At this moment, everyone was dull and couldn't say anything.

The translator has not passed Chen Feng's words to the soldiers, but others can see clearly that just now, it was Chen Feng who killed a mermaid when he raised his hand.

Sir... Are you really not afraid of each other and drown the fleet when you are angry?

Time solidified at this moment. Just when everyone was ready to be submerged, the dozen mermaids in front of them stood still as if they were dull.

In this way, after a few minutes, the original undulating sea surface became calm again. At the same time, the huge illusion of more than ten meters disappeared and became an ordinary drop of water in the ocean.

"I hope you can fulfill your promise!" the mermaid's face was very bad and gloomy, just like a cloud.

"Of course." Chen Feng grinned, then released his right hand and hugged the throne in his arms.

Seeing that the throne was so despised, more than a dozen mermaids showed their killing eyes again, but after the previous events, they were completely frightened by Chen Feng, so they just dared to be angry.

"You follow behind. When you get to the shore, I will naturally return the throne to you." after Chen Feng said this, he walked into the cabin without looking back.


"What should we do?"

A magnetic voice full of charm sounded, and then saw another Mermaid rising from the bottom of the sea. If Karina's breath is graceful and the mermaid before was charming, then the mermaid rising out of the sea now is really enchanting. The other party's clothes are exposed. It seems that a casual action can reveal pieces of spring.

The charm of this mermaid is no worse than that of lust.

The mermaid is also a matriarchal society, so the positions of leaders are held by women. As for men, they mostly act as guards or simple reproductive tools.

After seeing the mermaid behind him, the charming mermaid could not help frowning. Then her face changed greatly and said, "corcia, do you still have the face to come back?"

"Yes, I'm back." the mermaid named corcia nodded gently with an unprecedented calm expression and said slowly: "I'm back. The blood sacrifice call is aimed at the people, not traitors."

The smell of evil.

If Chen Feng is here, it is obvious that he can feel a familiar smell in corcia. It is not the devil, but the devil.

The charming Mermaid looked serious and said slowly, "what are you doing here?"

Corcia smiled and said, "help you, you lost your throne. I just came back to help you save your throne!"

After saying this, corcia's face became a little ponderous: "Amanda, you are really a waste. You wasted a great opportunity just now. Do you think they will return the throne to me?"

Amanda smelled the speech, but she didn't relax at all. Instead, she had a kind of heartfelt sadness and sighed, "what do you want?"

The charming mermaid is named Amanda. She didn't refute corcia's humiliation. Yes, she did stop the tsunami twice just now. Even if she knew that this was not a correct choice, the throne was still in the hands of those enemies. As a loyal subordinate of the throne, she was still most concerned about the safety of the throne.

Amanda looked at the enchanting figure in front of her. The strength of the other party was more terrible than before. In addition to the Betrayer, the other party also had an identity, which was the sister of the throne. The strength of the other party was obvious to all. If... If she hadn't opened the magic box willfully, the position of the throne would have been hers.

Amanda vaguely remembers that a magic box was sealed in the family. It is said that there is an answer to the strongest, but opportunity is accompanied by crisis. In that magic box, there is also a huge secret like haze. No one knows what is sealed inside, but the mermaid still adheres to this tradition from generation to generation, and no one has opened it without authorization.


The emergence of kosia.

Unlike Karina, corcia was originally the first choice for the throne. The other party was intelligent, beautiful, generous and had all the characteristics of the throne, but the other party was also a brave person who pursued strength. Strength shielded her eyes. In order to pursue stronger strength, corcia opened the magic box sealed for generations. Since then, the kind and charming corcia disappeared and replaced it, Is an arrogant, jealous, licentious Mermaid.

Since then, the noble princess has become a despicable person who allows people to vent. In addition, she has bewitched many mermaids to share happiness with her. Nearly a thousand mermaids have been bewitched by her and become unclean with filthy smell. The existence of kosia affects the normal development of mermaids. After a period of integrity and filthy intertwined, Karina called on the mermaid to expel kosia. In addition, she executed hundreds of kosia supporters.

And what disappeared with corcia was the magic box sealed by that generation.

For more than ten years after that, corcia's whereabouts have been a mystery. No one knows where the other party fled. Many mermaids even suspect that the other party may have died in a deep-sea Canyon without fish.

Kosia is a disgrace to the mermaid family. The other party is a rare black ink in the history of mermaids. When all mermaids are about to completely forget it, the Mermaids can't imagine that the other party will appear in front of themselves in such a posture.

"What do you want?"

Corcia asked back, and then did something unexpected for Amanda. She bowed her head slightly and expressed her respect. Then she said, "in my past days, pride, regret and jealousy have blinded my heart. I have no other requirements. I just want to come back."


Amanda was a little surprised. Is this still the proud mermaid princess in her impression?

Amanda never saw an apology in her memory.

Let alone with such a low attitude. Tell your past mistakes and look so calm at the same time.

Amanda took a deep breath and returned to her previous coldness: "what do you want to do? I don't believe you will come back for no reason!"

Corcia grinned with a charming smile: "I just want to go home and save my sister. I can feel the strength of each other. I need my help to save your throne."

"Of course, before that, I want a team that completely obeys my orders. When I was defeated, you regarded my followers as rebels. Those rebels have been detained for more than ten years. I think it's time for them to see the sun again..."

Kosia seemed to see Amanda's hesitation, and then whispered: "over the past ten years, they have redeemed their sins. Is the throne important or the law important? I think you can make the right choice..."