Chen Feng needs a guide.

Although he decided to go to Elvin's city in person, he came to the dark area for the first time. Neither the customs nor the surrounding forces were clear. Therefore, he needed to find a competent guide.

Bear big, bear two.

Because of Chen Feng's evil taste, the two abyss aborigines who were evil one second ago have a very happy name the next.

Generally speaking, the abyss is a world where the strong are respected. After seeing that Chen Feng killed his companions with only one finger, the two bear goblins showed an extremely humble attitude and willingly began to lead the way forward.

Brinden stone

This is Chen Feng's next destination.

The city was founded by underground dwarfs. As a city with trade with the surrounding areas, it has a population of about 20000. In addition to underground dwarfs, there are also some grey dwarfs.

"Master, you'll arrive at brinden stone city in half a day. Did you come to buy weapons?" after a period of time, Xiong Da turned back and asked carefully.

The figures of the two bear goblins are not much different, but there is a ferocious scar on the bear's big cheek, and one of their eyes is even blind. Therefore, they look more ferocious than bear two.

But when facing Chen Feng, Xiong Da was a submissive expression. He was afraid that if he didn't say a word right, his head would pop to the ground.


Chen Feng was wearing a cloak, so the goblin couldn't see his expression, which undoubtedly added some mystery.

One person and two bears also walked for nearly an hour. Originally, big bear two was still a little trembling, but along the way, Chen Feng didn't whip them, but occasionally met some strange things and asked, which made the two bear goblins gradually put down their vigilance and slowly try to communicate with Chen Feng.

As a native of the abyss.

The intelligent creatures here have their own way of survival. They are very sensitive to the breath of Chen Feng. The other party is very powerful, even more terrible than the patriarch who can cast magic in their tribe, which makes their mood change slowly from panic.

If only I could be a real slave to each other.

In the dark region, for some low-level creatures, slaves are not a derogatory term. Except that freedom may be affected, they are also sheltered by the strong.

Some labels of Chen Feng were generated in the minds of the two bear goblins.

Powerful, mysterious, the first time he went to the dark area, the other party even asked about the most common stone, glow rock, so he could clearly judge that he was very strange to this land.

This bear goblins did not show surprise. Compared with those bloody battles, the dark area is more trade. Therefore, on weekdays, many demons or even demons come here to trade.

If you are a strong person who is very familiar with dark areas, bear two may have no meaning at all. They also have self-knowledge and know that their strength can't play a role at all.

But Chen Feng is very strange here, but Xiong Di Jing is keenly aware of his value and provides some information for the other party, which may add some favor to himself.

Facing Chen Feng's question, Xiong Da took a deep breath and said: "Master, brinden stone city is a city ruled by a group of dwarfs and dwarves. Their favorite thing on weekdays is to build weapons. It is said that a weapons auction venue was held there recently. At that time, it is said that the finale is a legendary secondary artifact. This is an unprecedented event. Many strong people nearby rushed there."

"Yes, yes, there are even lichs and some ancient life." Xiong Er hurried to speak and explained some news to Chen Feng.

"Secondary artifact?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the city built by dwarves and dwarfs would hold an auction of artifacts.

This is undoubtedly an important clue.

You know, Chen Feng saved himself from danger several times because of the endless sword. It can be seen that the value of this artifact is even comparable to that of a legendary strong man.

It can be said that every artifact is a treasure and has been sought after by countless powerful people.

Of course, in the process of refining secondary artifact, the forger will generally tailor it for the party concerned. Mages are usually scepters and crowns, while soldiers are axes, hammers or swords.

Chen Feng doesn't hesitate to use the energy of the altar to purify the sword without sword, because the fire element complements himself. If some weapons such as Scepter are used, Chen Feng can't use them at all.

"Do you know what this artifact is?" Chen Feng asked.

The second bear touched his head and apologized, "master, we don't know..."

"Brinden stone city only released the news of the second artifact auction, but it didn't disclose the form of the second artifact, so no one knew what it was before the auction..." Xiong was afraid that Chen Feng was unhappy and hurried to explain.

Chen Feng's eyes twinkled with thoughts, and he thought to himself: "didn't you disclose it? It seems that this is to attract more strong people to participate. After all, if the form of secondary artifact is revealed in advance, it will let some people who don't need it quit by themselves in advance. Well, a simple but practical sales means."

As an outsider, Chen Feng is curious about everything here.

A city created by dwarves and dwarfs, an auction event and a secondary artifact as the final auction.

The superposition of these things makes Chen Feng have a strong interest in the event.

Chen Feng decided to go there and have a look in person. This feeling is like a feeling of western countries in front of the plane in peacetime, leaving their familiar environment to a strange and mysterious country. Perhaps this is the meaning of the so-called plane shuttle?

Seeing something that has never been seen before makes Chen Feng's long frozen heart loosen at this time.

Of course, Chen Feng has not forgotten where this place is. The news of the auction of secondary artifacts was publicized a few weeks ago. Naturally, many strong people will come to hear the news. At that time, there will be many strong people, gold, legends or some more powerful lives?

In this case, Chen Feng must ensure 100% seriousness, and may change the form when necessary.

Chen Feng has two forms.

Humans and demons.

He decided to take part in this plane exploration with this human face. If there is any trouble, the devil's body is undoubtedly the best way to hide his whereabouts.

Caution will make you live longer.

This is a dangerous place where ordinary bear goblins have the power of bronze. Compared with the human world, it is undoubtedly countless times more dangerous. Chen Feng must be 100% cautious in order to explore here safely.

Chen Feng soon adjusted his mood and was shrouded in cold again.

"Well, you have provided me with interesting news. You have obtained my pardon in advance. If you can perform better in the next days, I don't mind giving you some compensation." Chen Feng's voice went into Xiong Da Xiong er's ears.

As a strong man, Chen Feng always needs to remain mysterious.

A message in exchange for a promise that you won't kill them. At first glance, it may sound like some bullying people. Ah, no, it's the feeling of bullying bears.

But you know, this is a dark area.

At present, the two bear goblins are just their own slaves. As their own private products, Chen Feng has the right to execute each other.

Now, Chen Feng threatened to pardon the other party and even have the chance to get some reward, which is undoubtedly a pie in the sky.

Bear big bear two was in a dull state. He hesitated for a few seconds before he woke up. He quickly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed to Chen Feng and said, "thank you, master. You are as great as the goddess."

At this time, bear two was still in a fluttering feeling. They looked at each other and saw each other's surprises in their eyes. They bet right. The other party was indeed a generous host!


That's what rose is called.

Even though there are many forces in the dark area, and even some dark creatures unite to resist the dark elves, their faith will not change. Rose is always the only one.

This is the strength of evil gods.

Although the dark area is not as huge as the human world, it also has one-third of the land, in which trillions of lives also live. Now, all these countless lives believe in Rose alone. It can be imagined that the power of faith possessed by each other has become so thick!

What's more terrible is that rose's believers are not just these. As a powerful evil god, Rose's faith has already spread to other dimensions. In some dark corners, many believers worship rose every day.

Compared with rose, Chen Feng's beliefs are just a hair on the yak. There is no comparability between them!

Then again, Chen Feng seems to have met rose several times. The shape of the spider's human brain is still depicted in his mind.

This is a dark area. I wonder if it is possible to meet each other?

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help beating a cold cicada.

Compared with evil gods, a legendary strong man is better than bear goblins. It is a truth to face Chen Feng.

Chen Feng doesn't want to be played with by the other party as a pet. As an evil god known for conspiracy, rose has too many negative news.

Not close or hostile.

This is Chen Feng's attitude towards rose.

After all, Elvin, one of the beasts he summoned, is still rose's priest. Even if he is not qualified to become an ally, Chen Feng doesn't want to be blacklisted by rose.

"Well, keep going." after thinking through everything, Chen Feng no longer had too many thoughts, so he ordered bear two to continue to lead the way.
