Back in the camp, Li Jiong first threw the criminals into the cell. Although the current order looks prosperous, there is haze where there is sunshine. In addition to most people working hard for life, there are a very few people who are lazy and eat and still rely on bullying good people every day.

But when is it now?

When Chen Feng was in power, the laws in the city had been improved. Those who were idle and sneaking were all put in prison. For a time, the streets were clean and tidy, and even the safety factor was greatly increased.

The search work nearby is still in progress.

Human beings have a vast territory, just like animals and mice in the animal world. In this land, in addition to the behemoth of order, there are some small forces.

Those forces hide in a closed environment and form forces. Most of them rest during the day and go out to look for food at night. They live like a group of real mice.

The influence of order radiates around. Every once in a while, some forces will be found and merged into the huge system of order.

Among these discovered forces, the most precious is not the material and population, but the number of professionals!

However, the strength and age of professionals are uneven.

The doomsday is ruthless. I don't know how many happy families have been destroyed. There are many dangers in the wild. Most of them are adults, but there are few children. After all, at the end of the day, they have no self-protection ability. They are often trampled to death because of their weak body at the first time.

Order has a set of perfect rules, which adheres to the law left by the previous generation, but there are some changes because of the environment.

Under the age of 10, you can enjoy the treatment of children. If you are over the age of 10, you can choose to work. Of course, most of the work is light work, and some heavy physical work is still strictly prohibited!

Li Jiong is a patrol captain who controls the guarding work of three main roads. This is a decent job, but the greater the pay, the greater the responsibility. At this time, the order is booming, and everyone is riveted to move forward. Li Jiong is in his early 40s. He is not a small official fan in peacetime, but it is the end of the day, Let his previous efforts dissipate, but who could have thought that the awakened professionals were the first group of people to follow Chen Feng, and they got this status by chance.

The original closed heart was opened again. When it was possible and did not violate the order and law, he naturally hoped that he could go further.

Order makes the survivors here live more like a person, because they have the ability to think about the future.

In cities with millions of people, there will naturally be some outlaws. They may be world weary or evil in nature. They will always do things that violate the law and discipline. At this time, they naturally need patrols to stop them!

As a captain, Li Jiong has 52 team members, including five professionals. In a sense, this is a small team with good strength. However, for Li Jiong who wants to go further, the number of his subordinates is still too small, especially professionals. In addition, he has only five people, which is the first point to improve.

Most professionals are located in the dark Department and the bloody war department. Compared with the patrol team, the treatment there is undoubtedly higher. Therefore, talents have become the object of the captains.

In this case, those newly admitted wild force professionals have become the goal of Li Jiong!

There is no deception. After all, there is order here. Intentional fraud is to be held accountable. Li Jiong doesn't want to slip away from his hand. More often, they are more like a disguised leak picking. Relying on the other party's strangeness to the new environment, they coax the other party to sign a contract with themselves for two years or even longer. The salary is naturally good, In order to expand their small team and help themselves further.

This is similar to some job fairs. Every once in a while, all departments will hold them collectively without deliberate coercion. Those professionals can shop around and choose their final ownership.

Li Jiong made good preparations for today in order to make his team stronger, but who would have thought that he temporarily received a task. When it was finished, the job fair was completely over, dozens of professionals were assigned, leaving only five children unattended

It can be said that the five professionals left by this apprentice are eliminated groups. However, when they all came, Li Jiong was naturally unwilling to leave like this. Therefore, he still tried to interview to see if there were any favorite goals.

In the courtyard, five little heavenly givers gathered at this time. Their relatives died miserably at the end of the day. Even if they have talent and become the envy of professionals in people's eyes, the pain of losing their close relatives and incomplete mind still make them naturally insecure. Therefore, when Li Jiong looked at them, the children who didn't know why stood blankly, The atmosphere dare not breathe.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Jiong sighed. These children are just a group of mice living in caves. They can't get on the table at all.

However, it has been said that

Seeing these children reminded Li Jiong of his days at the end of the day. He also didn't have enough to eat and wear warm clothes. He lived like a guinea pig every day.

Asked to see these people, Li Jiong certainly had his own plan, but in front of these people, Li Jiong was very disappointed and shook his head. When he tried to give up that idea, a thin figure came into his eyes.

It was a little girl who looked only 11 or 12 years old. She was swarthy, her hair was like weeds, and her body was as thin as bean sprouts. Therefore, Li Jiong didn't see her at first.

Compared with the other four people, her appearance is not good, her physique is not good, and even her skin is darker than others, but she is the only little guy who does not tremble. Compared with others, Li Jiong appreciates her courage.

Li Jiong stepped forward with a steady pace, but the killing for a long time has made him develop a majestic murderous spirit. Therefore, in the psychology of these little guys, looking at the people in front of him, they are not like human beings, but more like ancient demons. Their small faces are becoming more and more pale and even sweating.

As a patrolman, although he doesn't have to participate in terrible battles or perform dangerous tasks like the dark Department, he has some requirements for mental and sexual aspects because he is responsible for protecting security.

The girl, obviously, meets this first condition.