance to escape. Even if they can kill one or two, they will eventually be buried by the swarm of insects.

Even, after taking a few steps forward, a group of dense insect eggs are placed on the ground. With one foot, a large piece of disgusting juice will burst out.

These are some formed larvae.

You know, the reproductive ability of insects can be notoriously terrible. Hundreds or thousands of eggs are often laid together. It won't take long to form a terrible tide of insects.

There is no doubt that except for insects, this may be a restricted area of life.

But the end of the world is full of countless possibilities. Who would have thought that the only survivors of the city would live along this path.

All this is due to the leader of this force.

A worm Whisperer.

A professional with Zerg affinity, this awakening ability can calm the insect and make it peaceful and calm.

The world is big.

Every professional is a unique existence.

Insect whisperers do not control insects. They cannot drive insects to fight. However, when the two sides fight, they can calm the restlessness of insects in a short time. Even some legendary insect whisperers can eradicate all the hostility in the hearts of insects and become an empty brute force, but eat grass. When they are not attacked, Will not take the initiative to attack humans.

It is precisely because of the existence of each other that the survivors find their homes here. Although their freedom is limited, as long as they live, it is enough, isn't it?

The winding mountains finally came to an end. After an hour or so, they came to the last base of mankind.

What comes into view is a row of towering giant trees. Due to energy, many trees have also changed. For example, these trees in the camp are 20 meters high and have a very strong radius. They can be called majestic. The most amazing thing is that there are some windows on this tree.

It's really amazing construction skills. Look carefully, the edges of the trees are even carved with some stairs for walking, and each section has a wooden door.

Is this the human home?

The survivors live inside the trunk!

Who would have thought that these humans who were driven here had built such a beautiful home.

Human adaptability is terrible. They will try their best to survive. Just like now, even if the surrounding areas have been occupied, they still don't give up their survival. Instead, they come here and build their own homes on the trees.

This is very similar to the elves. As a peaceful race, they will build houses on trees, but one side likes it and the other is forced to take refuge.

In a very strong tree trunk, a conference hall has been opened up, in which many men and women are sitting. They seem to have differences because of some things and are quarrelling with each other.

Sitting in the main seat is a woman. She looks about 30. Although her appearance is ordinary, her eyes show brilliance, her waist is straight, and her temperament is relatively calm.

Li Linhua.

Ordinary appearance.

An ordinary woman.

But in this last world, there is no longer an ordinary life.

The survivor base has a total of about 8000 people, including many professionals who can stand out, which is originally a symbol of strength.

There is no doubt that she is the leader of this base and the insect Whisperer who protects everyone from being harassed by insects.

Status can change a person.

In peacetime, even though Li Linhua was only a small manager, she was in charge of dozens of people, but because of her special ability, she organized survivors and hid in the depths of the dense forest. Thousands of lives were involved with her. With the rise of her position, her style of doing things had already taken a step further.

It is not only a strong strength, but also a first-class means to control the survivors.

Facts have also proved that the quality of life of the base under Li Linhua's command is not high. After all, it is located outside the jungle and there is a lack of food, but in addition, the survivors are relatively safe. With the help of some plant professionals, people use local materials and build houses with trees, which can be regarded as settling down.

"Well, stop arguing."

Li Linhua looks a little dignified. After all, she manages thousands of people and has three points of dignity. She looks at a man in front of her with a pair of black eyes. Li Linhua pauses for a moment, and then says, "I don't agree with you. It's too risky. After all, it's too unfair for those people!"

The man's complexion is a little bad. This professional named Xing Yong has the strength of silver peak. In the camp, he works the same as Wei Xun. In the past few days, he led some people to collect and scrape resources and is responsible for the security of the camp.

Li Linhua is undoubtedly the number one person in this base, and Xing Yong has unconsciously established his own contacts, both strength and influence.

Perhaps it is because his wife died in front of him with August in mind. His character is quite gloomy. He often does things recklessly and starts very ruthlessly.


For a person whose whole family died at the end of the day, this has no binding force at all.

"Play it again and let them have a look!"

Xing Yong frowned and said to a man beside him. The other party stood up with a green light in his eyes. Then he appeared in front of everyone.

A group of people are camping and cooking with their weapons on one side. In addition, the most shocking thing is the ships docked behind each other.

Nine ships.

Moreover, the ship body is huge. If it is really crowded, one ship is enough to hold more than 400 people. For a base that has run out of mountains and rivers, this means that they can leave this place of death with these ships!

"You missed such a good opportunity?"

Xing Yong looked at the others present, then clenched his fist and said ruthlessly, "with these ships, most of us can leave here. Do you really want to stay here all your life?"

The state has been destroyed.

There are only a few thousand people left in a city. From this figure, it is not difficult to see that it has completely become a piece of waste land.


This may be the inherent idea of mankind.

In the event of an earthquake, even if they have been told that the earthquake has exceeded magnitude 9, the results are no different whether in the house or outside the house, but people still don't hesitate, they will run out of the door to look for life.

For most people, it is more likely to survive than hiding in the house, even if it is only 1% possible, which is worth trying.

Therefore, for the survivors of Quanzhou, there is no worse situation than now. If possible, they are willing to go out and look for the so-called "vitality".

Most people were silent.

But Li Linhua stood up at this time and asked Xing Yongzhi, "so this is the reason why you want to take their ship and become a robber?"


Xing Yong laughed angrily and shouted, "wake up, what time is it now? Don't take it to flaunt yourself. The world is over. If we don't go again, we will all die here like our family!"

"According to the eagle eye report, those monsters in the north are preparing for war again. It seems that they will attack again soon. In the previous battle, most of the insects have been killed and injured. This time they resist, and next time, and next time. One day, the insects will be killed by those guys. At that time, we will only have a dead end!"

"In this case, we must escape in order to save our lives. If we discuss and communicate with them according to what you said, how many people can they take away at one time, 300 or 500?"

"It's better for us to start first and grab the boat. At that time, more than 400 people can sit in a crowded boat. Half of us can leave here and leave the ruins!"

Xing Yong said a lot in one breath, and its content makes people think deeply.

The monsters in the mouth are a group of creatures who like to devour flesh and blood. They have gray skin and a height of about three meters. Although their body shape is similar to human beings, they have ugly faces. Some deformed giants even have only one eye on their faces.

They don't know when they came to this land. They will eat everything they see, wild animals, insects, including humans.

Many people have seen it with their own eyes. The monster will hold people in one hand, just like eating sugar gourd. It will bite off, first the head, then the trunk, and finally the whole body.

Monsters have always wanted to fight for the base where humans live. If it weren't for countless insects here, everyone in this camp might have become each other's food.

But what is really chilling is more than that. As Xing Yong said just now, half of the population will leave here. What about the rest?

They took a breath of air conditioning. There is no doubt that those people have been treated as garbage and abandoned in Xing Yong's consciousness