Everything in front of me is so strange.

The water ghost dragged his tired body down from the deck and went on a long voyage. There were only two ships with five ships. More than hundreds of people were buried at the bottom of the sea. This is the situation today.

The sea is dangerous, especially in the environment of doomsday. No one can know what kind of monster is hiding in the depths of the sea!

The water ghost has seen whales the size of an iceberg swim by and heard some inexplicable songs in the evening. Those songs seem to have great magic and drive the crew forward. Of course, there are all kinds of unspeakable things. The strangest thing is that it even saw a ghost ship.

It was not made of conventional steel, but a wooden ship, which was covered with moss and weapons. What's more, it raised a skeleton flag on the ship.

The water ghost participated in the orc attack and defense, and therefore became a golden strong man. Its strong power did not make it proud. On the contrary, after various changes, he became more cautious.

He gave up exploring the ship because the water ghost instinctively felt that once he really went deep into it, there was a great possibility of some irreversible danger.

During the voyage for several months, the water ghost experienced soul stirring that he could not imagine in his life, including despair, pain and countless disasters.

Without Naga's help, the team would have been buried at the bottom of the sea. Even though it was full of hardships, the five ships were still moving forward with fear, and there were no large-scale casualties. However, the storm a week ago became the beginning of this nightmare.

The water ghost has never seen such a terrible storm. A few minutes ago, the sky was still clear. Before long, the dark clouds gathered above his head, and the sun seemed to be swallowed up, leaving him in darkness.

The storm came.

There were cries everywhere.

All the crew involved in this voyage are elite, and everyone has more or less military achievements. After all, this is not an ordinary exploration of food, but the discovery of the new world, so the staffing should be optimized.

It is hard to imagine that those soldiers who are strong enough to cut face-to-face with orcs and bite off the beast's neck with their teeth will cry in the face of the storm, including water ghosts.

If someone accuses the water ghost of being cowardly to his face, the water ghost will immediately shut up and spit on the other person's face.

It was an indescribable feeling. Everything around was wrapped in darkness. The so-called experience and strength were not worth mentioning in the face of devastating disasters.

The water ghost was lucky to survive, and the storm caused three ships to be buried at the bottom of the sea. Maybe god played tricks on them. All the two supply ships were on the list of buried at the sea.

In addition, only two ships were also damaged to varying degrees, and Naga, who was responsible for cruising, suffered heavy casualties, leaving only three survivors.

It can be said that the water ghost has encountered an unprecedented crisis. The supply ship has been damaged. It is easy to say that there are enough fish under the sea to fill their stomachs, but the water source has become one of the most serious problems.

No fresh water!

In order to survive, he can only rely on fish blood to supplement energy. Many times, the water ghost has the idea of giving up, but because of his young son, he must insist on going back, which has become his only motivation!

The desire to survive drove them on.

Today, they finally saw the land. The water ghost ordered the crew to move forward at full speed. Finally, an hour later, they boarded the shore!

The water ghost's red eyes, long exposure to the sun and lack of water have put him on the verge of collapse, but he is the manager of the team. He knows he can't fall.

"Seals take people to explore their surroundings."

"The hook takes people to look for water."

"The rest camped on the spot, and three teams took their weapons in their hands and were on alert!"

After a simple command, the surrounding people began to act. Although they were equally exhausted, they still had a desire for life. They took action.

The water ghost also has no rest. This is a strange environment. He needs more knowledge here.

There are many relics before human beings around, some cars or houses. However, with the passage of time, those cars have long been rusty. As for houses, they collapsed because of some earthquakes, and the former homes have become broken tiles.

"Where the hell is this?"

The reason of the storm, the water ghost has deviated from the channel. With only this information, he can fundamentally distinguish where it is!

"Water found!"

"Here's the water source!"

At this time, a cry of surprise came from the team sent to look for water.

"Water source?"

Hearing the sound, the surrounding crowd began to stir. Under the leadership of the water ghost, they saw a stream. They all lay on the ground and began to drink water.

Life is recovering.

After a few mouthfuls of water, the water ghost obviously felt that his strength was recovering, and the stench like blood smell in his mouth was cleaned, and the oral odor was much less.

The strange sound came from the grass on one side. The water ghost suddenly had bright eyes. As soon as he tiptoed, he ran out of more than ten meters. After all, he is now a gold strongman. Both speed and power are far better than before!

When the water ghost grabbed hard, a survivor dressed in rags was thrown to the ground. The other party looked very miserable, skinny, and had many abscesses on his face. It seemed that he had been infected.

Because of the blood sacrifice, the appearance of the water ghost human has long disappeared and turned into a real monster. The crew has long been familiar with ordinary communication, but it is a great fear for the survivor. At this time, he squatted on the ground like a ghost, kept moving back, and said: "don't eat me... Please... Don't eat me..."

"Where is this? Is there a gathering place nearby?" the water ghost asked two questions in a row.

"Don't eat me... Ghost!" said the other party's head tilted and fainted.

"..." Water Ghost.

"Doctor! Come and wrap the wound for him first, and then ask the other party if there is any gathering place for survivors." the water ghost frowned and ordered the others to take over the inquiry task.

The survivors were taken away by the doctor for treatment, while the water ghost looked around with doubts. The other party was alone and had no strong strength. It was impossible to survive for so long in the end. That is to say, there was a survivor base here.

Of course, it is not uncommon for the other party to appear here. Without participating in the blood sacrifice, the water ghost is a scavenger. For food, he once went to the wild to search like the other party.

A piece of land with survivors.

"Find a way to inform order, we have found the new world!" after thinking for a while, the water ghost issued an order again!