Mata's slim figure appeared beside Chen Feng. She leaned down slightly to show her respect, and then slowly said, "all the survivors have been comforted."

"With food and housing, they feel very satisfied."

"Just one thing, those people's mental outlook is not very good. Obviously, the spiritual destruction of the orcs has left a deep memory for them. Some people even have the tendency to commit suicide."


"Although these words are cruel, I still suggest that those people be isolated."

Chen Feng nodded, indicating that he had made it clear.

The pain brought by orcs to human beings, in addition to physical pain, comes more from the soul level. In the process of searching, too many atrocities have been found. Compared with what orcs have done to human beings, human means can only be regarded as some minor games.

The purpose of the orcs is imminent. They should start from their blood to stabilize their position in the human world.


All professionals in flower city have been killed. In order to avoid trouble, the orcs have fundamentally put an end to human resistance, leaving only a group of ordinary people responsible for daily work.

Because of this, Chen Feng's last favor with Kesi disappeared. He took back his previous idea. No matter how great it is for his people and for mankind, it is a well deserved devil!

Some women's mental state is not good. Compared with ordinary people, they are only driven by labor. The pain they bear has exceeded the limit of imagination.

In war, women often suffer more than men.


Chen Feng shook his head. There are too many people involved, not to mention their original mood is unstable. Once they are really imprisoned as before, their spirit will inevitably collapse.

For the closest people around him, Chen Feng didn't hide his thoughts: "don't isolate, first find a quiet environment for them to live at ease, and order some spiritual professionals to provide guidance. In addition, pay attention to food."

Mata's suggestion is correct. Sadness and depression will spread. Isolating them may be the best way, but it will cast a shadow on Chen Feng's brilliant image.

When rescuing Huacheng, the banner was to solve the sufferers. If these people were isolated now, even if no one dared to stop them, they would raise some questions in their hearts.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Don't underestimate the power of ordinary people. There is one thing in common at the end of each era, that is, the discontent of ordinary people.

Chen Feng doesn't want to be a real dictator, because it will put ordinary people's consciousness into a state of imprisonment, which will directly affect the purity of faith.

Those patients with depression only account for a very small number. In addition, most people have a vision for the future. Chen Feng's kindness will undoubtedly make their last resentment disappear. Weighing the pros and cons, Chen Feng rejected Mata's proposal.

"At your command."

Mata knows who gave her everything now. More often, she is just a walker, which is the expression of smart people.

Make suggestions and receive orders.

She has her own opinions, but when it is pending, she will unconditionally obey Chen Feng's orders.

A great half elf.

Chen Feng's face showed a rare softness. He looked up at maita's sweet face and said slowly, "your power seems to have changed. I even feel a trace of legendary power."

Maita trembled when she heard the speech. She didn't expect Chen Feng to see through the changes of her body directly. She immediately leaned down and said, "master... I didn't mean to hide, I..."

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "well... I don't blame you. I'm just curious. How did you touch the edge of legend?"

Legend is not a simple realm.

Among these legendary strong men around Chen Feng, Matt needless to say is an old demon lord, and the fallen angel is the envoy of the sun god. How difficult it is to promote the bad devil. I don't know how many strong men's flesh, blood and treasures have been swallowed before she has completed her transformation and become a legendary strong man.

The maita is just a half elf whose blood is not pure. Although they have the innate perception of energy, they have half human structure in their blood. Therefore, to a large extent, their talent is slightly weaker than that of real elves.

If I remember correctly, Mata hasn't changed this kind of time ago, but I don't know what happened to her during this period.

Maita seemed a little nervous under Chen Feng's eyes. Although the other party seemed harmless to humans and animals, she had personally seen Chen Feng's fighting state, especially after her transformation, the terrible and powerful shadow had been deeply portrayed in her mind.

"It's Elvin..."

Mata said a name carefully.

"Elvin? Dark elf!" Chen Feng frowned. He didn't expect that the transformation of Mata realm had a certain connection with Elvin.

During this time, Elvin was arranged in the trading hall to be responsible for trading with various forces, so she didn't pay much attention to her.

Mata now seems a little nervous. She originally wanted to give Chen Feng a surprise after she really entered the legend, but she didn't expect that the other party noticed her change in advance. The original good thing has now become a bad thing.

It depends on how to understand it. If Chen Feng thinks he has other careful thoughts, he is likely to be ignored from now on, and his people will be implicated!

Chen Feng's majesty is too strong!

As the leader of order, even if Chen Feng just sits there, it can still make people feel a little panic. Now, the eyes just asking have become a review in Mata's eyes, which makes her heart a little disordered.

"Master... I didn't mean to deceive you... You have to believe me..." Mata didn't dare to look at Chen Feng's eyes at all. Maybe she thought that the people would be involved. Her face turned pale and her whole body trembled and begged: "I just wanted to surprise you, I..."

Chen Feng looked at each other gently and said with a smile: "Mata, I don't blame you. Everyone has their own little secrets. You are not only my private property, but also the patriarch of half elves and the director of other dimensional creatures. You should know that what I hate most is useless people. As for your realm, as long as it's not aimed at order, you have the right to keep your own secrets."

Mata stared at Chen Feng's face with slightly red eyes and prayed: "you know, I won't betray you..."

Chen Feng nodded. It's not that he has confidence in his appearance, but that Mata and his people now all rely on the big tree of order. It's impossible and there's no reason to betray themselves. This matter has something to do with Elvin. As his calling beast, she will lose her life when she dies. Loyalty is no problem.

Just one thing, Chen Feng is curious, why is Mata's promotion related to melwin?

After a pause, Mata said, "it's the branch of the tree of life... Elvin gave me a branch of the tree of life."

The tree of life.

Night elf?

Chen Feng fell into his mind. As a race, the night elves are typical of respectability and justice. They have far more attainments than other races in using the power of nature, including the skills of the dark system, but they don't trust other races that look weak.

To be sure, the night elves are not a degenerate race, nor are they drow elves. The former are tree dwelling creatures, while the latter are a group of cave dwelling elves.

Night elves have their own treasures, a group of trees with practical ideas and can move. They are the tree of life, the ancient tree, the eternal tree, the ancient tree of war, the ancient tree of wind, the ancient tree of knowledge and the ancient protector.

Some ancient trees that have existed for a long time even have stronger power than legends.

A branch of the tree of life.

Is it similar to a transfer?

Chen Feng thought of a game vocabulary.

In the eyes of the night elves, the tree of life is a great divine tree that can give birth to life. It can be called the tree of life. At least it is an ancient tree that has been pure for thousands of years. Perhaps it is because it has been with the night elves for too long. The ancient trees are full of strong night power.

For some half elves, this is the supreme treasure, because after swallowing the energy of ancient trees, they can purify their blood and become a pure night elf!

Female night elves have the ability of shadow hiding. Every night, when they are still, they will automatically become invisible. In addition, after becoming night elves, their field of vision will be strengthened. Even at night, their field of vision is as broad as during the day.

Pure blood elves cannot be changed, except half elves. They have part of human blood in their bodies. Therefore, they can accept this magical transformation.

"How did Elvin think of the branches that gave you the tree of life?" Chen Feng asked with some doubts.

After being asked this question, Mata looked a little cramped and turned very red. It was obviously an abnormal performance for a gold strongman.

Considering Erwin's normal state, Chen Feng said, "if it's inconvenient, don't say it."

Maita breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "thank you... Don't worry, I'm loyal to you. I can swear to the spirit God!"

"Well, has the energy of the tree of life been completely consumed? How long will it take to complete the transformation?" Chen Feng is not curious about the small deal between them, but just wants to know when maita can transform into a real night elf.

Once the transformation is completed, the power of order will undoubtedly be stronger!

After thinking for a while, maita said, "I have absorbed nearly two-thirds of the energy. If I inhale the rest into my body, I think I can be the same as you in less than half a year."

As a half elf whose actual age is not big, Mata has an undisguised joy on his face. After all, the stronger the strength, the more he can prove his value. For himself and his people, this is a place of benefit without harm!

"Is that so?" Chen Feng nodded secretly. It seems that Elvin has obtained a lot of good things during this period. The branches of the tree of life are not easy to obtain. In the eyes of the night elves, it is no less than the value of the spring of life. In the future, naturally, there are high-level strong people to guard.

If there is no end, human nature is a unique intelligent creature in the world, but the end is coming, the dimension is opened, and countless races appear in the world.

Compared with the human world, other dimensions also have their own culture and treasures!

"It seems that it's time for a plane trip!" Chen Feng has become a legend. Although other dimensions cannot shuttle because of the dimensional wall, it's as easy for him and the abyss to enter it as to go home.

However, compared with the demon city of Fula and the white bone plain of Saruman, Chen Feng prefers to place his destination in the dark field where the dark elves are located. Even if there are demons, there are also a number of dark intelligent creatures such as grey dwarves, centaurs and vampires.

The aquarium can't raise big fish, because the surrounding environment restricts their growth, and the sea is boundless, so it is possible to have whales, which can't be described in words.

Chen Feng now feels trapped in an aquarium. He is already a legend. If he wants to make progress, he must face new challenges and enemies. Obviously, this land can no longer meet his desire for strength.

The abyss is different. As a long-standing plane, the degree of terror there is far higher than that of the human world. However, Chen Feng needs to pay attention to one thing. In a world that has been formed for a long time, the most embarrassing and dangerous thing is that high-level people walk all over the ground, and legends are like dogs.

Don't think that legend is a rare realm. In some dark corners, there is likely to be a more powerful life.

There is no doubt that abyss travel is a challenge full of countless possibilities, but with the power Chen Feng now has, as long as he is cautious and careful, there will be no too dangerous situation.

Of course, this is only a blueprint for the future. There is still some work to be done for the order. The surroundings have just been settled. If they disappear now, it is very likely to have some unnecessary impact on the rule.

Before traveling, Chen Feng also needs a detailed information about his surroundings. He knows himself and the enemy. He is invincible in a hundred battles. Chen Feng has set many life creeds for himself. It is with this kind of almost abnormal caution that he has gradually changed from an ordinary person to the ruler of today's order and the [God] believed by countless people

Once this idea rises, it is like a flame poured with gasoline, which can not be put out in the real sense. When should we choose to enter the abyss?

This is really an exciting and troublesome thing!
