The arrival of rose made Chen Feng more alert.

you 're right.

Not pride, but vigilance.

With his strength growing step by step, it is bound to attract the attention of many old powerful forces, which can not be avoided. Perhaps when Chen Feng is not strong enough, these forces will choose to ignore him, but when Chen Feng breaks through a critical point, it is inevitable to contact them.

If it was like before, rose wouldn't communicate with herself. As an evil god, she has her own pride. At the beginning, Chen Feng was just a little independent ant in the eyes of the other party. Now, this independent ant has grown up a few inches, which makes rose start to pay attention.

But then again, for Rose's existence, only the clues of the gods can arouse each other's interest. Chen Feng depends on his success in promotion. If he had just stepped into the sleeping place, he would be attacked and destroyed by the soul of the divine residence.

In the final analysis, the strength is not strong enough!

If Chen Feng had more powerful power, he would not bother rose, and all the benefits would be occupied by himself.

Advanced Epic!

Chen Feng felt that the progress of strength improvement must be accelerated. If there are three strong men around the epic, no force dare to act rashly.

It's only two days since Rose's seven day appointment. Chen Feng still has five days to prepare for going to sea in advance? It's not necessary at all. As a God, rose can shuttle a short distance even if it's just a wisp of separation. As long as Chen Feng can set the coordinates, the party can enter the sleeping place in an instant. In this case, Chen Feng can naturally be busy with some of his own things.

Not long ago, the search department found a group of Griffins.

Like most dimensional creatures, this Griffin group comes from other dimensions. The number is about 30. It is said that the other party has formed a tribe and even gave birth to many children.

The Griffin is a legendary creature. With lion's body and claws, eagle's head and wings, it is a very famous fantasy creature. Because lions and eagles dominate the land and sky respectively, Griffins are considered to be very powerful animals.

Perhaps because it is very close to the sky, Griffins have sunny feather and coat colors. The lion's back body is covered with yellow brown animal hair, and the eagle's head to forelimbs are covered with golden eagle feathers, but it may also be milky white feathers with dark red spots. The feathers on their head and wings may be blue or green, the feathers on their chest may be vermilion, while their beaks and feet like eagles may range from transparent yellow to gorgeous gold, and their claws are black.

Because of their large weight, Griffins can't circle as easily as birds, but they can still do a lot of aerial skills without riders. It can fly in any weather and has the instinct to perceive weather changes. One reason why Griffins are difficult to tame is that they have strong confidence in themselves in the air and will not accept unreasonable orders from riders.


The other side is a qualified mount. As a mount, they can increase the attack power of their warriors several times. Chen Feng has been reserving his air power, and the Griffin is undoubtedly the best object!

Compared with the little devil, the Griffin surpasses each other several times in both appearance and strength!

Chen Feng plans to lead the team in person this time. Even if the Griffins are the highest but the golden peak, it still arouses Chen Feng's interest. This is also an experience, but ordinary soldiers or professionals still don't consider it. Griffins are fast and it's difficult for ordinary people to parry.

All the people we took this time were those above silver, including the elite who had participated in the encirclement and suppression of insects. The Griffin's nest was in a deserted building 80 kilometers away from order. Before, there were many cutting-edge workers here, but now it has long been deserted and has become the territory of Griffins. A team of people climbed up the stairs, Before they got close to the cliff, they heard the low roar of Griffins. These powerful creatures found them, but did not attack, but roared at them to drive them away.

Even though Griffins look terrible, they are relatively calm. They do not rashly attack the enemy. Most of them will give warnings when they encounter the enemy, just like before their eyes.

"Do it!"


Chen Feng ordered that the bow master shot one of the Griffin's wings with an arrow. This provocative behavior angered these beasts, and then saw two of them roar and dive directly from the sky.

"Play freely, kill a few to frighten, and catch all the rest alive!"

On one side, Wang Xudong nodded. As a fierce general under Wei Xun's command, he naturally wanted to show himself in front of Chen Feng. He shouted loudly, made a leap, and then stabbed Wang Xudong in from the Griffin's abdomen. The power of diving down knocked Wang Xudong out, but this power also turned into an impact. Let Chen Feng rip open the Griffin in front of him, directly opened a wound nearly two meters long, and a lot of blood intestines spilled out. Finally, the Griffin slammed into the ground, and half of the Dragon Wing hit Chen Feng's abdomen.


Wang Xudong coughed and vomited a mouthful of blood. He suffered a lot of impact bruises, but the price is worth it. The Griffin in front of him is almost dying.

However, this attack is limited to Wang Xudong, a semi Orc who strengthens his body. If he changes to other orcs or elemental masters, he will be smashed into a mass of rotten meat at once.

Wang Xudong's achievements were brilliant, but the situation of his men was not very good. Although they shot the enemy with strengthened guns when they dispersed, several unlucky people were hit by Griffins. The sharp insect armor could not resist the Griffins falling from the sky, and his shoulders were pierced and blurred.

"Let me come!"

Wang Xudong was a battle maniac. At this time, he stood up again, wiped the blood off his mouth, and began to change the next second, just like a mammoth rushing towards the Griffin!

Chen Feng's ultimate goal is not to kill. If he wants to kill this group of Griffins, the soldiers on one side will use more terrible weapons. However, even so, after the order soldiers become familiar with the Griffin's attack, the scales on both sides begin to tilt. There is no legendary strong man to press the array. After all, Griffins are only beasts and can't threaten intelligent creatures such as human beings.

The battle soon came to an end. It was almost less than two hours. The Griffin was destroyed by the whole army with the record of three deaths and 29 captives!