The gods responded to themselves?

At this time, Chen Huan's look was completely dull. Even if she fell heavily to the ground, there was still no pain. It was like that the golden light on her body was protecting her from harm.

The vast energy fell from the sky and shrouded the area where Chen Huan was located. A dark virtual shadow was born quickly and shrouded the escaping energy turbulence.

He has a slender figure, wearing a crown and a black cloak behind him. The cloak moves in the wind, but his cheeks are very fuzzy and full of mystery!

A great will came down from the outer void and landed on Chen Huan. With this will came the majestic momentum and the frightening power of terror.

God has come?

Chen Feng.

The protector of this land came to Chen Huan with such a magical gesture.

This can't help but make Chen Huan's memory go back to a few weeks ago. The murderous new leader ordered everyone to build a bronze statue in the center of the camp.

When everyone saw the face of the bronze statue, they had a ray of horror at the first time. They witnessed the battle. It was the stranger who suddenly appeared in Poseidon residence that completely changed the lives of more than 100000 people. He killed Pang Mu and seized the control of the power.

The other party showed amazing strength. No, maybe amazing is not enough to describe the other party's terrible. His strength is beyond imagination.

Ordinary survivors don't really mind the replacement of the upper level. They care more about their own life and whether the food can be supplied as before.

Most people don't want to change the status quo. They have been familiar with everything in Poseidon residence. They have been used to life on the sea for two years.

But the unimaginable nightmare finally came. The aggressor ordered people to move, more than 100000 people. This is a huge project, and the transportation of population is still a deep-sea monster, which can not help but make many people feel panic. In this case, naturally, many people will stand up and refuse, but what is the result?

Chen Huan clearly remembers that dozens of flames bloomed. In addition to dozens of former powerful captains being killed on the spot, the number of confidants involved also exceeded 1000. In addition to some being executed, most people were deprived of their freedom and reduced to a real slave!

Chen Feng's iron hand shocked everyone. In this case, there is no objection to the relocation. Chen Huan doesn't know how he came here. It's just that everything around him has undergone earth shaking changes with his previous life.

pass through?

As a modern man, Chen Huan can naturally think of what happened to him. Even if the upper level gives sufficient food, everything here is so strange, which means that everything needs to start over!

The most incomprehensible thing is that the executioner, which is the new name for Wei Xun by the survivors of Poseidon residence, was appointed as the leader here. Within less than three weeks, dozens of people have been executed for violating the regulations.

The other side is like a combination of countless wild animals. A little breath makes people have the illusion of being surrounded by fierce animals, which makes people shudder.

The most bizarre decision of the other party is to establish a bronze statue and stipulate that people sue every day.

"Your most humble servant praises you. You are a God with mercy. You can sympathize with my weakness. You can remove all my burdens. For you, I am willing to dedicate my faith, my life and my soul! I will fight for your glory forever!"

This is the prayer that everyone should remember!

After what happened before, no one will say no. they may have been used to this kind of life, order and rules? This is the new word given to this power by the new leader.

Chen Huan is just an ordinary girl. Naturally, she doesn't have the courage to do disobedient things. Therefore, for the convenience of spot check, she chants all this according to the regulations every day!

When she was just in despair, somehow, the words of daily chanting suddenly appeared in her mind, twice, three times and ten times. Chen Huan silently recited them in her heart for more than ten times, but she still didn't get a response, but she didn't give up!

She is not a professional, but an ordinary person who has some research on agriculture. She knows that God also likes strong believers. She is obviously one of the people who does not receive attention, but she has no way. She wants to live and disclose everything here to the camp. She wants to avenge Chenzi and her partners. She wants to see it with her own eyes, The monster dies in front of itself!

Chen Huan has no way back.

So she decided to pray to the so-called God's house. As long as the other party can redeem herself, she is willing to deliver her faith, life and soul to the God in the executioner's mouth!

At this moment, her faith is so firm!

So that after more than ten times, she still insisted!

When a huge tree stopped Chen Huan, all her persistence was completely broken in an instant. She cried. The strong girl finally left tears of despair, but she didn't stop praying and chanted everything sentence by sentence.

"Your most humble servant praises you. You are a compassionate God. You can sympathize with my weakness. You can remove all my burdens. For you, I am willing to dedicate my faith, my life and my soul! I will fight for your glory forever!"

This is her last chance and her last redemption!

But who could have thought that when Chen Huan thought it was impossible to hear the sound of feedback, such a powerful energy came out of his body!

God fed himself back?

Thinking of this, Chen Huan's expression gradually became calm from excitement, and finally became an incomparable firmness!

God really accepted his prayer!

The executioner didn't lie. There are gods!

At this moment, Chen Huan's whole body seemed to be full of power. She opened her eyes, and a pair of golden pupils burst into a terrible light. The powerful power broke out from Chen Huan's body and swept the whole forest in an instant.

Under the impact of this momentum, if the death beast just drilled out of the ground is struck by lightning, its eyes, ears, mouth and nose bleed, its head is chaotic, and it can't afford to fight.

On the ground, Chen Huan looks up at the monster in front of him. The golden light flows in his pupils, high above, overlooking all sentient beings. Looking at each other's eyes is like looking at a trivial ant.

For Chen Huan, this is an indescribable feeling. In the face of the monster that can't resist just now, Chen Huan has an uncontrollable illusion that one finger can press each other to death!