
Chen Feng also stood higher in the past peak period. When he had the golden power, he was just a professional. Now, he has a new title, that is, leader!

A leader with legendary power will undoubtedly make many people feel at ease. Similarly, it will bring the same pressure to the enemy!


Waves are brewing under the calm sea.

When he approached the damaged surface again, Chen Feng found that there were no living creatures around. There were no birds in the sky. There were no fish in the surrounding waters that took oxygen. As for the trees on the island, they had already become dead trees. It seemed that they could be uprooted by a strong wind.

Now the expanded pure land has reached an amazing point. If life can be placed, its position is enough to supply about 60000 people!

This magical plane has huge and amazing wealth. Even if the environment is still very bad, there are no flowers, trees or even oxygen, it is sucked in from the outside. There is no ecological cycle at all. To put it simply, it is like a fish tank. When you want to raise some life, you need to rely on the water pump for oxygenation from time to time.

But this does not affect the value of each other!

Master here, Chen Feng will have a small world of his own!

The kingdom of God!

Like the interpretation of heaven, a place of rest that only the most loyal believers can enter, in which there is no trouble and sorrow, only the purest enjoyment.

Several famous resting places are:

In addition to the hall of the three saints, the bright water area and the gate of the moon, there are also the temple of knowledge, the temple of nature, the heart of mantra, the sleep of soldiers and the hazy field.

To put it simply, the kingdom of God is the small world owned by the gods, in which there are the most devout and powerful believers. After the gods are angry, he often does not choose to do it himself, but opens his kingdom of God and makes the devout believers participate in the battle.

The confrontation between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is no less than any bloody war!

Imagine that at the time of a battle, when the kingdom of God is opened, what appears in it is not ordinary cannon fodder, but a group of intermediate combat forces with the lowest gold level. Tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of strong forces collide together, and the deterrent power can even break some space.

Although it is only a small-scale battle, when it comes to the death rate of the strong and the thrilling scenes, there is no doubt that it can be compared with any bloody battle!

Of course, the kingdom of God is a rare existence. In fact, even the epic giants do not have the ability to create the kingdom of God, because they can not fully control the power of elements and the land, life and circular power needed to create a world!

In this case, more strong people focus on some finished products, the complete plane, or the damaged plane in front of Chen Feng!

Chen Feng is very lucky, this is an indisputable fact!

Because he is the only witness of this plane, imagine what will happen if this plane falls into the abyss? Countless demon lords and sleeping ancient lives will be in general. Chaotic evil people will cooperate with allies only when forced. Their leaders often face struggle and assassination. The horror of chaos and evil is that it destroys not only beauty and life, but also the order on which beauty and life depend.

In the abyss, those creatures submit to Erwin and fra. In addition to force suppression, they are more from cultural differences and follow the current and obey the majority. They are just a water stain and have no redundant ideas and consciousness.

But the unknown world is different.

Once they appear in an unknown environment, they are like floods rushing through the dam. Some will flow along the river embankment, but more will escape in all directions. They will destroy the surrounding buildings and farmland, and those farmers who look forward to water to moisten the ground will not wait for the harvest in the next year, but become victims of the flood.

This is Chen Feng's distress.

Facing those chaotic and evil people, Chen Feng likes his orderly and evil men more!

Orderly and evil creatures will theoretically follow their own standards and get what they want as much as possible, regardless of whether they hurt others or not.

This can be described as selfish.

They value tradition, loyalty and discipline, but do not care about the value of freedom and life. They follow the rules without compassion or enthusiasm. They like the class system because they can rule their subordinates and obey their superiors. They don't blame others for their behavior, but they will blame their race, belief, hometown or social status.

This is very similar to Chen Feng. When safeguarding human rights and interests and his own rights and interests, he doesn't care about the death of orcs. For strength, he even sacrificed blood to a whole tribe. Tens of thousands of lives fell in this case. It's very cruel, but only limited to the enemy!

More importantly, orderliness and evil are unwilling to break the law or promise, partly because of their nature and partly because they rely on the protection of discipline to avoid the opposition of people with different moral positions.

Some orderly and evil creatures have some taboos, such as not killing (but ordering them to do it) or not hurting children. They think it is better than lawless villains.

Some orderly and evil species regard evil as a belief. In addition to hurting others for their own purposes, they also enjoy spreading evil. They may also serve evil gods or masters and see evil as part of their work. The horror of orderly evil is that he does evil systematically and systematically, so he often succeeds.

In a sense, order is a kind of deformed kindness!

Under the guidance of Chen Feng, the soldiers and professionals of order only maintain the existing laws of the city and their own human rights. As for others, such as insects and orcs, they are put on the list of eradication.

Soldiers carry out planned atrocities according to the rights and interests given by Chen Feng. There is no "magical Animal Protection Association", no "life equality" concept, and no compassion for dimensional creatures. In a certain sense, there is only one doctrine of order, that is "human supremacy"


This is in line with the essence of orderly evil!