The light of the morning fell.

The day of order and calm began again, and busy people began to prepare for work, but compared with the noise before, these days are relatively quiet.

The playful children all went to school.

No one wants their children to lag behind others. Long ago, some parents asked Chen Feng to open a school. Now, when the first school opened at the end of the day, compared with the children's exclusion, parents agreed with both hands!

Over the past two years, children have become accustomed to the wild. Unlike adults, after peace, children quickly invest in a new life. Compared with the previous environment with only electronic products, this new era undoubtedly has more exploration.

Tree spirits, half elves, Naga, bugs, goblins, ogres

Today's order is mixed with too many creatures. Moreover, due to the needs of war, many insects have been tamed. More than a dozen insects can be seen flying overhead every day. In addition, a group of mutant creatures such as white dragon appear in the city. In this case, children's hearts will naturally change.

Man is a fickle animal.

Compared with mature adults, children identify with the world earlier. For them, this is an unprecedented world. They have seen many supernatural phenomena. Under the protection of order, they soon forget the pain and rush to this new world full of too many impossibilities.

In the face of this emotion, children will naturally resist the boring life in school. However, this [rebellion] from bear children was soon suppressed. In the eyes of children, the magical new world represents danger in the eyes of adults. Parents hope that children can learn some skills and have some self-protection when the disaster comes again.

This is a doomsday institution.

Some useless subjects will be eliminated and new courses will be added.

Practical class.

Compared with the so-called "physical education" practical class, it is undoubtedly an enhanced version of the former. If junior students want to graduate, they must personally kill a low-level beast or insect.

If senior students want to graduate, the level of defeating monsters will naturally become the bronze level!

Chen Feng set up the university to avoid order. The next generation is a group of illiterates who ask questions and don't know. But he also knows that in this dangerous new world, force and brain are equally important!

Soon those children will know that the so-called school is not like the depression in conventional thinking. On the contrary, it is full of stimulation and challenges!

If you have to describe it, what Chen Feng needs is a group of cannibals who grow in the wild and have a sense of battle, rather than delicate roses growing in the greenhouse. They can't stand any wind and rain.

Of course, this school does not only accept human beings. Other races also have the opportunity to become students here.

Moreover, for those dimensional creatures, there is no age limit. Some dimensional creatures with keen insight know that this is undoubtedly an opportunity to go further.

Because they can learn what they need!

However, among several dimensional races, half elves and goblins have the largest number of applicants, while ogres and Naga are close to zero. A creature naturally isolated from wisdom and dealing with the sea all his life, the two races don't seem to want to waste their time on such useless things.

Half elves and goblins are different. Because they are similar to humans, they are easier to integrate into the environment here.

On the spacious Avenue.

LEGO tidied up his clothes, tied the arrow barrel at his waist, and then tightened the long bow behind him. He was a semi elf. As a fighting Archer under Mata, he had a good performance in several wars. Therefore, he obtained a room of his own in the center of the city.

This is a normal thing in terms of order. The labels of male and strong indicate that the other party should and has reason to own its own property.

But in the social atmosphere of elves, it seems a little out of place.

Elves are a race where men are inferior and women are superior. The highest management level in the camp can only be held by women. It can be seen how different the status of men and women is.

In the tribe, men are more like a group of hired soldiers. They don't even have their own wealth. Everything is firmly controlled by women. As for them, they can only be divided into a small part.

Countless years of tradition, it is difficult to change at the first time!

If it had been before, even if LEGO had obtained wealth, women would be responsible for the distribution, but here is order. Everything needs to be handled according to the rules. Compared with the tradition of thousands of years, all intelligent creatures here need to follow the rules of Chen Feng.

No one can take the house from LEGO because it is a reward given by Chen Feng.

The environment will change a person. In a year, Lego's mind has changed. Compared with the ideas instilled since childhood, he has learned enough words to change his ideas in this new environment.

[gender equality]

This is not the conventional world LEGO knows.

LEGO unconsciously fell in love with it.

Order gave him a way to exchange strength for status, instead of the same as in the past. Even if he made countless efforts, his status would always be lower than those female elves!

This is not betrayal.

Lego is still loyal to Mata, because in his eyes, Mata is a qualified leader who leads his people to stand firm in a strange environment. Even if the process is somewhat intriguing, after all, everyone in order knows that one of the hostesses of the city is a beautiful half elf, but this still can not shake the loyalty of the half elves.

Lord Chen Feng is a real strong man. He has terrible strength and created the shelter of order. LEGO knows that if he has to find a priest who can match the Mata, only Chen Feng is qualified!

LEGO never wanted to leave the half elf. He just wanted more recognition!

Compared with the so-called vassal in the past, he wants to be the pride of half elves. After all, he is the most likely high-level warrior to hit the golden level among hundreds of half elves!

Therefore, when LEGO made it clear to Mata that he wanted to participate in further study, he was actually very uneasy. An alien participated in human courses, which undoubtedly put his ambition on the surface. Therefore, Lego had made a good plan to be rejected.

But what he didn't expect was that the priest Mata just took a deep look at himself and agreed to the request.

This change is beyond the scope of LEGO's thoughts. He has even made a lot of drafts in his heart. Once the Mata priest refuses himself, he will defend himself, but the result is so happy that it has been solved.

"Do it well. Adults will not treat any valuable person badly. However, if you really succeed one day, I hope you can remember that the people will always walk with you!"

Mata has great wisdom.

She knows who the ruler of the city is. Any so-called ideas, beliefs and rules are crushed one by one under the millstone of order, because there can only be one voice here, that is, the will from Chen Feng.

Half elf men are inferior to women, which violates the will of order. Therefore, Mata needs to make some sacrifices. It's better to dig some new talents and inject new blood into order than firmly holding the half Elf race in hand and making it his own wealth.

Mata knows what he and his race really depend on. Once he leaves Chen Feng and order, hundreds of people will be swallowed up by this dangerous world in an instant.

Abandon the old bad habits and integrate them into order as quickly as possible.

Even if Mata has Chen Feng's love and is in charge of all dimensional creatures, it is also feared by some humans. Those human soldiers who have broken their homes and died because of the end of the day have instinctive resistance to [alien].

In this case, Mata needs some partners, which is one of the reasons why she wants to support LEGO. She gives LEGO a hand within her ability, so that the other party can share some pressure for herself one day.

The promotion of order pays attention to talent only.

In addition to humans, if aliens perform well enough, they will also become leaders in some fields.

In the battle of attacking the orcs, a Naga won the rule of a warship because of his excellent performance, which is undoubtedly an important signal for the aliens!

Order recognizes the value and identity of dimensional creatures!

Naga, who originally had a strong affinity for the sea, coupled with a warship with magic guns, is undoubtedly synonymous with terror for the enemy living in the sea!

Therefore, maita is not looking at the immediate gains and losses, but about the survival plan of semi elves in the next ten or even decades.

For Mehta, although the change of customs is a loss, it is an extremely clear policy for the future development of the race.

Therefore, it is necessary and necessary for Mehta to promote some new allies, which will reduce a lot of burden for her,

From resisting the insect tide, the fall of the devil, exploring the surrounding waters, preventing the arrival of the insect world, breaking the nailuo conspiracy, the great migration of survivors, to the expedition flower city against the orcs, and so on!

Order is like a glutton, swallowing everything around, including talents!

If your ability can't keep up with the development of order, you will be eliminated soon, but as long as you can follow the steps of order and move forward gradually, you will also be rewarded.

Those who make up numbers will eventually be eliminated, and gold will shine its own light!


This city standing in the end is not only Chen Feng's wealth, but also the starting point of hope for all people, including all creatures.

This is order!

A city full of future and hope!
