A monster that should not have been born was pushed onto the stage. It was covered with blood and wrapped in dense iron chains. As for the chest, back and limbs, it was nailed with several special equipment to devour energy. Even so, the uncontrollable legendary power of the other party still made the surrounding people feel clearly.

A monster mixed with demons and devil's blood. The other party is only about 1.5 meters tall and has the same body shape as timid demons. There is a pair of iconic devil horns on his head, behind him is a slender tail unique to demons, with only one eye standing in the center of his face.

In that eye, there was no conventional red mans that bred hatred, and there was no hatred. Instead, it was like the most filthy mire in the world, pulling in all the people involved in the eyes bit by bit.

A foul smell pervaded the surroundings.

Chen Feng was stunned. This was not the real taste, but the different space created by the other party's eyes. At this moment, Chen Feng did not deliberately resist, but completely relaxed his mind. He wanted to see how terrible the other party's ability was.

Almost in an instant, the noisy venue around turned into a big pit, which was as huge as a football field. It was full of dark mud, in which many body parts, hands and feet, bones, eyes and cut off heads were placed.

Where is this mire? It's clearly a dead man's pit.

The whole football field is full of dead people, and there is no boring drama of resurrection, but even so, when in such a strange environment, people's mental strength is still in a tight state.


A pair of hands suddenly grabbed Chen Feng's feet, surrounded by corpses, and heads wandering around like living fish. It's such a kind. Under the absurd and strange environment, the emergence of these hands undoubtedly pushed fear to the highest point.

Chen Feng did not scream or struggle. He stretched out his hand and went directly under the mud without even thinking. He fumbled back and forth, grabbed a pile of things like water and grass, and then made an effort to mention it. Then, an exquisite body appeared in front of him.

A demon.

Chen Feng judged the original race of the other party according to the other party's body. As for the face, it was in a highly rotten state, with pus flowing in his eyes, and his face seemed to be eaten by something, revealing a terrible wound, and even the wriggling tongue can be seen from the wound.

At present, the lust demon looks very painful. It seems to want to tell Chen Feng some news. However, because of physical reasons, it can't make any sound at all. Every struggle, the plasma in the body will be mixed with silt flowing out of the broken hole in the face.

This made Chen Feng feel some discomfort, not because of fear, but because of nausea.

A flame appeared over the mud without warning. The flame fell towards the mud. It was only one, but suddenly became a dense piece. The terrible high temperature swept through the mud. At the same time, the lust demon caught by Chen Feng seemed to feel something. His mouth opened wide and made a sound that was hundreds of times worse than breaking the glass, and then made a bang, There was an explosion.

Chen Feng subconsciously closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his surroundings had recovered to their original appearance. Compared with the previously enthusiastic audience, he was a little embarrassed at this time. Many of them even fell and sat on the ground. Not far away, there was even a four armed snake demon lying on the ground with wide eyes and his heart stopped beating.

The other party was scared to death!

Chen Feng is not sure whether the other party has seen the same scene as himself, but what is certain is that the monster in front of him is strange!

After a period of observation, Chen Feng felt several blood forces in each other, including the blood of soul judgment demons, lust demons, snake and scorpion demons and some other dark creatures.


A pure hybrid!

You don't even need to fight. You can cause such a wide range of damage just by looking. The other party is undoubtedly a terrible monster.

This cannot be a naturally born species.

Because too many blood vessels are involved, there are three kinds of demons alone. Coupled with the blood vessels of demons and dark creatures, there are at least more than ten kinds of monster genes on this monster.

The pain on the body made the monster become a little restless. It was covered with a powerful spiritual power field and a trace of demon breath. Its face moved for a while. Then, six disgusting tentacles suddenly grew, and its skin changed from red to lavender.

As for the strength of the body, it has also changed from attaching importance to soul attack to the reckless and crazy atmosphere of the ogre. It tries to break free from the shackles of the body, but the iron chain and the iron bar stabbing into the other party's body are all alchemy items. No matter how the other party struggles, it can't get rid of it.

Chen Feng frowned slightly.

The other party has become another monster. The breath, appearance and even skin color, which originally followed the life, have changed in an instant!

With the transformation of the monster, the surroundings were quiet. The audience did not panic because of the death of one of their companions. On the contrary, after seeing the amazing change of the other party, their face became a little more wonderful, and fear and excitement were mixed among the people.

Fear is because of the other party's terror. If you break free, there is no possibility of survival, but excitement is because such a powerful creature is tied to the high platform like a slave. This feeling of being superior to the strong and even stepping on the other party's head makes these audiences intoxicated.

Creating the existence of this monster is a real madman!

Erwin was very satisfied with the audience's expression. She understood the truth that rare goods can live in. No matter whether others buy them or not, as long as they can bring strong interest to the audience, the auction will be more than half successful,

She looked around and continued: "this is a monster created by a great caster. The other party has 13 different monster blood in his body. For special reasons, the blood in his body will reorganize every other hour, and then he will become a new species."

"The other party is terrible and also has lethality, but the undeniable point is that the other party is a good collection. Owning it is equivalent to owning many legendary slaves!"

"The owner of the sale is unwilling to disclose his name. The auction will respect each other's choice, so I'll negotiate the value of the auction with you."

"The other party needs a batch of food. Interested viewers can start shooting now..."