Countless attacks are mixed together, and everywhere is full of crisis. Benthic magic fish even spit black and red ink. When these ink is sprinkled in the sea water, it will turn into highly toxic in an instant and infect the surrounding sea areas. Many mermaids who escape will be weak after being contaminated by the dirty sea water, and then will be accompanied by convulsions and vomiting blood.

The throne is not soft at all. It displays the large-scale magic that can be performed by the strong half step epic one by one. It has a great range and strong lethality. It is very effective to deal with this dark creature, especially the abyss monster on one side. When facing this move, it has no possibility of blocking, so it is killed and becomes a corpse.

The throne has extraordinary strength. She can't bear it before. It seems that she is accumulating strength. She doesn't hesitate to watch her generals die for no reason and her companions are eaten by demons one by one. What she waits for is the moment when the enemy neglects. The mind and strength of this Mermaid are as unfathomable as her strength.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng nodded secretly. If he had just replaced him, he would also choose this way to fight. It doesn't mean that he is cruel and has no feelings. But in the face of the situation just now, he can only accumulate strength to have a chance to turn over. Otherwise, he will rush out at the beginning. Even if he sheltered the people for a moment, he can't guard them forever, The final result is that we all go to the yellow spring together and die together.

"Ow --"

The benthic magic fish can't stand the wanton violence of the king Mermaid. The black and red skin is pricked by the ice cone. No skin on the body surface is complete. A large number of barbs and suction cups are destroyed, and blood and pus flow everywhere!

The king level Mermaid also turned pale. Although she was not hurt by the benthic magic fish, her mental power was also polluted by the black gas of the benthic magic fish. She not only became impure, but even consumed very seriously. The war lasted only one minute, and the mermaid had only the next half of her mental power!


This is the name of the mermaid. She stared at the benthic magic fish in front of her. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. The monster in front of her was even more terrible than she imagined!

She has already performed several large-scale magic. If she changes to a mountain peak, it may be blown to the ground directly. After these moves have been used just now, in addition to causing some losses to the surrounding small demons, for example, the benthic magic fish in front of her has not been affected much at all. Instead, when she stares at each other, she stares round her eyes and looks at herself so straight.

Coral Castle is similar to the king capital of human beings. Even if Karina is the king of this sea area, even if she sent a message to the surrounding at the beginning, it will take some time for the surrounding mermaids to come and rescue.

The most painful thing is that the tower is dead, and the most powerful soldier under his command has defended the dignity of the mermaid with his life, but even so... The loss of the monster is still not as considerable as expected

"Whew, whew!"

Just when Karina hesitated, the benthic magic fish finally fought back at the right time. The monster from the abyss not only has enough tentacles and complicated means, but also has the talent to erode other people's spiritual power. No wonder it will be so strong

Karina urgently needs to restore her mental power. What she knows is that she can't let her mental power go on like this. Once her mental power continues to leak out, she will always be caught by the monster in front of her. At that time, she can only fall into passivity.

Compared with land, the sea is Karina's home. Even if these tentacles are tricky and scary, Karina's speed is not slow.

He dashed left and right like a swallow in the rain and dodged the endless tentacles. However, because the tentacles were too dexterous and the attack angle was tricky and cruel, the benthic magic fish had extremely rich fighting consciousness and experience and could accurately predict, so the suction cups and barbs on the tentacles often brushed past Karina. If Karina's strength had not been half an epic, I'm afraid I've already been poisoned by the other party!

At this point, Chen Feng can't see that the benthic magic fish is not a monster at the legendary level, but its strength has broken through half a step!

Chen Feng only feels that he has gained a lot. As the ancients said, Snipes and mussels compete for benefits. Now it seems that it is the case. Mermaid soldiers put aside first, and the half step epic benthic magic fish has become another goal of Chen Feng. If the other party is alive, it is also a great help to accept it.

You know, the legendary giant whale can run rampant in the water, and the half step epic benthic magic fish is the overlord in the water, not to mention in the abyss, even in the human sea, can command the supreme existence of countless marine organisms.

Even if the other party doesn't survive, it's OK to die. As a summoner, Chen Feng can still sign a fair contract even though eight places are full. At that time, summoning with the corpse of benthic magic fish can obviously summon some powerful summoners!

Between Chen Feng's thoughts, the battle between benthic magic fish and Karina has reached a white hot stage.

Seeing that she was about to be surrounded by countless tentacles, she gently opened her lips. The clear cold pool autumn eyes burst out two lightning bolts, and whispered softly, "broken!"


More than a dozen tentacles hit, and under Karina's defense, they were photographed one after another!

The means of the benthic magic fish was more than that. When Karina's attention was all on her tentacles, the benthic magic fish's throat agitated, and then a stream of toxin sprayed on Karina head-on.


This is not the end. As soon as the venom came out, another ice arrow full of venom shot. Karina couldn't dodge. She was immediately shocked, and even the water element shield on her body was dimmed.

Damn, if you go on like this, you may die here!

"This monster is more terrible than expected!"

Karina is worried

At this time, suddenly a heat flow flows by the side of the body.

An invisible energy barrier shrank, and there was a strange whisper. Karina looked back in surprise. She saw that in the monster group not far away, it was like a shell explosion. Countless monsters were separated, and the blood and broken bones filled the surrounding sea.

The movement was so great that even the benthic magic fish hesitated, gave up the attack on Karina for a short time, and looked aside with a pair of bloody eyes.

At this moment, time seemed to solidify. At this time, a slender figure slowly came out of the blasting blood fog. His eyes were calm. He looked at Karina and the benthic magic fish, which was full of fun. It was like looking at two pets imprisoned in a cage and had absolute dominance!