"Sir, in recent months, with the help of professionals, we have opened three factories, namely cement, brick and can processing!"

"The infrastructure of the death island has been gradually completed, and the accommodation problem of tens of thousands of people has been solved."

"Under the leadership of Colonel Xu, Qiaodong carried out a clean-up of Qiaoxi. A total of 23 tons of insect meat were seized, some were frozen, and the rest were distributed to the market."

"And... There were some attacks on the waterfront some time ago. It was a mutated blue whale with a body size of 30 meters. It destroyed the built port and killed 13 people. However, the nagas on patrol responded in time and killed each other in the shortest time, which did not spread the casualties."

At this time, Wei Xun stood beside Chen Feng and patiently explained the development of order during this period of time.

This is not an amusement park, but a real world full of countless dangers. Casualties often happen. For this, Chen Feng did not show how sad.

On the contrary, he was very interested in the construction of several factories.

The opening of the factory needs to meet many conditions. In the previous environment, although there are many corresponding talents in the order, the power damage is a problem in the first place for the factory.

But this is a world where human beings and energy coexist. Although electricity is damaged, people can use the energy of professionals to generate electricity. With the promotion of professionals, they also meet the supply of electricity. The birth of several factories is the glorious "human beings, will they become the past?" this is Wilson's final question.

Chen Feng looked at him and said slowly: "All the creatures in the world are for survival. In the cold place, the creatures will evolve thick fur because of the cold. In the barren land, the creatures will not enter food and water for days or even weeks in order to store their functions. In this doomsday, human beings are also one of the creatures. In order to resist the terrible enemy, they only Can become stronger to survive... "

After a pause for a few seconds, Chen Feng looked at Wilson's pale cheek and said in a deep voice: "the fittest survive. In this land full of predators everywhere, only strong can we live better..."